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ANKARA: EU-Turkey Membership Deal,Subject to De Facto Recognition of

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  • ANKARA: EU-Turkey Membership Deal,Subject to De Facto Recognition of

    Journal of Turkish Weekly, Turkey
    Dec 22 2004

    EU-Turkey Membership Deal, Subject to De Facto Recognition of Greek

    Theme: This report examines the historic agreement taken by European
    Union leaders at their 16-17 December summit in Brussels to begin
    accession talks with Turkey after 41 years in Europe's ante-room. The
    process will begin on 3 October, 2005 provided Turkey has by then
    tacitly recognised Cyprus, which joined the EU in May. Turkey invaded
    the island in 1974 and it has been divided since then. Both the
    previous Popular Party government (1996-2004) and the current
    Socialist administration have been among the most active supporters
    of Turkey's membership.
    Summary: EU leaders endorsed the European Commission's momentous
    recommendation on 6 October to open accession talks with Turkey (see But they added a
    condition which threatened to end the marriage before the two sides
    got to the altar. The negotiations almost broke down as a result of
    the demand that Ankara formally recognise Cyprus. The situation is
    surreal because Turkey is set to join a club one of whose members it
    does not formally recognise. Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the Turkish Prime
    Minister, rejected the EU's first proposal and threatened to abandon
    the summit, apparently backed by the chief of the Turkish armed
    Erdogan's brinkmanship paid off. A compromise was reached under which
    Turkey agreed to extend its customs union (as of 1996) to include
    Cyprus before October. This allowed Erdogan to save face at home,
    particularly among the powerful military, by maintaining that Turkey
    was not formally recognising Cyprus but making a gesture of goodwill
    tantamount to recognition (see box below).
    Other EU entry terms included open-ended talks, no guarantee of full
    membership if conditions are not met and the possibility of some
    safeguards remaining over the migration of workers from Turkey.
    The protracted process for membership during which Turkey has to
    harmonise its laws with EU legislation will last at least 10 years
    and could be compounded by Austrian and French pledges to hold
    referendums on Turkish entry at some point in the future. Every EU
    country has the right to veto the accession of a new member. A 1972
    poll in France saw two-thirds of voters backing the UK's accession to
    the EU.
    As a large (with a population of more than 70 million), poor (with a
    per capita income of 27% of the EU-25) and Muslim country, Turkey's
    membership is in a special category of its own with far-reaching
    implications for the country and for the Union as a whole.

    -The Cyprus Issue:Cyprus is one of the world's longest unresolved
    disputes. In July 1974 the Cypriot President Archbishop Makarios, a
    Greek Cypriot, was deposed in a coup backed by Greece's military
    junta. Turkey, fearing that its traditional enemy would annexe the
    island, responded by invading it and enforcing a partition between
    the north and south of the island. In 1983 the Turkish-held area
    declared itself the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. It is
    recognised only by Turkey.

    Turkey won sympathy in March 2004 from the international community
    because Turkish-Cypriots in the northern part endorsed the UN drafted
    reunification plan with a 65% majority while more than three-quarters
    of Greek-Cypriots in the south, already granted EU membership,
    rejected it. As a result, and to the immense frustration of the UN
    and the EU over the historic missed opportunity, only the southern
    part joined the EU on May 1 as both sides had to approve the
    reunification plan.

    Turkey and Turkish-Cypriots, in a volte face, bent over backwards for
    a power-sharing deal and also opened the border for the first time in
    30 years.

    But Greek-Cypriots stubbornly resisted any change. Tassos
    Papadopoulos, the island's president, threatened in October, ahead of
    the Brussels summit, to veto Turkey's EU entry if Turkey did not
    reduce its 36,000 soldiers in the northern part, allow
    Cypriot-registered vessels to dock at Turkish ports and end its veto
    of the island's bid to join international bodies such as the OECD and
    the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe. The Greek
    Cypriot government scuppered the European Commission's bid in October
    to end the economic isolation of northern Cyprus by allowing
    Turkish-Cypriots to trade freely with the world. The Greek Cypriot
    'No' infuriated the European Commission, which wanted to bring the
    Turkish community into the economic mainstream.

