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BAKU: Aliyev votes at municipal elections

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  • BAKU: Aliyev votes at municipal elections

    Azer Tag, Azerbaijan
    Dec 17 2004

    [December 17, 2004, 21:14:37]

    December 17, 2004 enters the history of independent Azerbaijan as a
    date of regular municipal elections. This day, millions of voters
    arrive at polling stations to vote for the most deserved candidates
    who will be engaged in solving their local problems within the next 5

    All necessary measures had been taken on the base of the new Election
    Code for citizens to express their will freely. This fact was also
    confirmed the day before the by the international observers who had
    arrived in Azerbaijan to monitor the election process.

    Special activity today was observed at the polling station N6 of the
    election districts N29 of Sabail district located in Baku
    school-lyceum "Intellect" named after Tofig Ismayilov, where
    President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev and first lady
    Mehriban Aliyeva arrived to vote at 11 a.m.

    After the voting, the President viewed the school at which he used to

    Then, the Head of State answered questions from local and foreign

    Q: Mr. President, what is you opinion about the course of the
    elections, and do you generally think about raising the status of
    municipalities after the elections?

    A: I am sure the elections will be going well. This is the second
    municipality election in Azerbaijan and there is certain experience.
    The status of municipalities will be probably raised; they will be
    engaged in concrete activities at the local level. So, this
    institution is already formed in Azerbaijan, and will be developed in
    the future.

    Q: Mr. President, what do you think about non-participation of the
    opposition, and some political parties in the elections?

    A. I consider every political force should take part in all
    elections. Especially, taking into account that now there is no
    quorum factor in elections in Azerbaijan, and therefore it has no use
    of boycott. As to the reason of their non-participation, there is
    also no secret. General state of opposition, of course, does not
    allow them to assist their candidates in places. Besides, the
    opposition has few candidates in places. Current state of opposition
    shows that they are possibly obliged to hide their force, or,
    weakness and have chosen the tactics of boycott. But this is their
    concern, and I do not interfere with.

    Q. Mr. President, You have stated in London that we are need for
    active and constructive opposition. You have regretted that there is
    no such an opposition in Azerbaijan. What should be done to achieve
    this and when we shall have such an opposition?

    A. You know, this question does not depend only on the power, or any
    political party. Now, in Azerbaijan, there is every condition to
    engage in political activity. There is an ongoing democratic process
    in Azerbaijan, significant steps are taken for democratization of
    society and the international organizations watch and support it.

    Azerbaijan implements all obligations it has taken before the
    international organizations. It means, there is every condition for
    activity of normal opposition. As to when they will be more active,
    this depends on their activity. I have stated many times that the
    political forces that failed in presidential and parliament
    elections, of course, will not be shown any respect. The opposition
    should be renewed, new forces and new leaders should come to
    opposition. Hostility should remain in past. We need constructive
    relations. Unfortunately, despite our efforts, it was not possible
    normal dialogue with leaders of the present opposition. The future
    will show, in any case, I am not satisfied with current situation. I
    consider, after parliament elections, the opposition cannot pull
    together from the blow it stroke itself. When it will come to itself,
    the time will show.

    Q. Mr. President, You are expected to visit Iran shortly. Azerbaijan
    takes into account sensitiveness of Iran in connection with the
    Middle East problem, the Middle East policy. But last days, it seems
    Iran, in its policy towards Armenia, does not take into consideration
    sensitiveness of Azerbaijan connected to the Nagorny Karabakh
    question. Will You focus the item during your visit?

    A. You know, Azerbaijan pursues an independent foreign policy. Our
    bilateral relations should also meet interests of both countries. The
    latest dialogue established between Azerbaijan and Iran shows that
    when the countries do not interfere with internal affairs of each
    other, it became possible to establish good relations. We adhere
    these principles. I am pleased that the latest relations between Iran
    and Azerbaijan are created just on this ground. We establish our
    links on mutual respect and understanding. You, possibly, have seen
    that the dialogue between Iran and Azerbaijan has intensified. The
    documents signed during successful visit of the Iranian president to
    Azerbaijan gives reason to say that there will be opportunity for
    real affairs in the years ahead.

    As to the Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict, Iran has many times openly
    supported territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. In general, Iran has
    supported Azerbaijan in this question, on all the international
    organizations, including in the United Nations in the latest time
    Iran held a positive position. As to the links of Iran with other
    countries, of course, it is its own concern to keep relations with
    Armenia or other country.

