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Turkey 'must admit Armenia dead'

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  • Turkey 'must admit Armenia dead'

    BBC News
    Last Updated: Monday, 13 December, 2004, 22:20 GMT

    Turkey 'must admit Armenia dead'

    France has said Turkey must improve its human rights record
    France has said it will ask Turkey to acknowledge the mass killing of
    Armenians from 1915 as a "tragedy" when it begins EU accession talks.
    French Foreign Minister Michel Barnier said Turkey had "a duty to remember".

    Armenians say 1.5 million of their people died or were deported from their
    homelands under Turkish Ottoman rule.

    Mr Barnier did not say it was genocide, although the French parliament has
    done so in the past. Turkey says the victims died during civil unrest.

    Mr Barnier said France did not consider Turkish acknowledgement a condition
    of EU entry, but insisted his country would raise the issue once talks

    France will pose this question - I think that a big country like Turkey
    has a duty to remember

    Michel Barnier
    French Foreign Minister

    Where Turkey's bid stands
    Speaking to reporters after a meeting of EU foreign ministers to discuss
    plans to invite Turkey for accession talks, Mr Barnier said Turkey "must
    carry out this task as a memorial".

    In addition, France believes that accession talks should not begin before
    the second half of 2005, Mr Barnier said. Turkey has pushed for immediate

    "I believe that when the time comes, Turkey should come to terms with its
    past, be reconciled with its own history and recognise this tragedy," Mr
    Barnier said.

    'So-called genocide'

    His comments drew no immediate official response from Turkey, which has
    consistently denied orchestrating genocide.

    A foreign ministry spokesman in the Turkish capital, Ankara, told Reuters
    that Turkey has never and will never recognise "any so-called genocide".

    Armenia alleges that the Young Turks, in 1915 the dominant party in the
    Ottoman Empire, systematically arranged the deportation and killing of 1.5
    million Armenians.

    Turkish relations with independent Armenia, which borders Turkey to the
    north, have long been coloured by the issue.

    About 300,000 Armenians live in France, more than in any other European
    country, and community leaders have pledged to pressure French President
    Jacques Chirac on the genocide issue during Turkish accession negotiations.

    France passed a law officially recognising the Armenian genocide in 2001,
    cooling relations with Turkey and scuppering a major arms deal.

    Another 14 nations, including Switzerland, Russia and Argentina, also
    classify the killings as genocide.