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UN: Lack of funds forces UN agency to halt food aid to 140,000Azerba

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  • UN: Lack of funds forces UN agency to halt food aid to 140,000Azerba

    UN News Center
    Dec 16 2004

    Lack of funds forces UN agency to halt food aid to 140,000
    Azerbaijanis in need

    16 December 2004 - Food distribution for 140,000 Azerbaijanis
    displaced by the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict with Armenia a decade ago
    will come to a complete halt next month because of a $10 million
    shortfall in aid sought for the three-year operation by the United
    Nations World Food Programme (WFP).

    "We have tried everything, even halving the rations last month, but
    we just don't have enough food stocks left to go around," WFP Country
    Director Rahman Chowdhury said. "Most of the displaced are so poor
    they don't have the means to buy food. It's a dreadful situation,
    especially in winter, when temperatures drop to minus 20 degrees

    Three quarters of those affected are women and children, a large
    number of them still living in makeshift shelters like railway cars
    and dugouts. Only WFP 's school feeding programme that supplies food
    to 5,300 primary school children will continue, but on a limited

    One essential ingredient of the take-home rations, which are being
    provided to the youngsters five days a week, is vitamin-fortified
    wheat soya blend, whose stocks will also run out in January, Mr.
    Chowdhury said.

    WFP sought $21 million for the operation, which started in January
    2003. Since 1994, the agency has been pivotal in assisting hundreds
    of thousands of Azerbaijanis displaced by the conflict in which more
    than 600,000 people fled from Nagorno-Karabakh the region, now
    occupied by Armenia, to other parts of Azerbaijan.

    Most of the displaced live in remote areas of western Azerbaijan,
    such as Agjabedi and Imishli regions, where employment possibilities
    are extremely limited.