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Melkonian students excel in exams, defying closure threat

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  • Melkonian students excel in exams, defying closure threat



    Contact: Masis der Parthogh

    P.O. Box 16077, CY 2085
    Nicosia, Cyprus.
    Tel. +357 22 678666
    Fax. +357 22 678664
    Email: [email protected]


    Melkonian students excel in exams, defying closure threat

    Financial Mirror - Wednesday, December 22, 2004

    Two Melkonian students were among the 135 recipients of the High
    Achiever awards given out to students who gained top international
    marks and top marks in Cyprus in A level, O level and GCSE exams at
    an award ceremony in Nicosia last week.

    Together with their schoolmates, they overcame the troubles caused
    by the New York based administrators' announcement on March 16 to
    shut down the school and continued with their external examinations.

    Hovhannes Atabekyan, a 2004 graduate of the school, was one of only
    ten students in Cyprus to gain straight As in five Advanced Level
    subjects, while only three other Cypriots gained six As.

    Elizabeth Torossian notched up the highest Ordinary Level international
    subject mark in Armenian, an award achieved in only ten other subjects

    "These outstanding results cast a shadow over the true intentions
    of the school's administrators to shut down the Melkonian and sell
    off the land," the Melkonian Alumni Association of Cyprus said in
    an announcement.

    Jane Holliday, regional representative of the UK awarding body
    Edexcel said an impressive record this year saw students in Cyprus
    being awarded the top marks in the world in nine A level subjects
    and 11 O level subjects.

    "For so many students to have done so well is a tribute to all those
    involved. As for the students, well, they are truly wonderful,"
    she said.

    The figures include entries from over 100 countries but exclude the
    UK. Most subjects attract hundreds of entries worldwide, and many
    have entries in the thousands.