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Chirac rejects 'third way' for Turkey

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  • Chirac rejects 'third way' for Turkey

    Chirac rejects 'third way' for Turkey
    by Lara Marlowe in Paris and Derek Scally in Berlin

    The Irish Times
    December 16, 2004

    FRANCE: President Jacques Chirac last night excluded the possibility
    of offering Turkey an alternative to full EU membership. At the same
    time, he sought to reassure the French public that regardless of the
    outcome of negotiations, they "will have the last word".

    The French right proposes a "privileged partnership" between the EU
    and Turkey instead of full membership, and Mr Chirac's entourage had
    alluded to the possibility of a "strong tie" between Turkey and the
    EU in the event that Turkey does not fulfil criteria for membership.

    But speaking on television last night, Mr Chirac categorically rejected
    a 'third way' of dealing with Turkey's application. "To ask a great
    country enriched by a long history to make such considerable efforts to
    arrive at uncertain or partial results is obviously not reasonable,"
    the Mr Chirac said. "We would bear a very heavy responsibility
    vis-a-vis history if we said 'no' to a people who say, 'We adopt all
    your values, all your rules'. They would never accept it. They are
    a proud people who are conscious of making tremendous efforts."

    The French foreign minister, Michel Barnier, attracted attention in the
    National Assembly on Tuesday by referring to the Turkish "genocide"
    against the Armenians, noting that a French law passed in January
    2001 recognised the genocide, which happened in 1915. Mr Barnier
    previously used the word "tragedy", which is preferred by Ankara.

    The French government has long feared that next year's referendum on
    the European constitutional treaty could be muddled by the question
    of Turkish accession, and by domestic opposition to Mr Chirac.
    "France has always been an engine of European integration," he said.
    "To continue, she must say 'yes' to the EU constitution . It is an
    important question that must not be hijacked by considerations that
    have nothing to do with it."

    Meanwhile, Germany's former Chancellor, Dr Helmut Kohl, said
    yesterday he didn't think Turkey would ever meet the accession
    criteria. Dr Kohl attacked what he called European leaders' "unfair
    and dishonest" courting of Turkey to win votes in the short term and
    said the political union could not survive beyond accepting Romania
    and Bulgaria.

    "Mr Schroder wants, above all, to win elections and hopes to win
    sympathy among Turks who are eligible to vote in Germany," said
    Dr Kohl.

    Chancellor Schroder's spokesman, Mr Bela Anda, said the government was
    bewildered by the former chancellor's opposition to Turkey's EU hopes.

    Mr Anda said Mr Schroder's position was consistent with the position
    of all German chancellors since 1963, when the issue of Turkey's
    possible EU accession was first mooted.

    Government advisers said they were confident of a deal being reached
    to open accession talks with Turkey at the summit which begins today
    in Brussels.