    At the same time, we live in a sensitive region and territorial
    integrity of Azerbaijan has been violated, Armenia has occupied
    Azerbaijan lands. As a result, one million of our citizens have
    become refugees and IDPs. All these factors, of course, should be
    taken into account in the ongoing processes in region. I hope the
    aggressor should be unequivocally blamed for establishment of peace
    and stability here and the international organizations, regional
    states should state their positions in this question.

    Q. Mr. President, there is consent between foreign ministers of
    Azerbaijan and Armenia to resume second round of the talks on
    settlement of the Nagorny Karabakh problem. What has given the first
    round to Azerbaijan and what will bring the second round?

    A. I would not divide it to phases. I consider the process of
    negotiations goes ahead at all. To view the history of negotiations,
    there appeared some new frames of talks in the last year. Especially,
    there is a process called "the Prague process" and the OSCE documents
    already refer to the Prague process. What is the Prague process?
    Simply, it is phase-by-phase settlement of the problem. You know that
    Azerbaijan's position in this question is resolute and unambiguous. I
    am pleased that the forces engaged in the questions come closer. The
    phase-by-phase settlement is a key to this problem. The future talks,
    therefore, should be carried out in this frame. I consider that
    should the talks be constructive, the Armenian side, as earlier,
    should not step back from the agreed positions, we can come to
    certain consent.

    But I want to draw your attention to the following question. As you
    know, being recently in Armenia, chairman of the State Duma of Russia
    has stated that Armenia is an advanced post of Russia on the Southern
    Caucasus. We always considered that Armenia is the state, and now
    appeared, that it is an advanced post. Therefore, we now do not know
    with whom to negotiate - with an advanced post or with its owner? If
    Armenia will be determined on the given question, the best conditions
    for successful negotiating will be created.

    Q. Mr. President, was the rise in price of project "Shahdeniz" for 25
    percent was discussed with the international financial organizations?

    A. The said questions were discussed. Being in London, I discussed
    this question also with the management of the Bp Company. Certainly,
    it disturbs both the investor and us. In the oil industry there are
    such facts. And the project is very large. It is extremely important
    project for Azerbaijan, its future. Both sides are interested in that
    charges have not increased. But also in case of increase we cannot
    leave uncompleted our common deed. Therefore, the "Shahdeniz" project
    should be carried out by all means. Azerbaijan will involve the
    oil-and-gas potential in full scale.

    Q. Mr. President, I would touch the following moment connected to our
    internal affairs. It is connected to education system of Azerbaijan.
    Despite of presence of problems in education system of Azerbaijan, in
    the country already during many years the law on education in any way
    does not pass. Every time when you are interested, the management of
    parliament, chairman of the commission answer: "There are extremely
    important points which we should coordinate with the President.
    Whether you will hold within the next few days the said question
    under attention, and, as a whole how you would want to see this

    A. As you know, I am not the expert in the said area. Certainly, for
    me the opinion of experts becomes decisive. I talked to management of
    parliament about it, carried out exchange of opinions. But I want
    that experts have expressed their opinion. In that bill, there are
    some moments, which are perceived ambiguously. I repeat again - I
    never prosecute subjects in which deeply I do not understand. I want
    that wide discussions have been carried out, various opinions, that
    this question has been investigated in all details. Only then, my
    position will become known. I think that at present stage, there is a
    necessity for wide discussions, all disputable moments should be
    analyzed, and offers are brought.

    Q. Mr. President, in connection with situation on the
    Georgia-Azerbaijan border you have stated that investigations will
    continue until doubts will be eliminated. How are the things now?

    Mr. President, as the second part of this question. We would like to
    know your attitude as the President, to the occurring events
    concerning Azerbaijanis living in Georgia. Whether disturb you events
    occurring there?

    A. The question on border has cleared up and various measures have
    been taken. Representatives of corresponding structures of Azerbaijan
    already are in Georgia and together with the colleagues carry out
    investigation. As I have already noted, after we completely shall
    make sure that it will be impossible to transport a gram of cargo to
    Armenia, all problems on border will be eliminated. The Georgian side
    also with understanding approaches the given question and our
    position. As you know, in Georgia there is a powerful struggle
    against smuggling, in Azerbaijan, this struggle is at the same high
    level. There were cases of smuggling, cases of falsification, swindle
    and therefore there was possible transportation of cargoes to Armenia
    through territory of Azerbaijan.

    Now it will not be possible. We have put an end to this and we do not
    allow it more. If there will be established normal regime there,
    certainly, the border will be open. Otherwise, the border will remain
    closed. We understand, that it also damages us and in the certain
    sense the damage is rendered also to Georgia. But we do not have
    other way.