    Erdogan was justifiably angry at Cyprus' tactics, but was not in a
    position to turn his back on the issue as Cyprus might then have
    exercised its right to veto Turkey's EU entry which needed the
    approval of all 25 EU countries. Tony Blair, Gerhard Schröder and
    Jacques Chirac brokered a way out of the impasse. Diplomatic
    recognition is the trump card which Ankara has yet to play in its
    push to find a permanent solution to the anomalous situation. Turkey
    is still pressing for the UN plan to be implemented but another
    formula may have to be found.-

    Analysis: By postponing the start of accession talks until October,
    despite the decision taken at the December 2002 Copenhagen summit to
    open them "without delay" once the European Council gave the green
    light, the EU bowed to a French demand. President Jacques Chirac, a
    strong supporter of Turkey despite fierce opposition within his UMP
    party, had called for the talks to start after his country's
    referendum on the new European Constitution (expected before the end
    of June), fearing the 'no' campaign could harness public opposition
    to Turkish membership of the EU. 'If there is a link between Turkey
    and the constitution, we will lose the referendum', said Michel
    Barnier, French foreign minister.
    The constitution has to be approved by all 25 EU countries in
    referendums or parliamentary votes. Spain will be the first EU
    country to hold a referendum on 20 February. The prospects for a
    French 'yes' now look greater, particularly as 59% of Socialist Party
    members who voted in an internal ballot backed the treaty, giving a
    big boost to the European debate.
    The EU's decision to open the door to Turkey was taken against a
    backdrop of rising hostility to Turkey's membership in some countries
    including Spain. In the latest Elcano barometer carried out with CIS,
    only 44% of those surveyed were in favour of Turkey's membership,
    compared with 56% in May. According to the latest Eurobarometer
    opinion poll, 53% of EU citizens are in favour of further
    enlargement, but support falls to just over one third in France and
    Germany. Only 39% of those polled in France and 36% in Germany said
    they wanted the EU-25 to be expanded. At 28%, support was at its
    lowest in Austria. The go-ahead for Turkey, however, was preceded by
    a vote in the European Parliament in favour of accession talks (407
    to 262 with 29 abstentions).
    Erdogan laid down several red lines, particularly on not extending
    diplomatic recognition to Cyprus. His political opponents have long
    been accused him of being soft on the issue and criticised him after
    the summit for paying too high a price for membership talks.
    According to the Turkish press, Erdogan told Jan Peter Balkenende,
    the Dutch prime minister and current holder of the EU's presidency,
    in an angry exchange during the summit: 'You are choosing 600,000
    Greek Cypriots over 70 million Turks. I have nothing to reproach them
    for, but I cannot justify this to my people'. The other red lines
    - Negotiations must have Turkey's complete membership as the final
    - The decision to start talks must not be conditional on later
    decisions by EU leaders.
    - There should be no special conditions imposed permanently on
    The other contentious country issue –Armenia– did not raise its head,
    but will have to be dealt with at some point if only because a
    country cannot join the EU if it does not have 'normal' relations
    with all its neighbours. The border with Armenia has been closed
    since 1993 due to the Karabag conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia
    and other issues including historic tensions arising from the 1915-16
    massacre (or 'genocide') by Turkey of Armenians. Michel Barnier, the
    French foreign minister, spoke to his country's gallery before the
    summit when he urged Turkey to recognise the 'genocide'. Turkey does
    not recognise that it was 'genocide' and would like an independent
    commission of historians to examine all the archives and pronounce on
    the issue.
    Erdogan could claim a substantial but not a complete victory, still
    sufficient, however, to justify being named European of the Year at
    the European Voice awards shortly before the summit. Erdogan was also
    nominated as non-European Union citizen of the year. The government
    pulled out the stops as much as it could before the summit in order
    to impress the EU. For example, it opened up its national security
    council, the secretive institution long regarded as Turkey's main
    decision-making body. The council briefed diplomats and the media on
    its operations in an unprecedented display of transparency.
    The idea of offering a second-class 'privileged partnership' for
    Turkey, as opposed to the prospect of full membership, demanded by
    opponents in the run-up to the summit, particularly Germany's
    opposition Christian Democrats, did not see the light of day. Erdogan
    made it very clear that it was all or nothing. EU leaders agreed a
