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No way to build a safer world

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  • No way to build a safer world

    Dec 16 2004

    No way to build a safer world

    By Yossi Sarid

    As someone who was declared persona non grata by the Turkish
    government, in response to the declaration he made in his role as
    minister of education regarding the Turkish responsibility for the
    murder of the Armenian people, I - of all people - would like now to
    come to Turkey's defense regarding the matter of international

    In recent years, Turkey has amazed me. Turkey of today is the only
    Muslim country in our region that bears any resemblance to a
    democratic country. Not only is the country overwhelmingly Muslim, so
    is the ruling party, and the prime minister himself is a devout
    Muslim. And despite that, Turkey is perhaps the proof that Islam and
    democracy are not necessarily mutually exclusive.

    This coming weekend, the leaders of the European Union will decide
    whether to launch official talks regarding Turkey's joining the EU as
    a full member. Turkey has been courting Europe for 40 years now, only
    to be spurned and rebuffed. Even if the EU leaders decide in Turkey's
    favor this week, the talks themselves will only begin months from
    now, and they are expected to last about 10 years. And even in 2015
    there is no certainty that Turkey will in fact be recognized as a
    member state.

    Europe has no interest in Turkey and has been conducting the affair
    with Turkey against its will. Why in fact should the 25 countries of
    the EU want it? Turkey is too big and has too many Turks; it is too
    poor; they are not "like us"; and they may cover the entire continent
    with traditional Muslim veils.

    In order to abort the entire development, the EU has now set
    "preliminary conditions" for the talks. First, Turkey must
    immediately recognize the Republic of Cypress, the Greek part of the
    island; second, it must improve the "state of human rights" in the

    True, Turkey is still not yet Sweden, but its prime minister, Recep
    Tayyip Erdogan, made a far-reaching and surprising step in the right
    direction, and the "Midnight Express" is no longer roaring forward;
    it has definitely been slowed down.

    While Turkish democracy is not yet a role model, the American
    president can only dream of a similar democracy in liberated Iraq. If
    Europe rejects Turkey with grimaces of fear and loathing, and if
    America for its part does not spur the Europeans to accept it, they
    will in fact be pushing it in the direction of Islamic fundamentalism
    as it sends out its tentacles all over the world.

    The West is signaling to the Turks that they will forever remain on
    the outside, that they have no real chance of being desired and
    accepted, that they are wasting their time and efforts on introducing
    reforms. This signal is both unfair but even more important, it is
    dangerous: The Muslims of the world, from Pakistan to Palestine,
    understand and are taking in the message, and together they will
    unite in their vengeful fanaticism, creating a catastrophic reality
    of the entire world against all of Islam and Islam against the whole

    Saudi Arabia, although not a candidate for the European Union, is
    warmly welcomed there. Red carpets are rolled out in honor of its
    royal family - the king, the crown princes and others - in all the
    countries of Europe and especially in the United States. Of this
    corrupt family, in whose schools the global terror of Bin Laden and
    his ilk incubates, no demands like those made of Turkey are made
    before it may be accepted in enlightened company. The depraved Saudis
    can be found in all international parlors and under every crystal

    In Saudi Arabia, they still amputate the hands of anyone who as much
    as steals an apple in the marketplace, and still stone to death women
    suspected of committing adultery. But that in no way cramps the style
    of the leaders of the "free world" in their rush to join the Saudi
    fan club.

    If one can be a sought-after and pampered Saudi Arabia, why take the
    trouble to be a rejected Turkey? There is nothing like rewarding
    democratization and moderation, but why take a chance on internal

    In any case, impoverished Turkey has no chance of intoxicating the
    world with oil and drugging it with bribes. In their destitute state,
    the Turks will find it very difficult to replace the Saudi friends of
    U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney, who needs to care for his huge
    corporation, Halliburton, which without the nectar of contracts will
    dry up.

    It will not be long before Turkey becomes sick and tired of the
    humiliating attitude toward it and disgusted with the American
    hypocrisy, which reeks of French perfume, and the European
    sanctimoniousness that smells of American apple pie.

    When that happens, when Turkey moves further and further away from
    its pro-Western orbit, all that will remain will be Bush and Cheney's
    Iraqi democracy as a model incentive for all the Arabs and Muslim in
    our region; along with Saudi Arabia, of course, as long as it holds
    on and doesn't fall apart. That is no way to build a safer world.