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U.S. Double Standard for Turkey Damages U.S. Interests

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  • U.S. Double Standard for Turkey Damages U.S. Interests

    U.S. Double Standard for Turkey Damages U.S. Interests
    By Gene Rossides &lang=3DUS

    December 13, 2004

    The United States application of a double standard on the rule of law
    to Turkey has damaged and continues to damage Unites States interests
    in the region and throughout the world, yet little notice is given to
    it in the media or academic and think tank communities.

    Further, the U.S. appeasement of Turkey at the expense of Greece,
    Cyprus, and other nations in the region also damages U.S. interests.

    Let's look at the facts.

    1. When Turkey invaded Cyprus on July 20, 1974 with the illegal use of
    U.S. supplied arms, the State Department violated the U.S. Foreign
    Assistance Act of 1961, as amended, which prohibited the use of
    U.S. supplied arms for aggression, by refusing to halt immediately
    arms to Turkey. The Secretary of State at that time was Henry
    A. Kissinger. Kissinger and the State Department refused to denounce
    Turkey's invasion.

    2. From August 14-16, 1974, Turkey broke the UN sponsored negotiations
    and cease-fire and renewed its aggression with a massive assault on
    the Greek Cypriots and increased its land grab from 4 percent to 37.3
    percent of Cyprus with widespread destruction, killings, rapes and
    looting, and forced 200,000 Greek Cypriots from their homes and
    properties. The U.S. again violated the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961
    by failing to halt arms to Turkey and did not denounce the renewed

    Indeed on August 13, 1974 an official State Department announcement
    approved by Kissinger encouraged the renewed aggression by stating
    that the Turkish Cypriots needed more protection.

    3. On February 26, 1975 Kissinger initiated legislation to overturn
    the rule of law embargo enacted by the Congress in the fall of 1974
    following Turkey's invasion of Cyprus when the State Department had
    refused to apply the provisions of the Foreign Assistance Act to

    In the spring and summer of 1975 Secretary of State Henry Kissinger
    mounteda massive effort to overturn the embargo. Congress held firm in
    July 1975 but partially weakened thereafter and on October 2, 1975 the
    rule of law was partially lifted.

    4. President Jimmy Carter in direct violation of his campaign pledge
    of September 16, 1976, initiated a substantial lobbying effort with
    the Congress in 1978 to lift the remaining rule of law embargo. That
    effort succeeded in the summer of 1978. 5. Turkey, in violation of
    the Geneva Convention of 1949, has brought over 100,000 illegal
    Turkish colonists/ settlers from Anatolia to occupied Cyprus. The
    U.S. has done nothing to stop the flow of these settlers nor pushed to
    have them returned to Turkey.

    6. In 1984 Turkey started a massive military operation against its
    Kurdish minority who were seeking political, human and cultural
    rights. The Turks used 250,000 soldiers in operations which over the
    years killed over 30,000 innocent Kurdish citizens, destroyed 3,000
    Kurdish villages and created three million Kurdish refugees.

    The U.S. Executive Branch did nothing to object to Turkey's ethnic
    cleansing, crimes against humanity and genocide against the
    Kurds. Indeed the U.S. continued military and economic aid to Turkey
    making the U.S. an accessory to Turkey's actions against its 20
    percent Kurdish minority. There is also theissue of the legality of
    the use of U.S. arms by Turkey against its Kurdish minority.

    7. Turkey has repeatedly since the mid-1980s illegally invaded
    northern Iraq with the illegal use of U.S. arms to attack the Kurds in
    northern Iraq. Again the U.S. Executive failed to enforce the Foreign
    Assistance Act of 1961 and did nothing despite pleas from Congress.

    8. The Aegean Sea boundary. Turkey has made claim to one-half of the
    Aegean Sea and refuses to take its claim to the International Court of
    Justice at the Hague for a binding ruling. The State Department has
    refused to state publicly that it accepts as final the treaty-defined
    demarcation of the maritime border between Greece and Turkey in the
    Aegean Sea. The relevant agreementsare the Lausanne Treaty of 1923,
    the Italy-Turkey Convention of January 4, 1932, the Italy-Turkey
    Protocol of December 28, 1932 and the 1947 Paris Peace Treaty, under
    which the Dodecanese Islands and adjacent islets were ceded by Italy
    and Greece.

    The U.S. is a signatory to the 1947 Paris Peace Treaty and is
    obligated by U.S. law to carry out its provisions. The State
    Department has failed to publicly declare what the law is despite
    requests and should do so now. TheU.S. should also publicly repudiate
    any challenge to the treaty -defined boundary and should urge Turkey
    to submit its claim to the International Court of Justice in The

    9. Turkish violation of Greek air space in the Aegean has been ongoing
    since at least 1974, three decades, and the U.S. has basically done
    nothing to stop it.

    10. Economic blockade of Armenia. AHI supports the Armenian American
    community's efforts on the Humanitarian Aid Corridor Act, passed as
    part ofthe 1997 Foreign Aid Bill, which calls for a halt to
    U.S. assistance to any country blocking U.S. aid to another
    country. The Turkish blockage of aid to Armenia includes
    U.S. humanitarian and pharmaceutical aid. We deplore the
    Administration's waiver of that Act for Turkey. It is in the
    interests of the U.S. to recognize the 1915 Armenian Genocide on the
    lines of H. Res. 193 which had passed by the House International
    Relations Committee and S. Res. 164 in the Senate. We refer readers to
    Peter Balakian's new book The Burning Tigris, a remarkable history of
    the Armenian genocide by the Young Turk government in
    Turkey. Mr. Balakian includes the details of the humanitarian movement
    of leading American public citizens and ordinary citizens to save the

    11. Armenian Genocide. The Executive Branch actively and successfully

    to prevent the Congress from passing an Armenian Genocide resolution.

    12. The undemocratic, unworkable and not financially viable UN Annan
    Plan was influenced and drafted primarily by Lord David Hannay of
    Britain and the U.S. The undemocratic features of the British and
    U.S. maneuvered Annan Plan, whereby an 18 percent Turkish Cypriot
    minority has a veto over all legislation and executive decisions makes
    a mockery of the U.S. `Initiative for Democracy in the Middle East'
    and elsewhere.

    A future article will discuss those presently responsible for the
    U.S. double standard for and appeasement of Turkey to the detriment of
    U.S. interests.

    Gene Rossides, President of the American Hellenic Institute and a
    former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury