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New Players enter Karabakh peace process

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  • New Players enter Karabakh peace process

    Institute for War and Peace Reporting
    Dec 22 2004


    Will the involvement of the United Nations and the Parliamentary
    Assembly of the Council of Europe help or hinder the cause of peace
    in Nagorny Karabakh?

    By Thomas de Waal in London

    A number of initiatives on the Nagorny Karabakh conflict are either
    adding life to a moribund peace process, or bringing in outside
    agencies with no expertise on the issue and making resolution more
    difficult - depending on whom you talk to.

    In the last six months, the main mediators have become more active
    again. The diplomats of the three countries, which are the co-chairs of
    the "Minsk Group" of the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in

    Europe (France, Russia and the United States), have revived regular
    meetings with the Armenian and Azerbaijani foreign ministers. A series
    of meetings that began in Prague were not formal negotiations as such
    but the Minsk Group mediators hope they will lead to more serious
    talks next year.

    At the same time, other international players have entered the field.
    Last month, Azerbaijan managed to raise the issue of Karabakh at the
    United Nations General Assembly for the first time in many years.
    Next month, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe in
    Strasbourg will debate a draft resolution on the conflict. Earlier
    this year, the Pentagon even took a brief interest in Karabakh.

    All this is perhaps not surprising, given that ten years after a
    ceasefire was signed between Armenian and Azerbaijani forces, no
    final peace deal has been struck. In Azerbaijan, which continues to
    bear greater pain of the non-resolution of the conflict in terms of
    land occupied and people displaced, the sense of urgency is greater.

    But the two parties offer very different views about what the
    involvement of other international organisations means.

    Speaking at the Royal Institute for International Affairs in London
    on December 13, Azerbaijani president Ilham Aliev said that Baku was
    trying to ensure that the world did not forget about the Karabakh

    "International organisations - and not only the one which directly
    deals with this issue, the Minsk Group - such as the European Union,

    the Council of Europe and the United Nations, can and should play a
    more active role," the president said.

    Aliev said that he was committed to a peaceful resolution of the
    dispute but issued what sounded like a veiled threat, saying,
    "We are committed to the peace process but our patience has limits."

    The new rush of activity has a lot to do with the appointment in
    Azerbaijan of a much more dynamic foreign minister, Elmar Mamedyarov,
    in April of this year. A fluent English-speaker like his Armenian
    counterpart Vartan Oskanian, Mamedyarov has shown much more initiative
    than his predecessors.

    Speaking to IWPR by telephone from Baku, Mamedyarov said that he had
    written letters to the UN, the Council of Europe and to EU foreign
    policy chief Javier Solana amongst others.

    "Azerbaijan has made it clear numerous times that we are committed
    to a peace process run by the Minsk Group and by the co-chairs,"
    the minister said. "But in the last negotiations we have been stuck
    in an exchange of views within the Minsk Group."

    "We want to keep this conflict within the eyes of the international

    Central to Azerbaijani strategy has been an attempt to get a new
    UN resolution on Karabakh, picking up on four resolutions that were
    passed when the conflict was active in 1993-94. The resolutions all
    call for Armenian forces to leave Azerbaijani territory - although
    they also contain calls on both sides to cease fire, which were not
    heeded at the time.

    The Armenians have called the resort to the UN a "mistake". Armenian
    foreign minister Oskanian told IWPR in written answers to questions
    that "Azerbaijan cannot try to negotiate on the one hand, and
    then on the other hand, try to isolate this or that aspect of the
    entire package of issues and push them individually in this or that
    international forum".

    While saying he did not wish to exclude any serious interest in the
    dispute, Oskanian sounded a warning note, saying, "We think we need
    to stay within the tried forums, where information and experience has
    accumulated, and focus on the real issue instead of trying to divert
    attention to side issues."

    The UN debate was postponed indefinitely on November 23 after an
    intervention by US ambassador Susan Moore on behalf of the three
    OSCE co-chairs.

    In a November 22 interview with Radio Liberty, the US co-chairman
    Steve Mann did not explicitly criticise the UN initiative but implied
    he doubted it would help the peace process. "The important thing... is
    that this depends in the first instance on the parties to the conflict
    themselves. There must be political will in Armenia and Azerbaijan
    to settle this," he said.

    One spin-off from the UN initiative, however, is likely to be
    a fact-finding mission under the aegis of the OSCE to the seven
    "occupied territories" of Azerbaijan that are fully or partially under
    Armenian control and are located outside the disputed territory of
    Nagorny Karabakh.

    The Azerbaijanis say they want to have reports that Armenian settlers
    are being settled in these territories checked. Oskanian said that he
    had no problem with this, saying, "We welcome this OSCE Minsk Group
    fact-finding mission and will facilitate their work."

    Armenians have also reacted sharply to a draft resolution due to be
    put before the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe at
    the end of next month.

    The resolution was drafted by its original rapporteur British member
    of parliament Terry Davis and finished by his colleague David Atkinson
    after Davis became secretary general of the parliamentary assembly
    in August. To the anger of the Armenians, the document currently
    views the dispute as it is seen in Baku - as an inter-state conflict
    between Armenia and Azerbaijan - rather than the way Yerevan regards
    it: as a fight for self-determination by the Armenians of Karabakh.

    The resolution states, for example, that "separatist forces are still
    in control of the Nagorno-Karabakh region" and warns the Armenians that
    "the occupation of foreign territory by a member state constitutes
    a grave violation of that state's obligations as a member of the
    Council of Europe".

    In an interview in London last week, Atkinson told IWPR that he saw
    the PACE initiative as "introducing a parliamentary dimension" into
    the peace process, "on the grounds that if you involve the elected
    representatives of the parties concerned, practical politicians
    elected on the basis that we represent our constituencies, they can
    come forward and help in a process that has eluded resolution".

    Atkinson said the PACE initiative had not been coordinated with
    the Minsk Group, but that he did not want to undermine the OSCE
    negotiations. He added, however, that "I'm hoping that all sides meet
    and see a way forward where the Minsk process has failed".

    Atkinson, who took over as rapporteur in September, said he had
    made only one substantial change to the draft resolution, by adding
    Article 9 which "calls on the government of Azerbaijan to establish
    contacts with the political representatives of both communities from
    the Nagorno-Karabakh region regarding the future status of the region".

    Hitherto, the government in Baku has consistently refused to hold
    talks with the Karabakh Armenians and only negotiates directly with
    the government in Yerevan.

    The rapporteur himself remains a lifetime vice-president of the
    organisation Christian Solidarity Worldwide, headed by British peer
    Baroness Cox, which has a long record of support for the Karabakh
    Armenians. He himself visited Karabakh on the Armenian side in 1992.
    He said the Azerbaijanis knew about this and had not objected.

    The draft resolution was strongly criticised in a letter to Atkinson
    by Vladimir Kazimirov, the veteran Russian mediator who negotiated
    the 1994 ceasefire. It was dated December 3 and published by the
    Russian Regnum news agency on December 17.

    Kazimirov said the draft gave a very selective history of the conflict
    and said it was clearly biased in favour of Azerbaijan and therefore
    harmful to the prospects of peaceful resolution.

    "The Hippocratic oath, 'do no harm' to the negotiation process, is
    absolutely appropriate here, as each side will for sure use any bias
    in its own interests," Kazimirov wrote.

    An upsurge of international interest shows that the unsolved Karabakh
    conflict is at least not forgotten. The very polarised attitudes to
    the new initiatives suggest that progress in actually achieving a
    resolution remains as far off as ever.

    Thomas de Waal is IWPR's Caucasus Editor.