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AF USA Efforts Resulted in Unprecedented Success in 2004 Telethon

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  • AF USA Efforts Resulted in Unprecedented Success in 2004 Telethon

    Armenia Fund USA
    152 Madison Ave, #803
    New York, NY 10016
    Contact: Lisa Markarian
    Tel: 212-689-5307
    Fax: 212-689-5317
    E-Mail: <mailto:[email protected]> [email protected]
    Web: <>

    Armenia Fund USA's Fundraising Efforts Resulted in Unprecedented Success
    in the 2004 Telethon

    Every Thanksgiving Day marks the annual Armenia Fund Telethon, and this
    year was no different. Contributions poured in non-stop from around the
    globe to volunteer and staff phone bank operators in The Fund's New York
    City and Glendale offices - Germany, Russia, France, England, Holland,
    Brazil, Argentina, cities around the US, and even Armenia and Karabakh
    are just some countries that got involved. It is a monumental
    initiative that brings each and every one of us together, remembering
    why we are so scattered, obligating us to rise up to the occasion and
    help our homeland. This day echoes the words of William Saroyan from so
    long ago, ".for when two Armenians meet anywhere in the world, see if
    they will not create a new Armenia". And, that is what the Telethon
    proves to do again and again. The North South Highway, a much needed
    infrastructure development project in Karabakh has been funded with an
    additional $11 million dollars. Doubling the funds contributed in 2003
    and putting us at the finish line for completing this bold $25 million
    project that started a mere 5 years ago. That is 150 towns and villages
    throughout the republic with access to food and other necessities so
    basic, the rest of us don't think twice about it. It's no wonder
    everyone refers to the North South Highway as the backbone of Karabakh.

    Heading the charge of this major fundraising initiative is the
    collaboration between Armenia Fund USA based in New York City, serving
    all constituents in the Eastern United States, and Armenia Fund Inc.
    based in Glendale and serving the constituency in the Western United
    States. These are two of the 18 affiliated offices around the world to
    Hayastan All Armenian Fund based in Armenia. Each affiliate office
    serves the constituency it is indigenous to by adopting infrastructure
    development projects in Armenia and Karabakh and directing their own
    fundraising campaigns. The North South Highway is the one project that
    brings each of these affiliate offices together every year in a
    worldwide campaign. What went into the success, broadcasted via the
    organization's Thanksgiving Day Telethon, was a year's worth of hard
    work. Kevork Toroyan, Board Chairman of Armenia Fund USA, the Eastern
    United States affiliate of Hayastan All Armenian Fund reported that the
    major fundraising campaign was more than just what was aired on
    Thanksgiving Day. It involved inspiring major donation from noteworthy
    leaders in the community, mass mailings, advertisements, phonations, and
    regional events, all culminating with the global reach of the Telethon
    to bring the viewership an interesting program and raise money for a
    worthy cause. The program showcased new development footage direct from
    Armenia and Karabakh, messages and performances from popular artists
    like the MET Opera Singer Isabel Bayrakdarian and Zulal trio of a
    capella singers, key note messages from political leaders like
    Massachusetts Representative Peter Koutoujian, New Jersey Congressman
    Frank Pallone, all among countless other supporters. Broadcasting
    reached 45 million households in the US alone, with extended viewing
    capabilities from satellite TV and web-casting garnering involvement
    from smaller Armenian communities in the US like South Carolina and

    This comprehensive campaign designed to direct positive change got off
    to an amazing start with the pre-telethon fundraising initiatives hosted
    by Armenia Fund USA with the much anticipated delegation visit headed by
    Karabakh President Arkady Ghukasyan and accompanied in part by Himnadram
    Executive Director Naira Melkoumian for special engagements and public
    speaking appearances in Boston, Detroit, and the New York Metropolitan
    area all to drive awareness for the telethon, before heading off to the
    studios in Glendale, California. These regional events and other
    meetings culminated with nearly $6 million in donations from notable
    philanthropic leaders and all other supporters in various Eastern US
    cities. On behalf of the Manoogian Simone Foundation, Mrs. Simone
    contributed $1 million during pre-telethon fundraising initiatives, with
    an additional $1 million pledged as a matching gift incentive. It was a
    gracious effort on her part standing true to her convictions recognizing
    that, ".the North South Highway is a crucial project to the future
    development and stability of Karabakh, one that every Armenian must
    extend themselves to help complete." Notable contribution garnered from
    other enthusiastic philanthropists include $1 million donations from
    Sarkis Acopian, Hirair Hovnanian, and Kevork Hovnanian, $500,000 from
    Carolyn Mugar, and $50,000 from Gerard Cafesjian and Hratch Kaprielian.
    Over $11million dollars was raised by the end of the Telethon with
    generous outpouring of support from all corners of the world - Eastern
    United States $5.7 million; Argentina: $1.5 million; Western United
    States: $1.4 million; Armenia and Karabakh: $1.1 million; France and
    the rest of the world: $1.3 million.

    Armenians worldwide should be proud of the teamwork-like effort
    generated to "Make it Happen," as the Telethon slogan directed, proving
    that the Diaspora is as strong as ever in its support for building
    infrastructure to sustain Armenia and Karabakh's security and future.
    Sending this kind of message of support only gives credence to "The
    Economist" journal's unbiased and unsolicited recent reports indicating
    that investment from the Armenian Diaspora has boosted Karabakh's
    economy and that the roads of Karabakh may be the best maintained in the
    Caucasus. This is all with thanks to you, our donors and friends. The
    overwhelming results from the year-long effort indicate that Armenia
    Fund has the mandate worldwide to go beyond the one-day Telethon to
    raise money, but systematically cultivate its base of support for years
    to come. Armenia Fund USA and its seventeen related affiliates promise
    to continue promoting large scale initiatives to further build upon the
    large imprint it has made, and as part of its mission, continue to
    adhere to stringent processes of accountability that has enabled the
    organization to be so successful.

    Focused on infrastructure and high standards of accountability, Armenia
    Fund USA is a unique organization in that its sole purpose is to promote
    Armenia's growth in order to sustain itself for future generations.
    Armenia Fund dedicates itself to supporting large-scale initiatives in
    both Armenia and Karabakh and is supported by Armenians world-wide.
    Endorsed by all major Armenian political and religious factions, Armenia
    Fund maintains its independence from these umbrella organizations and
    works closely with the governments of Armenia and Karabakh building
    roads, schools, medical facilities, utilities and humanitarian programs,
    upholding stringent project oversight measures at every juncture.

    Founded in 1992, Armenia Fund USA is a non-profit 501(c)(3) representing
    the support of Armenian Diasporans in the Eastern United States and was
    the first of Hayastan All Armenian Fund's 18 international hubs to help
    the homeland. Armenia Fund USA has already helped build 138 miles of
    roads, 81 miles of waterways, 36 schools, 3 electric transmission
    networks, 210 residential buildings and 14 healthcare institutions.
    These and all projects initiated by The Fund are designed to not only
    ease the hardships of the people of Armenia and Karabakh for the current
    time, but more importantly to ensure their continual growth and
    productivity for the future.

    Armenia Fund USA's mission of accountability is built upon a pledge of
    responsibility to benefactors and recipients alike. All contributions
    are 100% tax deductible. To learn more about Armenia Fund USA, go to <> , or
    write/call for a free marketing packet at Armenia Fund USA, 152 Madison
    Avenue, New York, NY 10016 (212) 689-5307.