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BAKU: OSCE FMs council sitting commences in Sofia

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  • BAKU: OSCE FMs council sitting commences in Sofia

    [December 06, 2004, 23:26:24]

    AzerTag, Azerbaijan
    Dec 6 2004

    The 12th sitting of the OSCE Foreign Ministers Council has commenced
    in Sofia, 6 December. Delegation of Azerbaijan led by foreign
    minister Elmar Mammadyarov attends the action.

    On the eve, a meeting of the foreign ministers of Azerbaijan and
    Armenia with participation of the OSCE MG co-chairs was held in
    Sofia. Discussed were a number of questions connected to settlement
    of the Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorny Karabakh conflict, and stressed
    necessity of active and efficient continuation of the negotiation
    process in the near future. Starting from this, there was reached
    agreement to hold next round of meeting in format of Prague meeting
    of the foreign ministers of Azerbaijan and Armenia during forthcoming
    meeting of the ministers of NATO Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council on
    9 December in Brussels. In the Sofia meeting, also was discussed the
    question initiated by the Azerbaijan side on sending a fact-finding
    mission of OSCE to the region connected to illegal replacement of
    population in the occupied territories.

    Speaking on the first day of meeting, foreign minister of Azerbaijan
    Elmar Mammadyarov attracted attention of participants to the
    Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorny Karabakh conflict. He, in particular,
    said that Armenia, attempting to strengthen sequences of its military
    aggression in the occupied Nagorny Karabakh region of the Azerbaijan
    Republic, pursues active policy of replacement of population in the
    occupied territories, which is contradicts international humanitarian
    law. This especially contradicts the 1949 Geneva Convention. He also
    stated that Azerbaijan adheres peaceful settlement of the problem in
    the frame of international legal principles and norms, relevant
    resolutions of the UN Security Council, and documents of OSCE. He
    noted that Azerbaijan stands ready to normalize the relations with
    Armenia, but Armenia should observe international legal and
    democratic principles and not base on the realities it gained by
    force and territorial claims. The Minister, positively assessing the
    Prague meetings, expressed his concern with illegal re-settlement of
    population in the occupied territories that seriously impedes the
    negotiation process and called on the OSCE to make its contribution
    in settlement of the problem.

    In the frame of sitting, Minister Elmar Mammadyarov has held meetings
    with the EU commissioner on foreign relations and European
    Neighboring Policy Ms. Benita Ferrero-Waldner, OSCE Democratic
    Institutions and Human Rights Bureau director Christian Stroghal,
    special envoy of the OSCE Chairman-In-Office on Armenia-Azerbaijan
    conflict Phillip Dmitrov, as well as heads of the delegations of
    Turkey, Belgium, Austria and Greece.

    The 12th sitting of the OSCE ministerial Council will continue on 7