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TEHRAN: Iran press reports 12 Dec Majlis session

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  • TEHRAN: Iran press reports 12 Dec Majlis session

    Iran press reports 12 Dec Majlis session

    Iran press review from BBC Monitoring
    13 Dec 04

    Sharq, 13/12/2004, p 7

    Majlis Protests Against the Iran Zamin Festival

    Pre-Agenda Speech -- Seyyed Mehdi Purfatemi, Representative of Dashti and
    Tangestan: Providing an Atmosphere for the Activity of All Tendencies

    With a review of the Islamic Revolution's history, we will reach the
    conclusion that an important part of the two decades after the revolution's victory
    was spent on issues and conditions related to the revolution that were imposed
    on us.

    At the outset of the revolution, some of the political groups resorted to
    violence because of lacking the culture of political activity. This was also the
    time when foreign invasion or the war was imposed on our country. After that,
    a part of our time was spent on reconstruction of the devastations of war. But
    the third decade of the revolution, which was expected to be the decade of
    stabilizing the system and institutionalizing the political participation of
    people and transition toward a civil society, fortunately concurred with the
    seventh presidential election. That election was rightfully described as an epic
    by the eminent leader. The wishes and demands of the majority of people
    actualized in Mr Khatami's programs, even though some people had a different
    interpretation and explanation for it in their reactionary frame of mind. His rational
    and accurate policies and positions corrected the violent image of the
    Islamic Republic of Iran that had been presented for the world community, so that
    the idea of dialogue among civilizations was approved and praised by the world
    as one of his innovations.

    But we should keep in mind that the 2 Khordad epic that surprised the world
    community and rendered America passive was the result of the freest and
    broadest electoral competition in which the people eagerly and willingly went to the
    polling places to vote for their favorite individual among the candidates with
    different tendencies and expressed their demand and exercised their will. At
    that time, on the verge of the third decade of the Islamic Revolution's
    victory, the Iranian people returned to the Islamic Revolution's original slogans,
    goals and aspirations. Imam's intended values for the revolution once again
    emerged and appeared in Khordad 76 [May 1997] and the process of development in
    all fields and institutionalization of civic participation came on the agenda.
    In this way, although the Khatami government faced reactions, obstacles and
    opposition from its critics and opponents and unavoidably had to pay heavy
    prices to continue the course of reforms, it also made lots of achievements in
    economic, political, cultural and social fields.

    Now, after two terms full of ups and downs and while only a few months are
    left until the next presidential election, the slogans of all officials,
    organizations and political groups and parties are aimed at the people's maximal
    participation in the election as the manifestation of the system's republicanism.
    In this regard, there are a few important points to consider: First, we all
    believe according to narratives from the Prophet that all people are responsible
    to take part in their destiny. Second, according to the Constitution, which
    is derived from luminous verses of the Koran and is the external manifestation
    of the thoughts and ideas of the late imam (God's benedictions be upon him),
    in the Islamic Republic system of Iran, people are in control of their destiny
    by virtue of divine will. In this system, rulers are elected by the people and
    election is the most important means by which the authorities are held
    accountable and put under the people's control. Third, in the present circumstances,
    maximum participation will further ensure our country's national security. So
    we have to plan for the people's presence in the ninth presidential election
    and prepare the requirements and preconditions for their participation. Most
    importantly, we must try to convince the people that their vote and presence
    will be effective. This important matter will not be achieved unless in the
    present critical political circumstances we prepare an atmosphere for the elite
    and political groups and parties, and generally the enormous current that has
    roots in the revolution is attached to Iran and is looking forward to bright
    horizons for the future, regardless of their diverse tastes and tendencies, to
    freely perform activity and express their views on various issues. In this way,
    the people in a competitive environment will be able to choose the candidates
    representing their favorite views to entrust the administrative affairs to
    them. This is the very political development that some do not consider as a top
    priority. Otherwise, if one group or party or a certain faction were after
    preparing such conditions as to eliminate others from the competition and paid no
    attention to the demands of others, obviously, even if the most authoritative
    political figure should be nominated as candidate in this atmosphere, the
    people wouldn't find their presence reasonable. Another point is the role of the
    mass media, which could be very useful and effective in communicating
    information, provided that the national media and various communication networks and
    the intelligence and security facilities are not exclusively put at the disposal
    of a certain current, especially against another current. Hence, in view of
    the people's enthusiastic and lively turnout in the last two presidential
    elections, we should prepare suitable grounds for the people's active and hopeful
    participation in this election as well. In this case, the next president will
    be elected by the people's majority vote, not with a minimal popular vote.

