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BAKU: Iran supports UN debates on Karabakh, envoy tells Azeri TV

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  • BAKU: Iran supports UN debates on Karabakh, envoy tells Azeri TV

    Iran supports UN debates on Karabakh, envoy tells Azeri TV

    Azad Azarbaycan TV, Baku
    13 Dec 04

    Presenter] Official Tehran is preparing for Azerbaijani President
    Ilham Aliyev's visit [to Iran]. Saying that they are currently
    finalizing the documents to be signed during the official visit, the
    Iranian ambassador to Azerbaijan, Afshar Soleymani, has again
    expressed the Tehran government's position on the Nagornyy Karabakh

    [Correspondent over video of Iranian envoy in his office] Iran
    recognizes Azerbaijan's territorial integrity and supports its fair
    position on a settlement of the Nagornyy Karabakh conflict, the
    Iranian ambassador to Azerbaijan, Afshar Soleymani, has said in an
    interview with ATV. The diplomat added that his country supported the
    Baku government's initiative to discuss the Karabakh problem at the UN
    General Assembly.

    [Soleymani in his office, captioned, speaking in Azeri] Iran has
    supported Azerbaijan's proposal made at the UN General Assembly and
    will always support Azerbaijan in international bodies. This has been
    the case many times before. Iran has always supported Azerbaijan in
    the Organization of the Islamic Conference.

    [Correspondent over video] However, Mr Soleymani said that the fact
    that Iran is not directly involved in the peace process prevents
    Tehran from conducting a more effective policy on the issue.

    [Soleymani] The Minsk Group has been instructed to tackle the
    issue. The Minsk Group is expected to resolve the issue. In any case,
    the two sides [Armenia and Azerbaijan] agreed that the Minsk Group
    should tackle the problem. But Iran has not been invited to closely
    participate in this process. [Sentence indistinct]

    [Passage omitted: minor details about the Caspian status]

    Namiq Aliyev, Hidayat Aliyev for "Son Xabar".

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress