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Surprises For The Capital

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  • Surprises For The Capital


    Azat Artsakh - Nagorno Karabakh Republic (NKR)
    21 Dec 04

    Several days are left till the year 2005. The New Year is the
    holiday when everybody anticipates to celebrate in the best way. The
    vice head of the department of education, culture and sport Karineh
    Harutiunian said a special commission was set up to organize the New
    Year celebrations. For the celebrations 1 million 250 thousand drams
    was provided. The sum was reduced against the previous years but the
    culture department will also involve sponsors. Part of festivities will
    be organized together with the NKR Ministry of Education, Culture and
    Sport. This year there will be two New Year trees, one in the Square
    of Renaissance and the other in the Square of Victory. The decoration
    works of the fir-trees and the streets began on December 20. December
    31 will by all means differ from other days. From 3 to 7 oâ~@~Yclock PM
    Santa Claus and his granddaughter, the symbol of Karabakh â~@~ayaâ~@~]
    and the monkey and cock symbolizing the old and the new years will
    ride in a decorated coach in the streets of Stepanakert and give
    out presents to children. This year there will be two carriages with
    Santa and his granddaughter. In the end they will come to the Square
    of Renaissance where discos, music and other contests with prizes will
    be held. The mayor of Stepanakert Edward Aghabekian will congratulate
    the people of the town. Karineh Harutiunian said that there will be
    other surprises but she preferred to let them be a surprise.

    AA. 23-12-2004