    Majlis Protests Against the Iran Zamin Festival

    Political Desk: The Majlis speaker and a few members of the Developers
    [Abadgaran] Coalition yesterday in the Majlis open session were protesting about the
    way in which the theater festival of Khuzestan had been held. Meanwhile, a
    representative close to the traditional spectrum of the conservatives began to
    criticize the conduct of some of the fundamentalist faction's members. As the
    parliamentary correspondent of Sharq reports, Gholam Ali Haddad-Adel, the
    Majlis speaker, 'Emad Afrugh, representative of Tehran and the chairman of the
    Cultural Committee, and Hassan Now'i-Aqdam, representative of Ardebil and member
    of the Majlis presidium, were those who denounced the incidents of the Iran
    Zamin Theater Festival in Ahvaz as being contrary to Islamic principles, against
    Islamic veiling and chastity, and regrettable. These representatives in their
    statements called for the removal of high-ranking governmental directors from
    office. These protests, however, were voiced under such conditions that Mohsen
    Yahyavi, representative of Borujerd and a member of the Islamic Association
    of Engineers, protested at one of the members of the Majlis fundamentalist
    faction whose bodyguard and driver had abducted a student girl at gunpoint with
    the Xantia automobile and identification card of Majlis. Addressing Haddad-Adel
    in a notice, Yahyavi said: "If a representative's bodyguard did make a student
    girl with Islamic veiling get in his car by showing an identification card
    and at gunpoint, he must be considered as an adversary of religion. And if the
    story is not true, newspapers must be stopped from publishing such news items."
    Valiollah Shoja'purian, representative of Behbahan and member of the minority
    faction, also severely condemned the action by the Justice Department of
    Khuzestan in arresting the general director of the guidance department of
    Khuzestan Province. A few fundamentalist representatives also submitted written
    notices in protest against the Iran Zamin Festival. In this festival, which was held
    in the city of Ahvaz, artistic groups from a number of countries including
    France, Armenia and some Islamic countries were present and staged their
    theatrical performances.

    We Cried Tears of Blood

    But the first one to criticize the government and the minister of guidance
    was 'Emad Afrugh, who dealt with the issue of cultural transformation in his
    pre-agenda speech. He said: "The meaning of cultural transformation is that we
    axe the roots of our ideological concepts and the Islamic Revolution's essence,
    objectives and aspirations with our own hands and by using governmental
    facilities, resources and opportunities." He explained: "We heard of cultural
    imperialism, ancient Spain and Andolos in our youth. But why have we forgotten that
    period of history?" Comparing the present time with the old period, he said:
    "I don't think in Andolos they transformed the system from inside in the name
    of theocracy. But what we are seeing today is that official organizations and
    cultural officials by using governmental resources are axing the Islamic
    Republic's aspirations and objectives, including its cultural objectives." Then he
    spoke about the closing ceremony of the Iran Zamin Theater Festival and
    considered it an instance of transformation from the inside. Afrugh said: "It might
    be said that this event was in a private ceremony. If this was the case and
    anyone wanted to criticize, I would stand against it in the name of private
    boundary. But unfortunately, this program was held in a public place, in the name
    of the Islamic Republic and in the presence of provincial and ministerial
    officials." Afrugh stated: "True Iranian artists should resist against this
    obscenity and artistic transformation, because this festival was supposed to be a
    theater festival, but instead it was a dance festival, especially the dance of
    men and women together." Noting that Islam and the Islamic Republic have
    boundaries, the chairman of the Cultural Committee said: "The officials cannot say
    they were faced with an action that was already done, because before the
    performance the programs were played for the board of referees." He added: "The say
    it was only three minutes, but this is just a quantitative standpoint and the
    qualitative views are important here." At the end, Afrugh addressed the artists
    and said: "If you want art to be perpetual, criticize yourself
    introspectively so that the public prosecutor wouldn't have to."

    Hassan Now'i-Aqdam was the next representative from the fundamentalist
    faction who described the Iran Zamin Theater Festival as a scandal that broke the
    heart of the owners of the revolution and the inheritors of the martyrs' blood.
    He too confirmed Afrugh's statements in his pre-agenda speech and requested
    the president to issue a decisive order for investigations into the matter, so
    as to thwart the enemies from further playing with the inheritors of the
    martyrs' blood, the revolution's selfless devotees and the revolution's goals by
    means of cultural transformation at our own hands.

    Representatives of the fundamentalist faction also issued a few separate
    written notices to the minister of Islamic culture and guidance regarding the Iran
    Zamin Theater Festival that Gholam Ali Haddad-Adel, the Majlis speaker, read
    out from the Majlis tribune. In these notices, Sattar Hedayatkhah,
    representative of Buirahmad and Dena, Seyyed Mohammadreza Mirtajeddini, representative of
    Tabriz, Azarshahr and Osku, and Seyyed Ahmad Hosseini, representative of
    Sirjan and Bardsir, warned the minister of Islamic culture and guidance about the
    promotion of vulgarity, the breaking of boundaries and the violation of divine
    tenets in the Iran Zamin Festival of Ahvaz. Also, Representatives Seyyed
    Ahmad Musavi and Nasser Sudani of Ahvaz, Seyyed Nasser Musavi of Ramhormoz,
    Mohammad Sa'id Ansari of Abadan, Seyyed Mohammad Taqi Mohassel-Hamedani of Bafq and
    Mehriz, Shokrollah 'Attarzadeh of Bushehr, Genaveh and Deylam addressed
    notices to the interior minister regarding the participation of the provincial
    governor of Khuzestan and his deputies in the Iran Zamin Festival of Ahvaz. These
    representatives also gave notices to the minister of Islamic culture and
    guidance regarding the protests of the people of Ahvaz against this festival.

    We Will Defend the People's Cultural Rights

    The Majlis speaker, Gholam Ali Haddad-Adel, summed up the protesting
    statements by the fundamentalist faction's members and said: "I have asked the
    chairman of the Cultural Committee to follow up on the issue, so that we could defend
    the people's cultural rights." He said: "The pious people of Ahvaz and
    Khuzestan and the religious authorities of this area have shown reaction against
    what happened, and the people's most natural expectation from the officials is
    that they observe Islamic tenets in such programs." He asserted: "When the
    officials know they should be careful with cultural programs, and at the same time
    they invite groups of women dancers from non-Islamic countries, the least
    thing to be said is that they were imprudent and careless." The Majlis speaker
    stated: "Why should theatrical groups unfamiliar with Islamic tenets be invited
    to perform programs in Iran? So the first step would be for the high-ranking
    officials to declare their position and respect the people's demand. Besides,
    any of the officials who committed an infraction or mistake must be interrogated
    and reprimanded."

    Ratifying the Urgency of a Draft Bill to Suspend the Jury Law

    Political Desk: The Majlis representatives approved the urgency of a draft
    bill to suspend the jury law for political and press crimes passed in the Sixth
    Majlis and to reinstate the previous jury law.

    As the parliamentary correspondent of Sharq reports, according to the single
    article of this draft bill, the jury law passed on 12/24/82 [3/14/2004] in the
    Sixth Majlis will be suspended because of its financial burden and the lack
    of financial sources for this purpose, and the previous jury law passed on
    2/11/1379 [4/22/2000] will be in effect. Yesterday, when this draft bill was
    propounded in the open session, Mohammad Mirtajeddini, representative of Tabriz and
    the spokesman for the fundamentalists faction, explained: "Ever since the
    Sixth Majlis passed the new jury law and the previous one was abolished, the
    press court has been closed." He said: "The current law has financial burdens and
    presently cannot be practiced. According to this law, there are 500 people in
    Tehran, 250 people in the capitals of provinces and 150 people in small cities
    who are qualified to serve as jurors in political and press courts." He
    added: "Twenty-one of these people will be chosen by lot for membership in the
    jury, and 14 members will be chosen in the capitals of provinces." Mirtajeddini
    said: "Execution of this law takes time and money, and for this reason we want
    the previous law to be restored." But Akbar A'lami, representative of Tabriz
    and a member of the minority faction, objected to Mirtajeddini's explanations
    and said: "There is suspicion that the Seventh Majlis is opposed to freedom of
    expression and is seeking to restrict political activities. So if we pass this
    draft bill, we will strengthen these doubts." A'lami said: "According to
    Article 168 of the Constitution, legal proceedings for political and press crimes
    must be conducted by a competent court, and this court must be held openly and
    with the presence of a jury. If we want to make alterations in this law, this
    is not the way to do so." He said: "When a law is passed, its financial burden
    is also taken into consideration. So we should ask the respective officials
    why the law isn't being practiced." After A'lami's explanations, a vote was
    taken and the majority of representatives voted for the urgency of this draft

    Investigation About the Ministry of Health

    The proposal for investigating the Ministry of Health and Treatment, which
    had been approved earlier in the Health Committee, yesterday was propounded in
    the Majlis open session and passed with 140 votes.

    Mironev's Speech in the Open Session

    Sergey Mironev, the chairman of the Russian Federation Council, yesterday
    came to the Majlis open session and said: "There are unique capacities for useful
    reciprocal cooperation in various aspects between Russia and Iran. The old
    relations between the two countries are not only values that the nations of both
    countries respect, but also a geopolitical fact and an element of stability
    and security in Asia. This is why Russia considers your country as an important
    partner both in bilateral relations and on the international level." Mironev
    asserted: "We would like to deepen our close and trust-building talks with
    Iran over a wide range of issues, especially in view of the complicated situation
    in the region."

    Amendment to the Election Law

    In yesterday's open session, the Majlis representatives approved the urgency
    of a draft bill to reform the Majlis election law for Babolsar. This draft
    bill, when finalized, will determine the destiny of this constituency. Meqdad
    Najafnezhad, the elected candidate for Babolsar and Fereydun Kenar, resigned
    before the approval of his credentials in Majlis and this matter led to
    differences between the Guardian Council and the Interior Ministry. With the final
    ratification of this urgent draft bill, if elected candidates for the Islamic
    Consultative Assembly resign before or after the Guardian Council confirms the
    accuracy of elections and until the candidates' credentials are approved by the
    Islamic Consultative Assembly, and if they officially announce their resignation
    to the governor office of their constituency, their resignation will be
    accepted and the new representative of the constituency will be elected in the
    first midterm election after the resignation.

    Resalat, 13/12/2004, p 3

    The Speech of the Representative of Neyshabur

    Hojjat ol-Eslam Hossein Sobhaninia, representative of Neyshabur, was the
    second pre-agenda speaker in yesterday's Majlis open session. He said: "The big
    blight of the country's nuclear diplomacy was that our diplomats viewed the
    three sides of the triangle of America, the agency and Europe as separate from
    each other and with excessive optimism failed to notice the division of work
    between them." He added: "Whenever Iran considered a pivotal role for the
    Europeans, they obtained concessions from our country in return for some promises. But
    when the time came for closing Iran's nuclear case, the Europeans answered
    that they wanted to do so, but America was exerting pressure and the agency
    wouldn't permit it." Reiterating that the attainment of nuclear technology was
    Iran's absolute right, Sobhani said: "Under the present circumstances, it seems
    that our country's nuclear officials, while strengthening the negotiating team
    and correcting their flaws, need to consider more comprehensive strategies by
    viewing the sides of the mentioned triangle."

    The Speech of the Representative of Ardebil

    Hassan Now'i-Aqdam, representative of Ardebil, was the fourth pre-agenda
    speaker in the Islamic Consultative Assembly's open session yesterday. Noting that
    the consistent salary payment system was one of the most important
    legislations in the Seventh Majlis, he said: "The Seventh Majlis, in line with
    accomplishing the strategy of social justice, from the outset of its establishment
    demanded the government to submit this bill to the Majlis before the budget bill
    of the year 84 [3/21/2005 to 3/20/2006]. But unfortunately, in spite of our
    frequent inquiries, this bill hasn't been sent to the Majlis thus far." He went
    on to express regrets over the Iran Zamin Festival and said: "This festival
    broke the heart of the revolution's owners." He added: "We are sorry that the
    advocates of the culture of laxness and negligence stage such programs to satisfy
    the revolution's enemies and eradicate the revolution's aspirations."

    Ratifying the Private Sector's Activity in the Domain of Post and Telegraph

    In yesterday's open session, the Islamic Consultative Assembly passed the
    generalities of a bill to authorize issuing licenses for post and telegraph
    activities to the private sector. This bill permits the government to transfer a
    part of its post and telegraph activities to the private sector.

    The Majlis representatives also ratified the agreement between the
    governments of Iran, Austria, Cyprus and Algeria for cooperation in the fields of public
    health and medical and industrial sciences.

    Resalat, 13/12/2004, p 3

    On the Sidelines of the Majlis

    Article 90 Committee Investigates Ahvaz Incident

    The Article 90 Committee criticized the minister of guidance for negligence
    in confronting the elements involved in the scandalous incident at the Ahvaz

    In yesterday's session of the Article 90 Committee, the film of the closing
    ceremony of the Iran Zamin Theater Festival, which had been held last week in
    Ahvaz, was displayed for the members of this committee. Shameless scenes
    contrary to ethical principles, mixed dances of men and women, and promotion of
    indecent and unethical relations evoked the representatives' regret and protest.
    After reviewing the scandalous film of the Ahvaz theater festival, the members
    of the Article 90 Committee criticized the hesitation and indifference of the
    minister of guidance and the imprudence pervading this ministry. The
    representatives considered the mismanagement of the minister of guidance as the cause
    of such inappropriate behaviors and corruption of the domain of art with

    Members of the Article 90 Committee demanded the minister of guidance to
    follow up on the reasons behind this incident, to confront the organizers of the
    scandalous Ahvaz theater festival and discharge the culpable directors.

