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Powell Remarks to OSCE Ministerial Meeting

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  • Powell Remarks to OSCE Ministerial Meeting

    Scoop, New Zealand
    Dec 8 2004

    Powell Remarks to OSCE Ministerial Meeting

    Speech: US State Department

    Remarks to the Ministerial Meeting of the Organization for Security
    and Cooperation in Europe
    Secretary Colin L. Powell
    NDK Conference Site
    Sofia, Bulgaria
    December 7, 2004

    Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman. I join my colleagues in thanking
    you, your government and the Bulgarian people for so graciously
    hosting us and for serving so successfully as our Chairman-in-Office.
    The United States looks forward to close cooperation with next year's
    Chairman-in-Office, our distinguished colleague who we are very
    pleased to see here today from Slovenia Dimitrij Rupel. All the best
    to you, Dimitrij..

    Friends: The Helsinki process has been and remains a key catalyst for
    peaceful, democratic change. My personal experience with the Helsinki
    process dates from 1990, when as Chairman of the American Joint
    Chiefs of Staff I represented the United States at the first Military
    Doctrine seminar, which was held in the Hall of the Congress in
    Vienna. And it was a fascinating moment for me to sit with all of the
    military leaders from throughout Europe--NATO, the Warsaw Pact and
    all of the other non-aligned nations of Europe--for the first time. A
    new era of hope had just dawned for a Europe whole, free and at
    We can be proud of our accomplishments, but we also know that
    Helsinki's great promise has yet to be realized in many important

    Within our OSCE community, incidents of anti-Semitism, racism, hate
    crimes and discrimination against Muslims are on the rise. We must
    renew our shared determination to combat racial and ethnic hatred,
    xenophobia and discrimination in all participating states.

    In parts of our OSCE community, frozen conflicts still remain frozen
    fifteen years after the end of the Cold War. In the months since our
    last ministerial meeting, there has been little headway made toward
    resolution of the situation in Nagorno-Karabakh or in breakaway
    regions of Moldova and Georgia. A new push from the OSCE and by the
    leaders of participating states is needed.

    Russia's commitments to withdraw its military forces from Moldova,
    and to agree with Georgia on the duration of the Russian military
    presence there, remain unfulfilled. A core principle of the CFE
    Treaty is host country agreement to the stationing of forces. The
    United States remains committed to moving ahead with ratification of
    the Adapted CFE Treaty, but we will only do so after all the Istanbul
    commitments on Georgia and Moldova have been met. And we stand ready
    to assist with reasonable costs associated with the implementation of
    those commitments.

    We are closely following events in Ukraine, and heartened by efforts
    to ensure an outcome that reflects the will of the Ukrainian people
    and respects the rule of law. The international facilitators have
    provided valuable assistance. What is important now is for all sides
    to cooperate fully in the implementation of the December 3 decision
    of the Supreme Court.

    All of us in the OSCE community have an interest in a swift, peaceful
    outcome through a democratic process. The Government of Ukraine
    expects the OSCE to observe the re-running of the second round, and
    we urge other participating states to join the United States in
    providing the OSCE with the resources, both fiscal and manpower
    resources, to carry out this mission.

    At the same time, we continue to be concerned by the unfulfilled
    promises of democracy and respect for fundamental freedoms in some
    OSCE states. We remain concerned about developments in Russia, most
    notably those affecting freedom of the press and the rule of law.
    Belarus remains an egregious example of a participating state failing
    to live up to its OSCE commitments on human rights, democracy and the
    rule of law.

    Some countries have recently argued that the OSCE's field work
    constitutes interference in internal affairs, that the OSCE has
    "double standards," and that the OSCE has concentrated its efforts in
    the former Soviet republics and has done it for political reasons. I
    categorically disagree. All OSCE participating states signed up to
    the proposition that fundamental freedoms, democracy and the rule of
    law are of legitimate concern to us all.

    OSCE's 17 field missions are among its most important assets. The
    missions are working for democracy, human rights and conflict
    resolution, and, they're working from the Balkans to Central Asia. In
    Georgia, the OSCE's Border Monitoring Operation is contributing to
    stability on a sensitive border, and its mandate should be extended
    for another year. We all need to make sure that the missions have the
    support and the resources necessary to do their jobs.

    For our part, the United States takes seriously its commitments to
    respect human rights, practice democratic government and uphold the
    rule of law. We have sought to lead by example with transparency and
    openness. At the OSCE's annual human dimension meeting, we hosted a
    side event on the abuse of detainees in U.S. custody in Iraq. These
    abuses were contrary to U.S. law and policy, and the United States
    chose to organize this event to show the steps being taken to
    investigate and hold accountable those responsible.

    The United States bases its faith in the OSCE's future not just on
    past successes, but on the significant contributions this pioneering
    organization is making today. In the past twelve months alone, the
    record has been impressive. The OSCE and its Parliamentary Assembly
    undertook a Herculean effort to mobilize swiftly to observe and
    facilitate two seminal national elections in Georgia. And, in
    response to a request for help from Afghanistan, the OSCE sent its
    first election assistance team outside Europe and Eurasia. OSCE's was
    the leading voice from Kabul that reassured the world that the
    outcome of the election truly reflected the choice of the Afghan
    people. The OSCE's landmark work in fighting intolerance has become
    the standard by which other organizations' efforts are measured. And
    the OSCE has adopted concrete steps to combat international terrorism
    and trafficking in persons.

    The United States always welcomes suggestions for ways to further
    strengthen the OSCE. We are open to increasing the OSCE's activities
    to promote security and economic development, but not at the expense
    of the OSCE's core democracy and human rights work.

    Here in Sofia, the OSCE must continue to advance an active and
    ambitious agenda. The United States strongly supports the creation of
    special representatives to address anti-Semitism, racism and
    discrimination, and anti-Muslim sentiment. We adopted new measures to
    fight corruption. And the OSCE would take an important step forward
    by responding positively to requests from the Palestinian Authority
    and from Iraq for election observers.

    Mr. Chairman, Colleagues, I am confident that the OSCE will rise to
    the challenges of a changing Europe and a changing world. I am also
    confident that this valuable organization will continue to serve as a
    major force for human dignity, democracy, prosperity and security and
    will do so in the months and years to come and will do so

    Thank you, Mr. Chairman.



    Released on December 7, 2004