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ANKARA: Obstacle Before EU: Racism

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  • ANKARA: Obstacle Before EU: Racism

    Obstacle Before EU: Racism

    Zaman, Turkey
    Dec 16 2004

    [Francois] Bayrou of France had said: "Turkey has shown time and
    again that it is not European." Indeed, the French have also shown
    time and again how cruel they are to all their colonies.

    Besides, they could even boast of killing so many people when they
    bombed the Ivory Coast recently.

    Wolfgang Schussel, on the other side, got stuck with money: "Turkey
    will cost the EU 25-30 billion euros annually, moreover, there are
    human rights violations." I wonder whether or not he can still
    remember today what Spain and Greece cost the EU? Or the money spent
    on new member, the Czech Republic? It has turned retired civil
    servants into civil police officers and has made them sentries
    guarding metros. Their job is to hunt tourists and then rob them.
    When I complained to the police, they told me, "the state is always
    right." I heard similar remarks last week from a German train station
    officer wearing an earring. When I said, "It is not written on this
    train that it is going to Neumunster, but you say it is," his answer
    was: "I am a civil servant of the German state. What I say is right,
    okay?" Of course, Edmund Stoiber's statement is meaningful in the
    light of these words: "We will do whatever we can to prevent Turkey's
    membership. We shall accomplish this when we come to power in 2006."
    There are Nazis, who are now carrying out the signature campaign
    initiated by Angela Merkel. With the other big reaction against EU
    enlargement coming from Austria, it is evident that the
    insurmountable obstacle facing Turkey and the EU is German racism.
    The obstacle within Europe itself is the intolerant Hitler spirit,
    sauced up with this superiority complex! The person who committed
    murder in the Netherlands is a Moroccan, but since the only subject
    on television channels is the situation of Turks, degraded Muslim
    Turks, the hatred in the German society's subconscious has now
    appeared on the surface. There are many humiliating acts against
    Turks in the books of Martin Luther, who is being marketed as the
    "greatest humanist." Frankly speaking, his books have nothing to do
    with humanism.

    Racism is the most talked about and most topical subject on the
    German agenda. Enmity against foreigners and Muslims is dangerously
    on the rise This monster that previously resided only among
    low-income groups, is now dancing in high society saloons. The result
    of a three-year research has been published by Bielefeld University.
    Research Director Wilhelm Heitmeyer says that xenophobia is on the
    rise in 2004, so is intolerance towards homosexual. It is assumed
    that foreigners ruin the German cultural identity. 58 percent do not
    want to live in the same neighborhood with Muslims. It is really
    striking that hostility against women, Islam and foreigners go hand
    in hand! This is male-dominant hostility.

    While Germany, which for 40 years has not admitted that it is a
    country of immigrants, cannot find any fault in itself, it views the
    Turks as completely at fault. Beware! Isn't this the phenomenon
    called projection mirror? Are Turks the mirror in which they reflect
    their vulgar instincts? Films depicting the torture of millions of
    people or those killed, bringing before us the so-called Armenian
    genocide or the Cyprus issue, have not still ended, even though they
    have been made over and over again for 50 years. A law on foreigners
    for the first time will come into force in January 2005.

    Germans advocating the mother tongue right for Kurds have not even
    found a place in their curricula for Turkish mother tongue courses.
    It is not ways to develop the mother tongue, but ways to make it
    forgotten that are always being sought. Another example of egregious
    double standards: Besides its failure in not solving any problems,
    the German Teachers' Union (GEW) does not even have any project
    whatsoever on this issue. Moreover, the union also approved low
    incomes for Turkish teachers! Turkish mother tongue teachers have
    been turned into social advisers or translators. Their main job is to
    solve the problems of German managers and teachers and to teach their
    mother tongue in the remaining time left. Look at what a German
    teacher said to a Turkish teacher: "What will you do with our
    children after educating all the workers' children? If you had the
    chance, you would make all Turkish children have higher education.
    Then what will become of our children?"

    This teacher, who defends not the bright students, but the German
    children, while encouraging class superiority, is also sowing the
    seeds of racism. What do you think he/she teaches these students? The
    racism tree growing right in front of Germany overshadows the ideals
    of Europe. Are the Europeans sleeping?

    December 14, 2004