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Arkadi Ghukasian: Attempts To Artifically Isolate Karabakh Side From

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  • Arkadi Ghukasian: Attempts To Artifically Isolate Karabakh Side From


    STEPANAKERT, December 21 (Noyan Tapan). As before the efforts
    of political leadership of Nagorno Karabakh Republic are aimed at
    achievement of final peace settlement of the conflict with Azerbaijan
    on the basis of principles completely reflecting the will of NKR
    people. NKR President Arkadi Ghukasian declared this during the
    December 16 extended consultation of all branches of Nagorno Karabakh
    power held in Stepanakert. The President regretted to say that "at
    the current stage of the peace process proceeding under the aegis of
    co-chairmanship of OSCE Minsk Group attempts to artificially isolate
    the Karabakh side are made." Meanwhile he gave assurance that the very
    circumstance doesn't permit to give a new impulse to the negotiations
    capable of developing everything positive achieved during the previous
    10 years with the efforts of the conflicting sides and international
    mediation. "The ineffective position of Baku authorities in no way
    willing to take into consideration not only the reality but also
    the interests of world and regional states, including Azerbaijan's
    allies, in fact, led the negotiation process to a deadlock, the way
    out of which is impossible without Karabakh's participation in it as
    an equal side," Arkadi Ghukasian emphasized. According to him, the
    way out of the crisis will be found and the efforts of co-chairmen
    of OSCE Minsk Group will give noticeable positive results in case
    of Azeri leadership's good will and real willingness to settle the
    conflict on the basis of reasonable compromises. According to the
    Information-Analytical Department of NKR Foreign Ministry, Arkadi
    Ghukasian confirmed the readiness of NKR leadership for negotiations,
    including direct dialogue with the official Baku, for joint discussion
    of all issues concerning perspectives of Nagorno Karabakh's future
    interrelations with Azerbaijan. "But the Baku authorities seem not
    to have refused of nonsensical and suicidal intentions to solve
    the problem by forcible methods, which compels us to continue
    taking measures for strengthening the defence capacity of NKR,
    rise of fighting efficiency of our army, which is the most reliable
    guarantee of security of the state and Nagorno Karabakh people,"
    Arkadi Ghukasian declared. The President especially mentioned that
    in spite of non-settlement of the conflict and non-recognition of
    Nagorno Karabakh Republic the authority of the republic as de facto
    independent state is growing day by day. "This is mainly explained by
    the fact that the Nagorno Karabakh people managed not only to defend
    its liberty in the detructive war thrusted upon by Azerbaijan and to
    overcome its grave consequences in a comparatively short term, but
    also to lay rather firm foundation first of all at the legislative
    level for building a really democratic state loyal to the values of
    the modern civil society. In other words, we established a political
    system in the country, which calls forth the respect of the progressive
    international society," Arkadi Ghukasian mentioned.