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US Premiere of Tchouhadjian's Operetta Leblebiji A Success

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  • US Premiere of Tchouhadjian's Operetta Leblebiji A Success

    AGBU Press Office
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    Tuesday, December 14, 2004


    Pasadena, California - It may have been written in 1875, but that did
    not stop AGBU Ardavazt Theatre Company (ATC) and Lark Musical Society
    from recreating Dikran Tchouhadjian's third and widely-acclaimed
    operetta, "Leblebiji Hor-Hor Agha".

    About 7,000 people attended the colorful comic operetta, performed in
    Armenian with English super titles on October 22, 23, and 24th at the
    Pasadena Civic Auditorium in Pasadena, CA. The operetta was originally
    written and performed in Turkish to avoid the censor's scrutiny, and
    weaves a fanciful yarn of love and farce, telling the story of an old
    chick-pea vendor and his reluctance to let his daughter marry the rich
    man of her dreams. Frequently staged in Europe, the ATC production in
    October marked the first time the operetta was performed in the United
    States. Tchouhadjian (1837-1898), who is considered the father of
    Armenian opera, was the first composer to bridge the gap between the
    musical arts of the East and West, recreating the classical European
    forms by introducing the melos of Middle Eastern music.

    Krikor Satamian, ATC's artistic director, was determined to keep the
    passion of Tchouhadjian's timeless and ingenious work alive. In 2003,
    Satamian teamed up with maestro Vatche Barsoumian, the founder and
    director of the Lark Musical Society and the Lark Conservatory, and
    vowed to stage all four of Tchouhadjian's operettas to save them from
    obsolescence. The talented duo successfully staged the operetta
    "Zvart" in 2003 and received glowing reviews.

    Bringing "Leblebiji Hor-Hor Agha" to the U.S. in 2004, albeit 129
    years since it was first performed in Constantinople, was the next
    logical step.

    "If we had waited another ten years, we risked losing this historical
    and artistic treasure forever. We felt we were sitting on a goldmine
    and worked passionately to resurrect it by making it accessible to
    both Armenian and non-Armenian music and art lovers everywhere,"
    commented Krikor Satamian.

    It's no small feat recreating a chef d'oeuvre, not to mention one that
    was originally written in old Turkish dialect. The pre-production also
    included several trips to Turkey and Armenia to find lost pieces from
    the original manuscript. At the time the operetta premiered in Turkey
    in 1875, people had the time to enjoy a 4-hour performance. Satamian
    had to shorten the text by about 1 hour to reflect the fact that
    today, most people don't have the luxury of spending that much time
    watching a performance. The production included about 75 choral group
    members, 15 actors, and 12 dancers, 10 backstage volunteers, not to
    mention a 47-piece orchestra.

    The operetta was solely produced by members of the L.A. Armenian
    community. All of the actors, the choral group and dancers hail from
    the L.A. area.

    "We saved Tchouhadjian from extinction, and in the process rejuvenated
    and inspired the L.A. Armenian community," added Satamian.

    What's next for the tireless and very talented Satamian-Barsoumian

    They plan to recreate the two Tchouhadjian operettas that have yet to
    be translated ("Zimere" and "Arifin Hillesi"), but that's not the only
    project that has their attention these days. April 2006 marks the
    100th anniversary of AGBU and they are thinking about staging an
    operetta about Armenian history to commemorate the milestone.

    Founded in 1979, the AGBU Ardavazt Theater Company (ATC) is the only
    full time Armenian theater company serving the L.A. community. The ATC
    was named after Ardavazt II, king of Armenia during the first century
    B.C. Ardavazt was considered a champion and supporter of theater
    arts. ATC serves other Armenian communities by taking productions on
    tour to cities such as Boston, New York, Chicago, San Francisco,
    Montreal and Toronto. For more information about AGBU and its cultural
    programs, visit AGBU online at

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress