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BAKU: Azerbaijan wants more British support in Karabakh issue - aide

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  • BAKU: Azerbaijan wants more British support in Karabakh issue - aide

    Azerbaijan wants more British support in Karabakh issue - aide

    ANS TV, Baku
    11 Dec 04

    [Presenter] The country's main Karabakh problem will be in the focus
    of attention during Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev's official
    visit to London, which starts tomorrow. Official Baku intends to gain
    political support from the visit, the head of the international
    relations department of the Azerbaijani presidential administration,
    Novruz Mammadov, has told us.

    [Correspondent over video of Mammadov in his office] President
    Aliyev's meetings in London will focus on the Nagornyy Karabakh
    problem and the expansion of economic relations between Azerbaijan and

    [Passage omitted: reported details]

    Taking into consideration mainly the level of relations between the
    two countries, the president will stress during the visit that
    Azerbaijan also needs more support for the settlement of numerous
    issues in the political sphere.

    [Mammadov] In exchange for the relations we have, we expect the
    British government to give us more support in the Karabakh settlement
    and to be more active in this sphere.

    [Correspondent] During his meetings in parliament, the president will
    express official Baku's stance on various visits by British MPs,
    especially Baroness Cox, to Azerbaijan's occupied region of Nagornyy
    Karabakh. He will also touch on Britain's neutral position on the
    situation in Azerbaijan's occupied lands discussed at the UN General

    This is not the first time that we have seen such an attitude, Mr
    Mammadov said. As for relations between the OSCE and the UN, numerous
    countries of the world have been taking such a stance, he noted [as
    heard]. We already know this, he said.

    [Mammadov] We are surprised at this simply because that this position
    is not fair. Today this does not help issues to develop in a positive
    direction and solve problems in line with international legal
    norms. However, these states express their positions in this
    way. Azerbaijan expresses its position on the subject not only during
    such meetings. The Azerbaijani president has expressed this position
    in various ways in Azerbaijan. They also know this. We simply describe
    this as double standards sometimes. And we are actually right to do

    [Passage omitted: more about the schedule of the president's visit]

    Aytan Safarova and Elxan Huseynov for ANS.