    As if to your second question, that, certainly, the quiet life of
    Azerbaijanis abroad is for us extremely important question. Making
    visits to the countries in which Azerbaijanis compactly live, I
    always carried out meetings with their representatives, expressed my
    sincere feelings, the given question is constantly discussed with
    heads of these countries. In Ukraine, Russia, Georgia where our
    Diaspora, our live… The given question was discussed with management
    of these countries. For example, being in Russia, as you remember,
    for the first time the President of Russia and I have taken part in
    the Forum of All-Russia Congress. After that the best conditions for
    quiet life of Azerbaijanis there have been created.

    I can tell, that, being in Georgia, for the first time in the
    history, the head of Azerbaijan together with the President of
    Georgia have visited places of residing of Azerbaijanis. The given
    question repeatedly has been discussed at all levels. Certainly, at
    level with all other inhabitants of Georgia, the Azerbaijanis enjoy
    the equal rights on all questions. But it is the fact, that
    Azerbaijanis living in Georgia are citizens of Georgia. Certainly,
    they should respect the laws of Georgia, not suppose cases of
    infringement of the law, provocations. There are some forces, which
    aspire to strike on relations between Georgia and Azerbaijan. We
    know, who are these forces. Unfortunately, such forces are also
    inside Azerbaijan. But the main forces are outside of Azerbaijan. We
    do not suppose that certain damage has been caused to strategic
    partnership between Georgia and Azerbaijan. We cannot admit that
    there was any obstacle for our joint activity. We should not succumb
    to any provocation, diversion.

    Our embassy in Georgia works very actively. Meetings with all
    executives are on regular basis carried out. We keep links at all
    levels, and I am confident, that the accrued discontent will be
    eliminated shortly.

    Q. Mr. President, the decision concerning date of discussions on the
    beginning of process of negotiations between Turkey and the European
    Union will be made today. Irrespective of, will this date be
    determined or not, how you estimate it from the point of view of
    regional policy?

    A. No, it will be determined and there cannot be such thing. It
    should be necessarily determined. I have repeatedly said - injustice
    of some circles in relation to Turkey is inadmissible. Turkey for a
    long time already should become a member of the European Union. For
    this purpose, Turkey has all opportunities and right. But we see,
    that in the world, there are double standards, and it is proved in
    various questions. I am confident and I hope, that today this
    historical decision will be made and between Turkey and the European
    Union negotiations will begin. Certainly, as a result of these
    negotiations, Turkey should and will become a full member of the
    European Union. Here, there cannot be any conditions. There should be
    an identical approach. If not will be the identical approach, then,
    as a whole, we cannot even speak on justice, human rights and
    democracies in the world. In some cases we see that in the given
    questions there appear discrimination. In the attitude to our region,
    under covering of democracy and human rights, the certain political
    intentions are pursued. But when the genuine democracy undergoes
    test, we see that there are other approaches. Therefore, there should
    be single approach to all questions. In the question of territorial
    integrity, admission of Turkey into the European Union, the
    Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict, there should be a single position.
    Otherwise, let there nobody does remarks to us.

    Q. Mr. President, I want to ask last question. At presidential
    elections, very active role has played the youth, which was one of
    your basic supports. But today the youth expects from you solution of
    some problems in the country. And those young people in the country,
    which take a stable place of work and stable earnings, face a serious
    problem of habitation. But in the country, the law on the mortgage
    does not inure in any way, and the youth waits for it from you. Will
    the question be under your attention?

    A. Yes, you are right. Unfortunately, the mentioned question yet has
    not found its reflection in life. Though, we know, in other cities,
    in other countries, these projects are very successfully carried out.
    In particular, the mortgage will allow providing young people with
    houses and habitation.

    As you know, my attitude to youth always was very good. To tell the
    truth, I am already above this age, but despite of it, I feel always
    with them. I aspire and shall aspire henceforth to that the new
    generation growing up in Azerbaijan was even more educated, knowing,
    loved the Motherland even more. For achievement of it, I do my
    utmost. In my last activity - in sphere of sports it also has found
    the reflection.

    For example, as you know, on the basis of the adopted program within
    forthcoming three years all schools in Azerbaijan will be equipped
    with computers. Even at the smallest school in the most remote area,
    a computer class will be created. It means knowledge, it means
    education, and it means future. That is, all these questions
    constantly are in the center of my attention. The same is in the
    field of mortgage and we shall undertake certain measures.
    Corresponding instructions have been given, now the question is
    studied. I hope that shortly we shall start solution of the said

