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BAKU: Armenian ministers says Sofia talks on Karabakh fruitless

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  • BAKU: Armenian ministers says Sofia talks on Karabakh fruitless

    Armenian ministers says Sofia talks on Karabakh fruitless

    Yeni Musavat, Baku
    7 Dec 04

    Armenian Foreign Minister Vardan Oskanyan has said that the meeting
    with his Azerbaijani counterpart Elmar Mammadyarov in Sofia on 6
    December was fruitless since no specific decision was made. Oskanyan
    also criticized the OSCE Karabakh mediators for making no proposals
    at the meeting. For his part, the Azerbaijani minister said that
    Yerevan should abide by international law rather than coming up with
    ideas based on "realities achieved by force". However, the Russian
    co-chairman of the OSCE Minsk Group, Yuriy Merzlyakov, said that
    the mediators were upbeat about the Sofia talks and promised that
    the sides would make public their positions soon. The following is
    an excerpt from Alakbar Raufoglu's report by Azerbaijani newspaper
    Yeni Musavat on 7 December headlined "Mammadyarov-Oskanyan dialogue
    resumed" and subheaded "Azerbaijani and Armenian foreign ministers
    agreed in Sofia to continue 'Prague process'"; subheadings have been
    inserted editorially:

    The Azerbaijani and Armenian foreign ministers, Elmar Mammadyarov
    and Vardan Oskanyan, met in Sofia yesterday [6 December].

    [Passage omitted: reported details]

    Another meeting planned

    The Sofia meeting lasted for only about 25 minutes. The ministers
    who first had one-to-one talks then continued the discussions with
    the participation of the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairmen. No statement
    was made for the media after the meeting.

    A press release circulated by the press centre of the Azerbaijani
    Foreign Ministry yesterday evening just reads that "the sides discussed
    a number of issues related to the [Nagornyy Karabakh] settlement and
    regarded as necessary to actively and effectively continue the talks
    in the near future".

    They decided to hold another round within the format of the Prague
    meeting on the sidelines of a Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council
    session in Brussels on 9 December.

    After the meeting, Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov delivered a
    speech at the 12th session of the OSCE foreign ministers. He drew
    attention to the fact that Armenia which has occupied Azerbaijani
    territories is striving to build up its military aggression. It
    is pursuing an active settlement policy in Nagornyy Karabakh and
    around it and "this is a serious violation of international law and
    specifically runs counter to the Geneva Convention of 1949". Baku
    backs a settlement that is in line with relevant UN Security Council
    resolutions and OSCE documents.

    "We are ready to normalize relations with Armenia. But Yerevan should
    not come up with realities achieved by force and the ideology of
    territorial claims, but abide by international law and democracy,"
    the minister said.

    Armenian minister says talks were fruitless

    "The results of the Sofia meeting will help continue the Prague process
    which has already assumed a long-term nature. We touched on specific
    issues and exchanged views during the talks," Vardan Oskanyan said
    in an interview with Armenian journalists yesterday evening (Arka
    news agency).

    He said that they had decided to continue the dialogue "at the
    level of the current realities" at the meeting with his Azerbaijani
    counterpart. The sides think that "the Prague process creates hopes
    for good results".

    The meeting mainly focused on the presidents' positions on the
    Prague talks.

    "We have already received relevant instructions from the heads of
    states and from now on will discuss those details," Oskanyan said.

    He said that he had got the Armenian president's blessing and
    instructions before he visited Sofia, however, this was fruitless.

    "We conduct discussions and talks, but finally we cannot make a
    specific decision," the Armenian minister said.

    The meeting also discussed the recent increase of tension on
    the frontline and also UN discussions on the illegal settlement
    of Armenians on the occupied territories in Karabakh. Azerbaijan
    informed Yerevan of its position on the two issues. "We decided that
    these issues should be approached seriously and their influence on
    the negotiating process should be taken into consideration. I hope
    an end will be put to these issues," Oskanyan said.

    OSCE mediators upbeat on Sofia talks

    The co-chairmen made no proposals during the Sofia meeting.

    "We did not see any proposal. The mediators again just arrived and
    left," Oskanyan said.

    [Passage omitted: no specific news can be expected from the dialogue
    in the near future, if the co-chairmen continue their efforts this way]

    "The co-chairmen are upbeat about the Sofia discussions. The sides
    will meet in the near future and will make public their positions,"
    the Russian co-chairman of the Minsk Group, Yuriy Merzlyakov, said
    in an interview with Ekspress.