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CENN - December 22, 2004 Daily Digest

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  • CENN - December 22, 2004 Daily Digest

    Table of Contents:
    1. Evaluation of CENN Activities During the Period of 2004-2005
    2. CENN Launches Environmental Trainings/Workshops
    3. BTC: No Need for Additional Financing
    4. Contract on Transfer of Vanadzor Chemical Plant to Slovakian Company
    SLZ TOL be Concluded on January 10, 2005
    5. State Budget of Armenia for 2005 Envisages Over 1 mln Drams for
    Solution Housing Problems in Lori Region: Armenian President
    6. 10% GDP Growth Registered in Armenia in Jan-Nov, 2004


    CENN - Caucasus Environmental NGO Network is conducting evaluation of
    its activities for the period of 2004-2005 and would like to ask you to
    participate in the study by answering this checklist as accurately as
    possible. The information will help us assess the CENN activities and
    improve our work in the future. We ask you to answer the checklist and
    return it via e-mail till December 27, 2004.

    Thank you for your cooperation!

    The English and Russian versions of the checklists are available on the
    following address:

    within the framework of the project "Raising level of public
    environmental awareness and information in the transboundary region of
    the South Caucasus Countries" implemented by five partner organizations

    CENN launched first cycle of environmental trainings / workshops within
    the framework of the ENVSEC Initiative project "Raising level of public
    environmental awareness and information in the transboundary region of
    the South Caucasus Countries" implemented by GTZ (GTZ Food Regional
    Cooperation and Security (FRCS) project) and supported by the ENVSEC
    Initiative (OSCE, UNEP, UNDP).

    The trainings / workshops are focused to provide the participants with
    the information on:
    ž Natural resource and their use;
    ž Sustainable development;
    ž Environmental problems- result of non-sustainable use of natural
    ž Environmental security as the cross-cutting aspect of human and
    national security;
    ž ENVSEC Initiative;
    ž "Cause-Problem-Solution" of the local environmental problems;
    ž Elaboration of environmental action plans for solution of the
    environmental problems.

    The project includes two cycles of trainings / workshops and
    implementation of environmental actions / campaigns to take place in
    transboundary districts of Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia. After the
    workshops in a later stage, the local community associations will
    establish Public Environmental Information Points / Centers. The Public
    Environmental Information Points / Centers will work in close
    cooperation on solution of local and regional environmental problems and
    implementation of the Aarhus Convention on the local and regional levels
    together with other organizations in the neighboring districts (e.g.
    CENN Public Environmental Information Centers in Bolnisi, Kazakh and
    Akhtala supported by the Eurasia Foundation).

    For further information on the project, please contact: GTZ FRCS office:
    [email protected]

    For information on the environmental trainings and workshops, please
    contact the CENN office: [email protected]


    Source: The Messenger, December 22, 2004

    British Petroleum and its partners in the Baku- Tbilisi- Ceyhan (BTC)
    pipeline project will not ask international financial institutions for
    an extra loan to cover the 10% increase of the project cost, BP
    Azerbaijan President David Woodward said at a press conference in Baku
    on Tuesday, December 21, 2004. The shareholders borrowed USD 2.6 billion
    from foreign credits this February. Mr. Woodward said they borrowed more
    than needed, so an extra loan was unnecessary. He said the stakeholders
    would bear any extra expenses.

    Projects like BTC always imply a 10-15% change from the initial estimate
    and the increase of the Baku- Tbilisi- Ceyhan pipeline project cost does
    not go beyond that, Mr. Woodward said.

    He said over 90% of work had been done in the Azerbaijani sector of the
    pipeline, over 85% in the Georgian section of the pipeline and 85% in
    the Turkish sector.


    Source: Arminfo, December 20, 2004

    A contract on transfer of Vanadzor chemical plant to Slovakian company
    SLZ will be concluded on January 10, 2005. Armenian President Robert
    Kocharyan made this statement at a press conference after his visit to
    Lori region on December 18, 2004.

    He says that next year it will become clear whether it is possible to
    exploit the plant with profits on the investments the Slovakian party
    intends to attract. The transfer of the plant does not mean that its
    work will be guaranteed as it is connected with a possibility of
    receiving profits the following year, the president says. He emphasized
    that the owner of Vanadzor chemical complex has invested funds in the
    plant, but failed to put it into exploitation. "One should not make rash
    steps in the big business, everything must be well-calculated here," the
    president says.

    It should be noted that SLZ intends to reactivate the plant on February
    15, 2005 and to restore the production of carbide, corundum and acetate
    ribbon. For this purpose, the company intends to invest $880 mln for
    purchase of raw materials and $600,000 for current expenses. The owner
    of 100% of the plant's shares is the OJSC "Zakneftegazstroy Prometey,"
    which belongs to the Russian businessman, Armenian by origin, Senik
    Gevorgyan. Vanadzor chemical complex consisting of the chemical plant,
    the chemical fibre plant and Vanadzor thermal power plant was privatized
    in the May of 1999 for $1.5 mln. It has been idling since then. The
    owner has already invested some $20 mln in the enterprise.


