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Armenian FM Speaking On Karabakhi Conflict In OSCE

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  • Armenian FM Speaking On Karabakhi Conflict In OSCE



    Today Armenian Foreign Minister Vardan Oskanyan made a speech at the
    12th meeting of OSCE Ministers. Referring to the issue of OSCE reforms,
    Armenian FM stated that though there are various power poles inward
    the organization, Armenia can't fully join any of them, and suggests
    being a colleague, neighbour and a friend instead.

    Then Minister talked about Nagorno Karabakh. Mentioning the 4 meetings
    between Armenian Azerbaijani FMs and the one of 2 Presidents in Astana,
    during which some progress was fixed Minister expressed regret that
    Azerbaijan misled Karabakhi issue from the constructive course by
    raising the refugee problem in UNO agenda.

    Minister reminded about the conflict beginnings and the reasons of
    the present situation. A group of CE MPs who were in Nagorno Karabakh
    during the tense hostilities, have registered the following in 1992:
    "As a result of recent Azerbaijani attacks villages were completely
    ruined, peaceful residents were killed and children suffered violence
    in Nagorno Karabakh".

    "Taking into account the decided superiority of Azerbaijani Armed
    Forces in comparison with human power, weapons and equipment, fuel and
    food provision, frequency of air bombing of Nagorno Karabakhi one,
    we can suppose that a few weeks if not less are left till collapse
    of Karabakh. It is obvious that genocide and transmigration will most
    probably follow", Minister cited.

    Armenia keeps remaining loyal to Minsk Group activity and expects
    for the same adherence of Azerbaijan, Minister informed.

    Minister Oskanyan expressed hope that European Union Summit scheduled
    on December 17 will underline necessity of opening the frontiers with
    Armenia in connection with launching negotiations over Turkeyâ~@~Ys
    membership. Minister Oskanyan talked about these issues with Jean
    Asselborn, Luxemburg Vice Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs
    and Migration that will assume EU presidency beginning from January,

    Armenian FM left for Brussels from Sofia to partake in the ministerial
    sitting of NATO's Euro-Atlantic Cooperation Council.
