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No similarities in Armenia with events in Ukraine, Georgia - OSCE

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  • No similarities in Armenia with events in Ukraine, Georgia - OSCE

    No similarities in Armenia with events in Ukraine, Georgia - OSCE envoy

    Mediamax news agency
    14 Dec 04


    The OSCE ambassador to Yerevan, Vladimir Pryakhin, considers
    "inappropriate" the attempts to draw parallels between the political
    situation in Armenia and the events in Ukraine and Georgia.

    Vladimir Pryakhin said at a briefing in Yerevan today that the "OSCE
    never supports either of the parties to conflict and we do not want to
    be involved in the struggle for change of power," Mediamax reports.

    Vladimir Pryakhin noted that the main tasks for the OSCE in Armenia
    are the assistance in building democratic society and human rights
    protection. He said that in 2004 the OSCE office actively assisted in
    the establishment of a dialogue between all Armenian political forces.

    "Without defending either of the sides, we pursued only one aim - to
    provide the protection of civil principles and human rights," Vladimir
    Pryakhin said.

    He noted that the OSCE office in Yerevan is also active in the
    realization of programmes of socioeconomic importance. In particular,
    the OSCE office rendered assistance to the process of privatization of
    Zangezur copper-molybdenum complex and financed the elaboration of a
    programme of the socioeconomic development of Syunik Region [southern
    Armenia]. Vladimir Pryakhin said that in 2005 the OSCE office is
    planning to render assistance to the process of setting up the
    community police in Armenia. In particular, the OSCE is going to
    provide the community police with 50 cars, set up emergency centre and
    train the policemen.