    Save the State News Agency!

    The representative of Tabriz addressed a notice to the minister of guidance
    regarding the publication of certain items in the Islamic Republic News
    Agency's bulletins.

    Ms 'Eshrat Sha'eq, representative of Tabriz, yesterday in a notice that was
    read out by the Majlis speaker criticized the Islamic Republic News Agency for
    publishing in its bulletins certain news items aimed at promotion of
    secularism by means of the news sources of the Hypocrites [Mojahedin-e Khalq] and
    called for adoption of due measures. The representative of Tabriz also gave the
    president a notice about some of the educational activities by the presidential
    institution's Center for Participation of Women.

    Representatives of Khuzestan Protest Against Ahvaz Festival

    A group of representatives of Khuzestan protested against the scandalous
    ceremony of the Iran Zamin Theater Festival in Ahvaz.

    In this regard, Nasser Sudani, representative of Ahvaz, told our
    correspondent: "The Iran Zamin Theater Festival and specifically its closing ceremony are
    not defensible at all. The conduct at this ceremony was at odds with ethical
    and human values." He said: "The regrettable point is that the provincial
    governor of Khuzestan and the general director of the guidance department of the
    province were also present at the mentioned ceremony, but not only did they not
    protest about the ceremony, they even gave prizes to the organizers." Sudani
    said the dismissal of different elements responsible for this incident and the
    apology of the Guidance Ministry officials to the people of Khuzestan were the
    least corrective measure expected. He asserted: "Before the Iran Zamin
    Theater Festival in Ahvaz, I had acquired evidence that showed some inappropriate
    things might happen at this festival. So I reflected this matter to the minister
    of guidance and he promised to look into the issue. But no measure was taken
    in practice and that led to this ugly ceremony."

    Representatives Be Observant

    The Majlis speaker emphasized the need for representatives to be observant of
    the actions and behaviors of their friends and acquaintances.

    Yesterday, following the notice by Engineer Yahyavi, representative of
    Borujerd, who called for investigations about the kidnapping of a student girl by
    the bodyguard of one of the representatives of Khorramabad, Dr Haddad-Adel
    stated: "One of the duties of representatives is to watch the deeds of their
    friends and acquaintances and be careful that no one would take advantage of their
    position in the guise of being close to them." Pointing out the news items
    published in some newspapers about the hideous behavior of the bodyguard of one of
    the representatives, Engineer Yahyavi said: "If this matter is true as these
    newspapers have written, we must demand the Judiciary to severely confront the
    perpetrators. And if the item is not true, we must confront the newspapers
    that published this piece of news." It is worth mentioning that although this
    representative is not a member of the fundamentalist faction, some of the
    multipurpose correspondents whose mission is to undermine the Majlis yesterday were
    trying use the improper action by this representative's bodyguard as a pretext
    to discredit the fundamentalist figures of Majlis.

    Discussions About the Presidential Election in the Majority Faction

    The general assembly of the fundamentalist representatives faction is holding
    a session this week on Tuesday. In this session, which is going to be held
    Tuesday after the evening prayers at the parliament building, the
    representatives will be informed about the latest views on the presidential election and the
    process of negotiations regarding the candidates and their programs. Also,
    the members of three workgroups of the fundamentalist faction for consideration
    of bills and proposals and offering expert views to the representatives will
    be elected in this session.

    An Independent Committee for Women and Youths

    The proposal for establishing the Committee on Women, Family and Youths will
    be considered in Majlis on Tuesday.

    Announcing this matter, 'Eshrat Sha'eq, representative of Tabriz and a member
    of the women's faction, said: "The issue of women, youths and family, in view
    of the problems these classes are dealing with, is of immense importance and
    requires that we have an independent committee in the Majlis to address these
    matters. In the Fifth Majlis, there used to be such a committee. But
    unfortunately the Sixth Majlis dissolved that committee instead of strengthening it.
    Therefore, considering the need that is felt for attending the problems and
    difficulties of youths and women, a group of representatives have signed a
    proposal to reform the Majlis regulations and establish a special committee under the
    title of Women, Family and Youths, and this proposal will soon be considered
    in the Majlis."
    From: Baghdasarian