    form of words which stressed that the aim of Turkey's accession talks
    would be full membership, but if that was not possible the country
    'must be anchored in European structures'. This wording is more
    ambiguous than a reference to 'privileged partnership'. However, a
    key phrase about establishing 'permanent safeguards' on allowing
    Turkish workers to settle anywhere in the EU was kept in the text.
    The decision to open accession talks followed the recommendation of
    the European Commission. The main points of its report justifying the
    start of talks were:
    - Conclusion: 'Turkey has achieved significant legislative progress
    in many areas... Important progress was made on implementation of
    political reforms, but these need to be further consolidated and
    - Political reforms: 'Political reforms, in line with the priorities
    in the Accession Partnership, have been introduced by... a series of
    constitutional and legislative changes adopted over a period of three
    years (2001-2004)'.
    - Economic reforms: 'Economic stability and predictability have been
    substantially improved since the 2001 economic crisis. Previously
    high inflation has come down to historic lows, political interference
    reduced and the institutional and regulatory framework has been
    brought closer to international standards'.
    - Military reforms: 'The government has increasingly asserted its
    control over the military. Although the process of aligning
    civil-military relations with EU practice is underway, the armed
    forces in Turkey continue to exercise influence through a series of
    informal channels'.
    - Judicial reforms: 'The independence and efficiency of the judiciary
    were strengthened'.
    - Human rights: 'Concerning... the respect of human rights and the
    exercise of fundamental freedoms, Turkey has acceded to most relevant
    international and European conventions'.
    - Torture: 'The authorities have adopted a zero tolerance policy
    towards torture and a number of perpetrators have been punished.
    Torture is no longer systematic, but numerous cases of ill-treatment,
    including torture, still continue to occur and further efforts will
    be required to eradicate such practices'.
    - Women's rights: 'The situation of women is still unsatisfactory;
    discrimination and violence against women, including "honour
    killings", remain a major problem'.
    - Children's rights: 'Children's rights were strengthened, but child
    labour remains an issue of serious concern'.
    - Minority rights: 'The OSCE [Organisation for Security and
    Co-operation in Europe] High Commissioner on National Minorities
    could play a valuable role in assisting Turkey to move towards full
    compliance with modern international standards on the treatment of
    minorities, including the Kurds'.
    - Freedom of religion: 'Although freedom of religious belief is
    guaranteed by the constitution... non-Muslim religious communities
    continue to experience problems'.
    - Freedom of the press: 'Notable progress has been made, (but)...
    journalists, writers and publishers continue to be sentenced for
    reasons that contravene the standards of the European Court of Human
    Between this report and the summit the debate on Turkey among
    opponents and supporters became very intense. The greatest
    controversy was caused by Valery Giscard d'Estaing, the former French
    president and president of the European Convention, who once again
    took up the cudgels against Turkey. It was Giscard who said in 2002
    that Turkey was 'not a European country' and its membership would
    spell 'the end of Europe' and he followed this up less than a month
    before the Brussels summit by saying that the proposed new European
    Constitution (whose drafting he presided over) was 'not designed to
    accommodate a power the size of Turkey'.(1) 'Accession by Turkey,
    whenever it took place, would make the country the major
    decision-maker in the European Union, and would change the nature of
    the European project'.
    Giscard's remarks provoked many comments, including a letter
    published in the Financial Times by Ana de Palacio, a former Spanish
    Foreign Minister and a member of the Praesidium of the European
    Convention. She criticised Giscard for failing 'to bring much reason
    to the debate over Turkey' and suggested that he might have had in
    mind the problems that the double-majority issue would cause for
    Turkey when he wrote it into the new constitution.
    Under a key provision of the new constitution (which has to be
    approved by all countries in referendums or parliamentary votes),
    known as double-majority voting, Turkey would automatically be
    accorded a strong position in EU decision-making. Under the
    constitution all decisions that do not need to be made unanimously
    –many matters, especially foreign policy and taxation, still do– must
    be backed by at least 65% of the EU's population and 55% of member
    states. Put another way, any country would need support from 35% of
    the EU population and 45% of member states to block a proposal it did
