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There Is A Real Danger Of Handing Liberated Territories Over

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  • There Is A Real Danger Of Handing Liberated Territories Over


    18 Dec 04

    Armen Aghayan, political secretary of Protection of Liberated
    Territories NGO, announced in the press conference that "the threat has
    increased and there seems to be a real danger of handing the liberated
    territories over." He condemned both the former and the current
    Armenian authorities in this, saying that they are ready to hand the
    liberated territories contiguous Nagorno Karabakh to Azerbaijan.

    "What the former authorities do?" Some suggestions were made to Armenia
    in Astana, Kazakhstan, Armenia rejected them or didnâ~@~Yt agree at
    once, after which pressures began, i.e. PACE reports (by Davis and
    Atkinson), the UN formula. Yes, the Minsk group has averted that,
    but its aim is to exert a pressure, if you donâ~@~Yt accept it
    (Astana suggestion), we will impose it on you," Aghayan said.

    "The authorities explain Azerbaijan and OSCE co-chairs that they
    didnâ~@~Yt inhabit the regions and they didnâ~@~Yt even intend
    to. They say that these territories serving a security zone will
    be finally returned, but only against specifying the status of NKR
    or giving security guarantees. While the opponents say that it is
    better to trade the territories than to give them for free," Aghayan
    described the position of the Armenian authorities.

    He believes that there is no contradiction between the former and the
    current authorities in the NKR issue. "Kocharian didnâ~@~Yt go far
    from Ter-Petrosian both in the NKR issue and in other issues," he said.

    Aghayan thinks that only the Armenian people can be an opposition in
    the NKR issue. "No one knows what will be the reaction of the people,
    but the authorities are frightened, otherwise this issue (the one of
    handing the territories) would be solved long ago, as no power would
    stand the pressure of the West."

    "In fact, the issue of the liberated territories is the only one that
    arouses disputes after the war and the keystone in the suggestions
    of the co-chairs. We can even exaggerate the matter, saying that
    there is no other issue existing in the context of Nagorno Karabakh
    settlement except for the issue of the territories. The rest of the
    issues are derivative," Aghayan said.

    The members of the NGO are sure that the issue of Nagorno Karabakh can
    have no international solution. They believe that the only settlement
    of the problem is the Armenian version and envisages full and fast
    inhabiting and utilization of all the liberated regions, as well as
    the announcement of the Armenian power in these territories.

    Aghayan believes that we should make Azerbaijan accept the reality of
    unilateral activates (unification of NKR with RA together with all
    the territories under the control of the Karabakh forces). "Neither
    the Azeri people, nor their country have no internal resources to
    take back these regions, if they had they wouldnâ~@~Yt have left
    them. They are foreigners in these territories. As they banished the
    native residents, the same thing the naïve dwellers did to them.
    The Azeri understand this factor very well," Aghayan said.

    By Tatoul Hakobian
