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Thirty Foreign Agents Unmasked In 14 Years - Armenian Security Chief

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  • Thirty Foreign Agents Unmasked In 14 Years - Armenian Security Chief


    Golos Armenii, Yerevan
    16 Dec 04 p 3

    Excerpt from Vladimir Darbinyan's report by Armenian newspaper Golos
    Armenii on 16 December headlined "Thirty foreign agents have been
    disclosed over the last 14 years"

    An interview with the director of the National Security Service,
    Gorik Akopyan.

    (Correspondent) The 20 December marks the anniversary of national
    security bodies. What would you wish your staff?

    (Gorik Akopyan) Traditionally, our system has marked the 20 December
    as a professional holiday, and the decision of the Armenian government
    of 2002 to mark the 20 December as a day of the Armenian national
    security service was taken by most people with enthusiasm.

    (Passage omitted: Akopyan continues to comments on the traditions
    in the national security system, the principles of its formation and
    other details; biography details)

    (Golos Armenii correspondent) You used to head the secret department
    of the Armenian National Security Service. What results have been
    achieved in this sphere?

    (Gorik Akopyan) The secret department is one of the main directions
    in the work of security structures. The ensuring of state security
    greatly depends on the secret department. I think the fact that
    the activities of more than 30 foreign agents have been revealed and
    prevented over the last 14 years testifies to the work we have carried
    out. I would like to recall that as a result of the activities of
    the secret department, Turkish and Azerbaijani agents Bozholyan and
    Shilina's group were recently unmasked and appeared before the court.

    (Correspondent) The fight against terrorism has become the main task of
    almost all the secret services of the world. What working links does
    the Armenian National Security Service have with similar structures
    of other countries?

    (Akopyan) The main department to defend the constitutional system
    and fight terrorism was set up in 2000. The fight against terrorism
    requires a complex approach and close cooperation between relevant
    state structures. In the issue of stepping up the fight against
    terrorism, Armenia is cooperating with relevant international
    structures in line with corresponding international treaties and
    provisions of UN Security Council resolutions. Specifically,
    we are cooperating on this sphere within the framework of the
    CIS antiterrorism centre, the CIS Collective Security Treaty, the
    Black Sea Economic Cooperation Organization, as well as with other
    interested parties.

    In recent years, a new legislative base, which also covers problems
    of ensuring efficiency in the fight against terrorism, has been
    created in Armenia. Specifically, the new Criminal Code of Armenia
    has several articles related to the fight against terrorism. The
    National Assembly has drawn up a law "On the fight against terrorism"
    and adopted it in its first reading, which will provide a universal
    legal solution to problems in fighting terrorism.

    (Correspondent) Are there specific results in this sphere?

    (Akopyan) The protection of special purpose facilities against
    terrorism, as well as of the most important means of supporting the
    economy, is the most significant thing in the process of fighting
    terrorism. The prevention of terrorist attacks while they are
    being prepared is in the centre of the attention of the national
    security structures. Specifically, several assassination attempts
    were revealed and prevented. Over the last three years, the National
    Security Service has impounded several hundreds of guns, light missile
    launchers and machine guns. The National Security Service is paying
    special attention to the fight against the illegal circulation of
    radioactive materials. We recently arrested an Armenian citizen who
    had radioactive material caesium-137 that posed a serious threat to
    the population. We are also concerned about so-called "telephone
    terrorism". Unfortunately, this new phenomenon is already common
    in our country. It causes panic among the population and creates
    additional difficulties in the work of the law-enforcement agencies. A
    telephone terrorist was recently unmasked and arrested. On 19 November,
    he chose the Chekhov secondary school as a target for "terror".

    (Passage omitted: Akopyan said that the secret service did everything
    possible to disarm the gunmen who seized the Armenian parliament
    in 1999 and killed the prime minister and members of parliament;
    Other details)