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Blasts Shake 2 Northern Iraqi Churches By VOA News

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  • Blasts Shake 2 Northern Iraqi Churches By VOA News

    Blasts Shake 2 Northern Iraqi Churches By VOA News

    Voice of America
    Dec 7 2004

    Authorities in the northern Iraqi city of Mosul say two Christian
    churches have been the target of nearly simultaneous bomb attacks.

    Witnesses say gunmen stormed the Armenian and Chaldean churches
    Tuesday, planting explosives that detonated, setting the buildings
    on fire. No casualties have been confirmed.

    Iraq's minority Christian community has been the target of attacks
    before, most recently last month when three people were killed in a
    bomb attack on a Baghdad church.

    Meanwhile, interim Iraqi Prime Minister Iyad Allawi said in published
    interviews that elections set for January 30 could be staged over a
    two or three week period to help ensure adequate security and give
    all Iraqis the chance to vote.