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Turkey Knocks, EU Ponders

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  • Turkey Knocks, EU Ponders

    Turkey knocks, EU ponders
    Membership talks likely to start, but Europe yet to shed misgivings
    Posted online: Friday, December 17, 2004 at 0000 hours IST
    The Indian Express

    BERLIN, DECEMBER 16: Can a Turk be a European? That centuries-old
    riddle will be asked again, when Turkey is expected to take a big
    step in its troubled quest to join the European Union. EU leaders are
    likely to make an official announcement on beginning membership talks
    with Turkey, a prospect certain to intensify doubts that a Muslim
    nation can be embraced by a Europe anxious about the rise of Islam
    across the continent. The historic negotiations could last 15 years.

    There is no guarantee of membership. A din of caveats and protests
    has already erupted over economic and human rights concerns. But,
    in the end, the question is identity: Are Turkey's history, religion
    and borders compatible with the geographic and cultural landscape of
    Europe? And, perhaps more important, does a predominantly Christian
    Europe want them to be?

    "No, it's not a natural fit," said Hans-Ulrich Klose, a Social
    Democrat and deputy chairman of the German Parliament's foreign
    affairs committee. "It's going to be very difficult. But we
    should give it a good, fair try. If it's a success and Turkey turns
    European, it could be good for security regarding all our concerns
    from the Middle East."

    Big-shouldered and chaotic Turkey wants to nudge itself into a
    continent that is perplexed about its own identity and future. The
    EU admitted 10 new, mostly East European members in May and is still
    awaiting approval of a contentious constitution. Economic problems and
    high unemployment across much of the continent are hurting the middle
    class and eroding the welfare state. Some leading European officials
    contend that admitting a moderate Muslim democracy to the EU would
    calm the tremendous strain between East and West over terrorism and
    the war in Iraq.

    The belief is that Turkey, a North Atlantic Treaty Organization ally,
    could help stifle Islamic fanaticism around the world and enhance
    Europe's diplomatic leverage in Central Asia and the Middle East. The
    clamour against Turkey, whose per capita gross domestic product is
    only 28 per cent of the EU average, has energised right-wing European
    political parties and much of the continent's population. Turkey's
    entry would mean that the EU's Muslim population would soar from 12
    million to 81 million. Sceptics envision Europe opening itself to a
    flood of religious extremists and migrant workers, and with minarets
    cluttering skylines from Vienna to Krakow.

    Many Europeans, most notably the French, argue that admitting
    Turkey would threaten European secularism and tip the EU's balance
    of power. Former French President Valery Giscard D'Estaing warned
    that Turkey's accession would mark the end of Europe. Conservative
    German politician Edmund Stoiber has vowed he will do everything he
    can to derail Turkey's chances if elected chancellor in 2006. Writing
    in Le Figaro, Robert Badinter, an ex-justice minister in France's
    Socialist Party, said of Turkey: "Ninety-five percent of the
    territory and 92 percent of the population are in Asia. We'll have,
    we Europeans, common borders with Georgia, Armenia, Iran, Iraq and
    Syria. I am asking you: What justifies our common borders with these
    countries? What justifies that we'd get involved in the most dangerous
    areas of the world?"

    Such sentiments have led to qualifications and demands that seem to
    daily raise the bar for Turkish membership. Pressure is mounting on
    Ankara to recognize its longtime enemy and EU member, Cyprus. France
    is pressing Turkey to acknowledge genocide over the killing and
    deportation of as many as 1.5 million Armenians during World War
    I. Some European politicians have hinted that membership talks
    would fail and Ankara would be granted a "privileged partnership"
    a consolation prize that infuriates Turks and has led to calls that
    negotiations end only in full membership. The European Parliament
    passed a resolution on Wednesday urging the EU to open accession
    talks "without undue delay." â€"LAT-WP