    not like. Turkey's population (80 million in 2015, the earliest date
    when it would join the EU assuming all goes well, roughly the same as
    Germany's) gives it considerable power, but even if it is the most
    populous country it would not be able to block any decisions alone;
    it would need the populations of at least two other big countries to
    meet the required 35% mark.
    In another letter in the FT, Stephen Wall, Tony Blair's former EU
    adviser, took Giscard to task for saying in his article that all
    Turkey was offered in its 1963 associate member agreement with the
    European Community was membership of the Common Market. This was
    incorrect, he said, and cited the text of the agreement: 'As soon as
    the operation of the agreement has advanced far enough to justify
    envisaging full acceptance by Turkey of the obligations arising out
    of the treaty establishing the Community, the contracting parties
    shall examine the possibility of the accession of Turkey to the
    Community'. Giscard conveniently forgot this.
    EU membership is of huge importance for the economy for three main
    reasons. First, it will make the Customs Union (as of 1996)
    irreversible because as long as Turkey remains outside the EU bloc,
    it can be reversed by either party. Far from wiping out some Turkish
    businesses, as they feared at the onset, the Customs Union has been
    very good for Turkish exports and companies have stood their ground
    in the face of increased imports. For example, exports of automotive
    components have risen from US$155 million in 1995 to around US$5
    billion. Secondly, the risk premium on public debt will fall (this
    has already started), both easing the pressure on public finances and
    improving the performance of the economy. Thirdly, inflows of foreign
    direct investment will probably surge from their current very low
    levels, leading to higher growth rates and lower unemployment.
    Turkey's stock of investment is lower today than it was in the 1980s;
    annual inflows have rarely reached more than US$1 billion (Spain and
    Ireland both attracted over US$25 billion in 2003). The Istanbul
    Stock Exchange hit a record high the day the EU made its
    Some analysts ambitiously forecast that Turkey's per capita income
    could increase over the next 10 years from around €4,000 to €14,000
    in purchasing power parity terms, spurred by the country's clearer
    The Turkish economy has been something of a star in the last year
    after recovering from its 2001 crisis. The economy is by far the
    fastest growing in Europe and the inflation rate has fallen to single
    figures for the first time since 1972. The IMF recognised Turkey's
    progress two days before the start of the Brussels EU summit when it
    announced a new three-year US$10 billion stand-by agreement which,
    according to Rodrigo Rato, the IMF's managing director, 'should allow
    Turkey to exit from further IMF financial support'.
    As a result of finally getting inflation under control, on 1 January
    Turkey will remove six noughts from the face value of the lira: one
    unit of the local currency will then be worth what one million are
    now (€0.53), welcome news for tourists and foreign investors who have
    to mentally wrestle with strings of zeros and carry wads of notes.
    Yet the economy remains vulnerable. Turkey has massive debts
    including US$23 billion owed to the IMF and billions borrowed via the
    international bond markets. At around 80% of GDP, Turkey's gross debt
    is double that of the new EU member status. Turkey's debts have
    largely arisen from its efforts to push through banking reform after
    a run on the banks in 2001 caused the country's devastating
    Spain, with its experience of having spent eight years negotiating
    its much easier EU membership (between 1978 and 1986), worked behind
    the scenes to encourage Turkish politicians to keep their cool in the
    face of those countries, like Cyprus, using the summit as an open
    agenda to settle old scores and stay focused on the overriding goal
    of membership.
    Spain could well be a useful model for Turkey when the talks start.
    The same fears about impoverished workers flooding the European
    labour market existed about Spain 20 years ago as are now being made
    about Turkey. An often overlooked point in the debate about a
    possible surge in Turkish immigrants to the EU is that, like Spain,
    Turkey will itself become a magnet for immigrants when it is a full
    EU member. Just as no one in Spain could have predicted 20 years ago
    that today there would be an estimated more than one million North
    Africans in Spain, so too it is quite likely that a richer Turkey
    will attract workers from Iran, Iraq, Syria and other poorer
    countries with whom it shares a border.
    Conclusion: Turkey has achieved impressive reforms on all fronts
    since it was declared an EU candidate in 1999. The long and uncertain
    process that now opens will be more wrenching.

    (1)See his article 'A better European bridge to Turkey' (Financial
    Times, 24 November, 2004).
