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European Parliament Calls On Turkey To Explicitly Recognize TheArmen

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  • European Parliament Calls On Turkey To Explicitly Recognize TheArmen


    STRASBURG, December 16 (Noyan Tapan). The European Armenian Federation
    for Justice and Democracy (EAFJD) welcomed the adoption by the
    European Parliament of three strongly worded measures calling on
    Turkey to properly recognize the Armenian Genocide. These measures
    were actively supported by the Brussels-based Federation, which
    represents more than two hundred Armenian associations across Europe.

    The provisions were added, on the eve of the December 17th vote of
    the European Council on opening European Union membership talks with
    Turkey, as amendments to a Parliamentary report on Turkey's progress
    toward accession to the European Union. This report, prepared
    by Camiel Eurlings (PPE/The Netherlands) was passed by a vote of
    407 to 262. Significantly, the report stressed, in Paragraph 55,
    that, "the opening of negotiations will be the starting point for a
    long-lasting process [.] and does not lead 'a priori' and automatically
    to accession." An amendment to the report suggesting that Turkey be
    granted a "privileged partnership" rather than actual membership in
    the European Union was rejected by a secret ballot.

    The Eurling Report made specific reference to Armenian issues in eight
    separate paragraphs, with three dealing specifically with Armenian
    Genocide recognition. Amendments on the Genocide were brought to
    the floor by four political groups (EPP, PSE, ALDE, United Left,
    Independence/Democracy), respectively by Mr. Toubon (EPP/France),
    Mr. Poignant (PSE/France) and Mrs. Carlotti (PSE/France), Mrs. De
    Sarnez (ALDE/France), Mr. Wurtz (United Left/France) and Mr. Belder
    (IND/DEM / Netherlands).

    In the end, the European Parliament urged Turkey to "promote the
    process of reconciliation with the Armenian people by acknowledging
    the genocide" and called on the European Council and Commission to
    demand this country to "formally acknowledge the historic reality"
    of the Genocide.

    The European Armenian Federation welcomed the adoption of the Eurling
    Report and the three amendments clearly articulating the European
    consensus that Turkey must acknowledge the Armenian Genocide. "On
    the eve of the European Summit, heads of state must, as they chart a
    course for the future, take into account the democratic will of the
    European electorate and our elected representatives in the European
    Parliament," stated Hilda Tchoboian, Chairperson of the European
    Armenian Federation. "This is a tremendous victory for Europeans who
    want to preserve European values in the face of Turkeyâ~@~Ys ongoing
    denial of the Genocide," she continued.

    Since the European Parliament resolution of 1987, which set the
    recognition of the Armenian genocide as a precondition to the
    consideration of Turkish accession to the Union, the European
    Parliament has continuously restated this principled position in
    successive resolutions. This message was reinforced earlier this week
    by the French Minister of Foreign Affairs, who called on Turkey to
    recognize the genocide against the Armenians. "The clear consensus
    within European circles remains: Turkey cannot join the Union without
    giving up its ultra-nationalist and aggressive policy towards Armenia,"
    explained Tchoboian. "European Armenians urge the upcoming meeting
    of the European Council to reflect the will of the European public,
    to honor this vote of the European Parliament, and to respect the
    European values on which the European project is based," concluded
    the chairperson of the European Armenian Federation.

    "Armenian Americans join with the European Armenian Federation and
    Armenians across Europe in welcoming this historic vote reaffirming
    the international consensus that Turkey must recognize the Armenian
    Genocide, lift its blockade of Armenia, and abandon it hostile policies
    toward Armenia and the Armenian people," said Aram Hamparian, the
    Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) Executive Director. "The
    strong support for these measures across the European political
    spectrum has resonance around the world, including here in the United
    States, where a growing number of American legislators are growing
    tired of increasingly strident - often desperate - Turkish efforts
    to dictate U.S. policy on the Armenian Genocide."
