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Azeris Angry Over Georgia Killing

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  • Azeris Angry Over Georgia Killing

    Institute for War and Peace reporting
    Dec 15 2004

    Azeris Angry Over Georgia Killing

    A local land dispute has escalated following the death of an elderly
    Azerbaijani woman in southern Georgia.

    By Sofo Bukia in Kvemo Kulari (CRS No. 266, 15-Dec-04)

    The newly appointed governor of Georgia's southern Kvemo Kartli
    region, which has an Azerbaijani majority, has vowed to catch the
    killers of a 65-year-old woman who died during a protest rally.

    However, the killing and the long-running dispute behind it have
    already taken on an inter-ethnic dimension, which is now attracting
    the attention of officials in Baku.

    Hilal Idrisova was killed on December 3 when a land dispute between
    local villagers and a stud farm boiled over. Several dozen people
    from the Marneuli district settlements Kvemo Kulari and Kirikhlo had
    protested at a nearby horse stud farm, which they claim is using land
    that is the villagers' by right.

    `They told us, `You have no rights to this land, so shut up and go
    home',' said Elsevar Mamedov from Kvemo Kulari.

    In the ensuing clash between the villagers and the farm's owners,
    security guards and staff, the elderly Idrisova was shot in the chest
    and killed, while another local resident, Ramiz Sadygov, was shot in
    the leg. Doctors treating him at the district hospital fear the limb
    may yet have to be amputated.

    `I begged my mum to stay home that night,' Idrisova's distraught
    daughter Fatima told IWPR. `What's the use of that land now that she
    is gone?'

    The farm's managing director, Vakhtang Rukhadze of the Georgian Horse
    Rearing Association, has rejected all accusations of involvement in
    the death and wounding, and claims in turn that the villagers had
    provoked his men.

    `They threw rocks at us. I have three injured and concussed men to
    show for it. I have no weapons, and no one at the farm has any, so
    where did the shots come from?' he asked.

    `A few of our cars and items of field machinery were broken, and this
    happens almost every day. We have complained everywhere, including to
    the president, but no one wants to tackle this.'

    The death has increased tensions in the Azerbaijani community, which
    has a population estimated at between 350,000 and half a million.

    Following last year's peaceful `Rose Revolution,' the new Georgian
    president Mikheil Saakashvili declared Georgia's Azerbaijanis to be a
    `national treasure' and promised to help them solve their problems.

    However, in Marneuli, serious issues over land ownership remain.

    The problem dates back to the beginning of Georgia's land reforms in
    1996, when rural collective farms were disbanded and the state gave
    generous amounts of land away to peasant farmers.

    But the residents of Kvemo Kulari and Kirikhlo claim they lost out in
    this deal, as every household in these villages ended up with just a
    quarter of a hectare of land - far less than the one hectare they
    were legally entitled to.

    The Kulari stud farm owns 1,155 hectares of land, 500 of which is
    claimed by the local villagers for their farming needs. `There is no
    other arable land in the district. The horse farm has it all,' one
    villager complained to IWPR.

    The Kulari farm was formerly owned by the Tbilisi hippodrome and is
    now owned by the city-based Jockey Club.

    The club says it legally acquired the land at Kulari on lease for 49
    years, and has all the appropriate documentation. It then leased the
    farm to the Georgian Horse Rearing Association for a ten-year period.

    `These are no ordinary horses,' said Viktor Goglidze, who takes care
    of the animals. `These are purebred English racehorses with all the
    papers and everything. We have around a hundred and they need lots of

    The owners of the stud farm are proud of their fine horses and the
    distinguished history of the farm, which was founded in 1902, and
    point out that the majority of its 100 grooms are Azerbaijani. They
    also say that they are confident of investment from the United States
    following a recent successful visit by horse specialists from

    However, many local villagers said that they thought the farm's main
    business was actually selling wheat to neighbouring Armenia - not
    that they objected to this in and of itself.

    `We don't care who they sell their wheat to,' said Gasham Garaev.
    `It's the land we want.'

    But following the violent death of Hilal Idrisova, they are demanding
    that her killers be brought to justice.

    The Kvemo Kulari and Kirikhlo residents had expressed their anger
    repeatedly before the shooting incident, disrupting horse farmers'
    sowing work and blocking the local highway.

    According to one local, Levan Mamaladze - the former governor of
    Kvemo Kartli under ex-president Eduard Shevardnadze - promised the
    Azerbaijanis the disputed land used by the stud farm in exchange for
    their votes during the 2000 presidential campaign. Mamaladze is now
    in hiding after being charged with the embezzlement of millions of

    His successor Soso Mazmishvili refused to be held responsible for any
    deal or promise made before his time in office. `I told them I would
    look into it,' he told IWPR. `I'm not a feudal lord to promise any
    land to anyone.'

    But one week ago Mazmishvili himself was dismissed and replaced as
    governor by Zurab Melikishvili, the minister for regional policy and
    a former close ally of President Saakishvili.

    `I hope we can work this out,' Melikishvili told IWPR his on first
    day in office. `In any case, we will have to try to [persuade] the
    stud farm cede some land to the people.'

    Meanwhile, the dispute in Kvemo Kartli has provoked anger in
    Azerbaijan, where parliamentary speaker Murtuz Aleskerov told the
    national media, `Saakashvili had promised the Azerbaijanis would be
    represented in executive and legislative government and law
    enforcement agencies.

    `He also promised to resolve the land issue. But none of this has

    Azerbaijani analyst Rasim Musabekov believes that the quarrel is a
    symptom of both nations' change in administration. `There was a time
    when the authoritarian ruler of Azerbaijan could resolve issues with
    his Georgian counterpart, but not anymore,' he said. `Now a lot will
    depend on Georgia's Azerbaijanis themselves and how active and
    persistent they are.'

    Sofo Bukiya is a reporter for the newspaper 24 Hours in Tbilisi. Rauf
    Orujev, a reporter for the Ekho newspaper, contributed to this report
    from Baku.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress