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Vardan Oskanian: It Is Possible Today To Fix Right Of NKR People For

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  • Vardan Oskanian: It Is Possible Today To Fix Right Of NKR People For


    YEREVAN, DECEMBER 22. ARMINFO. There is a serious possibility
    today to fix the right of the people of Nagorny Karabakh for
    self-determination. Minister of foreign affairs of Armenia Vardan
    Oskanian stated during the press conference at the National press club.

    According to him, the possibility of that today is obvious during
    the "Prague process". Oskanian said, though in general the Karabakh
    side is present at the process, which is also expressed in that the
    cochairmen during the visits to the region visit Nagorny Karabakh and
    meet with representatives of Karabakh authorities, but is's a fact
    that Karabakh does not take part in the Prague process and it does
    not promote sooner solution to the problem or progress in the process.

    "It would be better if Karabakh took part in the process", the minister
    mentioned. According to him, the only reason for Karabakh does not take
    part in the negotiations, is the refusal of Azerbaijan. "Today Armenia
    has to chose - to insist on the participation of Karabakh and renounce
    continuation of the negotiation, or to conduct negotiations without
    Karabakh in order the negotiations were not broken", the foreign
    minister of Armenia said. According to him, however hard Azerbaijan
    tries to present it as a problem between Azerbaijan and Armenia, all,
    including the cochairmen of the OSCE MInsk Group realize it's the
    problem of Karabakh and Azerbaijan. "Simply Armenia has undertaken the
    negotiations only because refuses negotiations with Karabakh. Armenia
    is conducting negotiations, but in a certain moment the participation
    of Nagorny Karabakh will become inevitable", the foreign minister said.

    Answering the question on the reasons for the non-participation of
    Karabakh in the negotiations, the minister reminded about the process
    of the Minsk Group, stopped after March, 1997. "The only possibility of
    Karabakh's participation in the negotiations is within the framework of
    the process of the Minsk Group. It was determined by a decision of the
    minister meeting of OSCE in 1992. If there is not process, there is not
    legal basis for Karabakh's participation in this process." According to
    the minister, just after the Lisbon summit Azerbaijan began to speak
    from other positions. Since them moment when the process of Minsk
    Group is resumed Karabakh will legally take part in the negotiations.