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Muslim attitudes towards Christians must change

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  • Muslim attitudes towards Christians must change

    Muslim attitudes towards Christians must change
    By: Ray Hanania*

    AMIN, Palestine
    Dec 16 2004

    The Arab World is slowly being transformed into the Muslim World as
    the numbers of Christians continues to dwindle.

    And although I am Christian by religion, I consider myself Muslim by
    culture. Certainly, most Americans who meet me believe because I am
    Arab, I am Muslim, too.

    Following a speech on the justice of the Palestinian cause, an elderly
    American woman with gray hair and a mild personality, walked up to
    me and whispered in my ear, "How could you abandon your Christian
    faith to become an Arab?"

    I am amazed by the depths of the ignorance of the West towards the
    peoples of the Middle East and to Arab culture. No wonder so many
    Americans hate us, as hate originates in ignorance.

    But every Christmas, the greatest consternation I experience comes
    not from the "stupid American" with the stupid stereotypes, but the
    educated Muslim who experiences bigotry so often, you wonder how they
    can become bigots themselves.

    I have been reading the writings of many Muslims who must believe
    they are being "tolerant" and "well intentioned" when they write
    that Muslims should approach the Christian season in America as
    "an opportunity to convert Christians to Islam."

    These Muslim writers do not see the challenge as one of insulting
    the Christians who live in the Muslim World. Rather, they view the
    challenge in the subtleties of the new age of reason and understanding.

    Imagine if I, as a Christian, proposed that Christians in the Middle
    East should do all they can to exploit Islamic holidays, like Ramadan,
    and use them to convince Muslims to convert to Christianity.

    The truth is, in many "Arab" countries, that would be a capital
    offense. Minimally, the offender would be jailed or expelled from
    the country. Christians are not permitted to "proselytize."

    When I was in Bethlehem last October at the beginning of Ramadan,
    I was pointedly told that I should not eat my food on the outdoor
    patio in deference to Muslims who were fasting until sunset.

    And I constantly am reminded that Christians should not consume any
    alcohol in public, whether it is during or after Ramadan. That's Haram,
    the Arabic word for "sinful" or "shameful."

    I am also often invited to perform my stand-up comedy satire and
    give public speeches defending the rights of Palestinians at dinner
    banquets. But oftentimes, when the organizers of Muslim events discover
    that I am Christian, they always note that maybe I can't reflect the
    same message to the audience as a Muslim comedian.

    Even though Muslims and Christians are fighting and dying together
    in Palestine? And both suffer the oppression of brutal dictatorships
    and monarchies in the Middle East?

    But Muslims in American feel it is their duty to convert Christians
    to Islam.

    One writer wrote, that at Christmas, Muslims can show Christians
    "the beauty of Islam," and explain that the embrace of Jesus, who
    is recognized by Islam as a prophet, is a natural progression that
    leads them to the Islamic awakening.

    Really? If Muslims want to show Christians, especially those in
    America, about the beauty of Islam, how about denouncing the vicious
    carnage by such groups as al-Qaeda a little more often and a little
    more persuasively than they have in the past?

    How about if Muslims, instead of seeing Christmas as an opportunity
    to advance themselves, look at it with a sense of respect for a fellow
    human being whose faith shares one common belief in one God?

    What if Muslims, rather than separating themselves on the belief that
    Islam is a better religion, embraced not only Christians but Jews
    and treated them as equals, rather than as "tolerated" peoples in a
    system of ancient "millets," religious distinctions for Armenians,
    Jews, Catholics and Orthodox Christians under the Ottoman sultunates.

    For many years, Christians and Jews living in the "Arab" World were
    required to pay a Jizya, or tax, for the privilege of being recognized
    as "special." Christians and Jews were required to dress "modestly" in
    conformance with Islamic tradition, rather than with their own custom.

    Most of the Jizyas have long gone. But the attitudes have remained.

    And this Christmas, while I pray for the suffering of all Muslims and
    Christians who are dying in Bethlehem and throughout the oppressive
    Israeli occupation, I also hope that many of the ugly attitudes that
    dominated the Muslim World might change so that the world can see
    the true beauty of Islam, rather than its vanity.

    * Ray Hanania is an award winning nationally syndicated columnist,
    author and satirist. He can be reached at