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  • Armenia-Azerbaijan

    AZG Armenian Daily #226, 16/12/2004



    Negotiations to Be Held Without Karabakh's Participation

    RA Foreign Minister stated during the December 14 news conference that by the
    positive mediation of OSCE Minsk group and cooperating with Azerbaijan it
    became possible to remove the obstacles occurred when resuming the negotiation
    process. Though the obstacles were removed, Vartan Oskanian is "cautiously

    Recently at one of the conferences Oskanian announced that the fate of the
    "Prague process" by 100% depends on whether the UN General Assembly will adopt
    "the situation in the occupied Azerbaijani territories" formula put forward by
    Azerbaijan or not.

    In response to the question posed by Azg Daily whether it meant that Azerbaijan
    excluded the issue from the UN General Assembly, Oskanian said:" I said that we
    have removed the obstacle (occurred in the settlement process). You will find
    out in the future what results it will yield. We are ready to begin the second
    stage of the "Prague process."

    The statement adopted by the OSCE Board of Foreign Ministers said that "taking
    into account the results of the "Prague process," the OSCE Minsk group
    co-chairs have submitted a negotiation circle that can serve as a ground for
    the settlement to the Armenian and Azerbaijani presidents in September in

    Oskanian responded to the question about NKR's participation in the
    negotiations and about its status saying: "The negotiations between Armenia and
    Azerbaijan in the Prague format are likely to continue till some stage when
    NKR's participation will be necessary. The format of the present moment that
    was in the course of the last few years will be preserved."

    A year ago, when Robert Kocharian and Ilham Aliyev met in Geneva for the first
    time, Oskanian stated that it is important for Armenia to know whether Aliyev
    junior is ready to continue the negotiations from the point on which his father
    stopped. Today, when the Prague format is spoken of, can we suppose that the
    negotiations are being continued from the point where Kocharian and Aliyev
    senior stopped?

    "I wouldn't like definitely to put this question like this. I merely can say
    that the position of Armenia remained unchanged. Our approaches remain the same
    and today the content of the framework is sufficient for us to continue the
    negotiations," Oskanian said.

    RA foreign minister doesn't pay attention to the way Azerbaijan comments the
    discussions around the Nagorno Karabakh settlement to the publicity. "I take as
    a ground the things I hear with my own ears and the things I discuss during the
    negotiations. I believe that the things we discuss create a common circle for
    the continuation of the negotiations. I don't want to pay attention to the way
    Azerbaijan comments all this to the Azeri publicity, taking into account its
    home situation or its interests. In fact, two parallel processes are taking
    place, i.e. the real negotiations and the things that are told to (the Azeri
    publicity)," Oskanian said.

    Recently, the first Armenian president said in a half-secret interview given to
    the mass media protecting AAM that Armenia will not be able to return the
    position it lost in 1997 in Karabakh issue. Oskanian who used to be the head of
    the Armenian delegation at the negotiations held within the OSCE Minsk group
    framework for many years when Ter-Petrosian was the president, emphasized that
    "if the people demand for example, to begin stage-by-stage negotiations, this
    issue should be really put forward, the parliament should discuss it and submit
    it to the government, as it is done frequently, demanding to begin stage by
    stage variant without wasting time."

    Oskanian believes that the issue can arouse constructive discussions in the
    press." Indeed, one of the main complaints of the first presidents was the fact
    that there have never been any detailed discussions of Nagorno Karabakh issue,
    the discussions were always a political and personalized means to strike the
    people and criticize the authorities."

    RA foreign minister believes that "all the versions are just versions, good or
    bad." Oskanian doesn't follow the slogan:" This variant is a traitorous, while
    the second one is a heroic one". "We should settle the problem, we should work
    in that direction… We all are interested to settle the issue in the way it will
    not harm our national interests, it will not weaken Armenia, or deprive NKR of
    the achievements it has today… It is an issue of approaches that is why we
    shouldn't consider the issues by such categories as traitorous or heroic. We
    should see what is in our interests, what is possible or impossible, what we
    lose, what we gain and what is the middle."

    It's worth reminding that Vartan Oskanian said that the Karabakh issue was not
    the reason for Levon Ter-Petrosian's resignation during the meeting with the
    students of the Yerevan State University on July the 3rd, there were other
    reasons and one can't say that he resigned because of Karabakh, the foreign
    minister pointed out.

    By Tatoul Hakobian


    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress