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ANKARA: Erdogan Revives Ataturk Diplomacy

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  • ANKARA: Erdogan Revives Ataturk Diplomacy

    Zaman Online, Turkey
    Dec 13 2004

    Erdogan Revives Ataturk Diplomacy


    For months, Zaman's foreign news desk has been working hard to
    prepare a special supplement 'Why Turkey?' for Turkish-EU relations
    before European Council's critical 16-17 December summit. One of the
    topics, which I asked for a through analysis, was an evaluation of
    Turkey's membership process in terms of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk's
    principles. Because according to some nationalist-leftist circles,
    Turkey's EU membership is tantamount to a betrayal of Ataturk, hence,
    those who are shouldering this project, most especially the Justice
    and Development Party (AKP) government, are on a wrong path. To some
    however, the EU is nothing more than a modern expression of
    "contemporary civilization" as it was envisaged and encoraged by

    As a matter of fact, we requested an article from Professor Toktamis
    Ates, who we believed would deal with the subject delicately.
    However, because of the late delivery of the article and a
    translation delay, this article by Professor Ates could not be
    included in the supplement's hard copy version; nonetheless, Turkish
    readers can still read this article in our print copy in Turkey, and
    our international readers can read it in the "Why Turkey?" section
    that will be published on

    The alliance between anti-EU Kemalist line, which is on the opposing
    side because of its attitude against Westernization and the
    nationalist-leftist-Islamist section, presents an interesting
    picture. However, let's leave the analysis of this picture for
    another article and deal with the issue of whether huge support of
    the Turkish society and state for the EU membership is a betrayal to
    the legacy of Ataturk's world vision and to the notion of his foreign

    To clear that picture, first we should focus on the basic approaches
    that constitute his vision on Turkish foreign policy. Whenever
    Ataturk and foreign policy are mentioned, without the slightest
    doubt, his principle of "Peace at home, peace in the world" comes to
    mind. Whereas another factor, as influential as this principle in
    Ataturk's foreign policy, was pragmatism. The Lausanne Treaty, which
    was almost sanctified by his ideological followers, was an outcome of
    that pragmatism. In fact, if the issue was left to Ataturk's idealist
    contemporaries, Lausanne would never have been adopted and even a war
    with the Great Britain, the superpower of the time, might have been
    waged over the Mosul (Musul) conflict. "Friendship with the Soviets,"
    which even today leads some groups to refer to Ataturk as "comrade,"
    was also a reflection of his pragmatism.

    However, the issue of including Hatay in Turkey's borders and that of
    strengthening hegemony over the Straits through the Montreux Treaty
    also indicate how bold he could be when the occasion arose. Maybe for
    an Ottoman soldier who witnessed the fall of a 600-year-old plane
    tree, his only ideology was the country's independence and unity.
    That's why his pragmatism stemmed from his meticulousness on this
    issue rather than on not having principles.

    Another significant foreign policy approach of Ataturk was his effort
    to develop cooperation with Turkey's neighbors. Perhaps, the Balkan
    and the Sadabad Pacts were the most concrete examples of this policy.

    Today, anyone who analyzes Erdogan's foreign policy with an objective
    view would acknowledge that there is no betrayal of Ataturk, on the
    contrary, it is a multisided renewal of his forgotten heritage that
    is being realized. Today, while Turkey is experiencing its golden
    years with the neighbors, except Armenia, its predominance in the
    world is increasing rapidly each day. Let's look at the historic
    events that have materialized within this year alone:

    For the first time since the creation of the Syrian state, our
    southern neighbor, a president from this country, Bashar al-Assad,
    paid an official visit to Turkey. The last NATO Summit in which over
    50 states attended, was hosted by Turkey. Despite the rejection of
    the [Iraq] motion, President of the United States George W. Bush
    visited Ankara in the summer as the leader of world's only
    superpower. For the first time ever, a Russian president (Vladimir
    Putin) paid an official visit to Turkey. Again for the first time,
    Turkey earned the status of secretary-general in a top caliber
    organization like Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC).

    Do not listen to those who are trying to collect political benefits
    from tragic operations taking place in Fallujah by putting the blame
    on Erdogan government, Turkey's policy on the Iraq crisis and the
    Palestinian cause, that it has been following from the very
    beginning, is of such quality that even makes most of the Arabs
    envious. While reforms accomplished on the EU issue and peace
    initiative pursued over Cyprus have taken Turkey to a strong position
    for the first time, it has sent Europe into a state of limbo, not
    really knowing what to do.

    When you read Professor Toktamis Ates' article, you will see that he
    also emphasizes that if Ataturk were alive today, he would have
    worked hard for the EU membership though he would have acted
    meticulously on the transfer of sovereignty rights.

    In my opinion, viewing the success achieved as betrayal because of
    ideological obsessions can only be explained through psychological
    factors. There is no need to be pessimistic: I have no doubt that the
    accession could have a great contribution to Turkey, to the EU and to
    the world in general. However, Turkey is already one of the shining
    stars in the region. As a result, let the EU leaders think whether
    they will benefit from Turkey's illumination or not.