    Source: Arminfo, December 20, 2004

    The state budget of Armenia for 2005 envisages over 1-mln drams for
    solution to housing problems of rural residents of Lori region for the
    first time. Armenian President Robert Kocharyan made this statement at a
    press conference in the town of Vanadzor.

    In his words, next year large-scale construction is planned in the rural
    areas. Active construction in regional centers will start with various
    facilities to be erected in the town of Spitak. Construction of dwelling
    houses in Spitak will be continued as well. A special stress will be put
    on the certificates due to which the above 1-bln drams will be
    distributed. The logic is as follows: a flat in Gyumri costs some 3 mln
    drams, while construction of the given flat requires 10 mln drams - due
    to distribution of the certificates, the problem of the families which
    have not received flats will be solved. The methodology of the given
    action already exists. In Armenia it was introduced by Urban Institute
    and USAID, the president says.

    He notes that the roads Stepanavan-Tashir, Stepanavan-Odzun-Alaverdi,
    Armavir-Gyumri (along the boundary), Gyumri-Amasia and Aparan-Artik will
    be constructed within three years in the regions of Shirak and Lori.
    Next year, funds will be allocated for reconstruction of the roads of
    regional importance. By increasing the financing year by year, we shall
    achieve a progress in the sphere, Robert Kocharyan says.

    The president says that due to reforms in the taxation sphere, more
    predictable conditions in the sphere of entrepreneurship have been
    created. A great attention is paid to improvement of the living
    conditions of the region's population. As regards gas supply to the
    country, on the whole, and in the region, in particular, the president
    notes that the gas users in the country number more than 80,000 and
    8-10,000 in Lori region. The same indicators are observed in Shirak
    region. As regards water supply to the region, project works are in
    process and 24-hour water supply will become real both in Vanadzor and
    Gyumri within the coming 2-3 years. In Vanadzor 3 of 5 operating ATXs
    are digital, the remaining two are being digitized. Considerable changes
    are expected in the sphere of telecommunications, with the existing
    inconveniences felt earlier because of the monopoly of ArmenTel company
    were connected not only with its monopoly but also with poor management
    and irresponsible attitude to its obligations. However, as compared to
    many CIS member-countries, Armenia is among leaders, as to introduction
    of digital tele-phone network, which can be called an achievement, the
    president notes.

    Besides, Robert Kocharyan informs that the budget for 2005 envisages
    rather big sum (some 1 mln drams) to upgrade the level of social
    well-fare of refugees as this issue is one of the priorities of the
    program of refugees. The budget plans a rise in the wages of teachers,
    militaries and medical personnel. Another 1 bln drams will be allocated
    for construction work in the communities, including 800 mln to Lori
    region as majority of the villages in that region have remained
    unnoticed by the government. A community center will be built in
    Stepanavan, and construction of a new municipality building and regional
    center in Gyumri will start in 2006.

    The results of 2004 will be summed up by the Statistical Service after
    January 20, 2005. However, one can state that the government has
    fulfilled its commitments for 2004, the president says in conclusion.


    Source: Arminfo, December 20, 2004

    The highest GDP growth in Armenia was registered in Jan-Nov, 2004 -
    10.0%. ARMINFO was informed in the press service of the National
    Statistical Service of Armenia, according to preliminary data, in
    November as against October the economic drop made up 22.2%. By the end
    of November 2004 the GDP totaled 1,672.1 bln drams or ($3,109.5). The
    GDP index-deflator grew by 6.0%. In January - November the AMD/USD
    exchange rate was 537.74 drams against one U.S. dollar.

    In January - November of the current year the volume of industrial
    produce totaled 473.9-bln drams or $881.4 mln (or 27.2% out of GDP -
    ARMINFO), increasing by 1.6% as against the same period of last year, in
    Nov as against Oct it increased by 1.1%. Electricity generation in
    January - November increased by 8.6%, and in Nov as against Oct it
    increased by 16.5%, totaling 5,341.5-mln kW/h.

    In January - November of the current year the Gross agriculture produce
    increased by 14.3% as against the same period of 2003, totaling 412.5
    bln drams or $767.1 mln and in Nov as against Oct it decreased by 41.5%.
    Volume of construction increased by 9.1% in Nov as against Oct, and in
    Jan-Nov it increased by 16.2%, reaching 229.3-bln drams or $426.5 mln.
    Retail trade turnover totaled 699.9 bln drams by the end of Nov,
    increasing by 9.2% in Jan-Nov as against the same period of last year,
    and in Nov as against Oct it increased by 2.5%.

    By the end of Nov, 2004 foreign trade turnover totaled $1.9 bln (1,001.6
    bln drams), increasing by 4.5% as against the same period of 2003, and
    in Nov as against Oct it decreased by 6.3%. In its structure the exports
    increased by 3.2% in Jan-Nov as against the same period of 2003, and in
    Nov as against Oct it increased by 14% totalling $645.9 mln. The imports
    totaled $1,219.3 mln, increasing by 5.3% during the first eleven months
    of the current year, and in Nov as against Oct it increased by 16.2%.
    Negative trade balance was $573.4 mln by the end of Nov.

    Caucasus Environmental NGO Network (CENN)

    Tel: ++995 32 92 39 46
    Fax: ++995 32 92 39 47
    E-mail: [email protected]
