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Vartan Oskanian: Ratify The Rights Of Karabakh People ForSelf-Determ

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  • Vartan Oskanian: Ratify The Rights Of Karabakh People ForSelf-Determ


    24 Dec 04

    Armenia Unlikely to Be against Step-by-Stage Settlement

    RA foreign minister is sure that today the Armenian side can get
    more in Nagorno Karabakh issue than in 1997. "Today, I see that we
    have a serious opportunity to ratify the right of NKR people for
    self-determination and achieve its international recognition," he said.

    "Today, the Prague process is on, I know what is in the agenda and I
    see an opportunity to get more, than we could get in 1997. You can ask
    whether we will get or not. I don't know. Five year may pass and we
    will again begin this dialogue and say that we should have accepted
    that version in 1997. But, today, there are such issues are on the
    agenda that directly prompt us that we can definitely get more than in
    1997. I wish I could talk about all this openly without making harm to
    the negotiations," Oskanian said to a press conference on December 22.

    Oskanian stated that Ilham Aliyev is merely unable to meet the
    Key West agreements, on the other hand he said that unless a new
    key suggestion is made the Key West achievements are still on the
    agenda. "But one can in some way modify the approaches, preserving
    the principles. I would describe the current situation at the Prague
    process in the following way: the Key West principles remain the same,
    but they have underwent some modification that would help the Azeri
    side be involved in the process," Oskanian said.

    "Principally, Armenia's position is not changed: we believe that we
    should achieve full settlement of the issue, certainly, preserving the
    opportunity for maneuvering. There is one obvious fact, i.e. it will
    be difficult for us to achieve the same results with the current Azeri
    authorities as we did with the former ones. We realize it," he said.

    Oskanian advices to pay attention to the article published in the
    French Le Figaro where "today's general prospects over NKR issue" were
    touched on. Pierre Lelouch, chairman of NATO Parliamentary Assembly,
    and Anna Palacio, former Spanish foreign minister, expressed opinion
    in the abovementioned article that "Armenia should temporally control
    Nagorno Karabakh, while its further status will be adopted 5 or 10
    years after through referendum."

    Oskanian believes that Nagorno Karabakh's right for self-determination
    can be indirect in the aspect of the time. In response to the question
    put by Azg Daily "if the Prague process yields positive results
    and no obstacles occur, will Armenia agree to discuss the issue of
    NKR's status in 10 or 15 years", Oskanian said: "We try to ratify the
    right of NKR people for self-determination and we can apply flexible
    deadlines for that. But the right for NKR peoples self-determination
    should be ratified, we will struggle till the end and we will not
    sign any agreement without ratifying that fact."

    If we really can be flexible in the issue of the deadlines for the
    adoption of NKR's status, as we could understand from the comments of
    Oskanian, we shouldn't exclude that Yerevan can consider it acceptable
    the step-by-step solution, when the key issues of the conflict are
    solved (returning of the territories, the refugees, etc.), while the
    issue of NKR's status is left to be solved in 5 or 10 years.

    Generally, Oskanian has no complexes about the fact that in the times
    of Levon Ter-Petrosian, former Armenian president, he was for the
    step-by-step solution: "Of course, I can strictly refuse to begin a
    dialogue (around that issue), I do it having one special goal: to break
    the taboo on speaking freely in the issue of possible settlements of
    Nagorno Karabakh conflict. We need reasonable discussions and analysis
    connected with the settlement of the issue," RA foreign minister said.

    Oskanian accepts that the Karabakh side is not included in the current
    negotiation process: "The only reason that NKR doesn't participate
    in the negotiations is Azerbaijan's refusal. Today, Armenia faces
    the following alternative, i.e. to insist on NKR's participation
    and refuse negotiating, or agree to negotiate for the sake of their
    continuation. RA president decided to approach the issue in the
    following way, it is not really so important who from the Armenians
    is negotiating, the core of the negotiations is more important.
    Armenia conducts the negotiations, but a certain period is sure to come
    when NKR's participation will be unavoidable in the process," he said.

    RA foreign minister also touched upon the statement made by Boris
    Grizlov in Yerevan, according to which Armenia is Russia's outpost in
    the Caucasus. "This word doesn't correctly reflect the essence of our
    relations. I am sure that Grizlov meant really good Armenian-Russian
    relations. I think that he used the wrong word," he said.

    Moreover, Oskanian thinks Armenia is the only South Caucasian
    republic that conducts a more independent foreign policy. "The policy
    of complementarism gives us more opportunities for maneuvering. Our
    neighbors are more deeply dependent and their opportunities to maneuver
    are more limited."

    By Tatoul Hakobian