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Iran: A Look At The Islamic Republic's Christian Minority

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  • Iran: A Look At The Islamic Republic's Christian Minority

    Iran: A Look At The Islamic Republic's Christian Minority
    By Golnaz Esfandiari

    Radio Free Europe, Czech Rep
    Dec 24 2004

    Iran is officially designated the "Islamic Republic," yet among its
    more than 66 million people is a small but important Christian
    minority. Most of Iran's Christians are Armenians and Assyrians, who
    remain relatively free to follow their faith. The numbers of
    Protestants and evangelical Christians are said to be growing. For
    these people, life is often much more difficult. RFE/RL correspondent
    Golnaz Esfandiari takes a look at Iran's Christian minority.

    Prague, 23 December 2004 (RFE/RL) -- Christian Armenians and
    Assyrians have lived for centuries on the territory of what is today

    Vigen, one of Iran's most famous singers, came from the country's
    Armenian community. He was loved by all Iranians in spite of the fact
    his faith was different from the vast majority. He died recently, but
    remains a legend.

    The number of Armenians, Iran's largest Christian minority, was
    estimated at about 300,000 in 1979. It has declined in recent times
    but remains culturally important.

    Mardo Soghom, the director of RFE/RL's Radio Farda, is Armenian by
    origin but grew up in Isfahan, in central Iran.

    "The 400-year history of the Armenian community in Iran is perhaps
    the greatest example of religious tolerance and peaceful coexistence,
    even at the time when the country experienced isolation and
    socio-economic backwardness," Soghom said. "In the 20th century, as
    the country modernized, the Armenian community thrived both
    economically and culturally. After the revolution, dislocations and
    restrictions affecting the general population also created hardships
    for Armenians, nearly half the community left Iran. Some
    discriminatory policies and restrictions came into effect, but still
    community rights are generally protected."

    Armenians have two seats in the Iranian parliament but continue to
    face cultural, social, and administrative difficulties. They report
    discrimination in finding work, and just a few Armenian schools are
    fortunate enough to have an Armenian schoolmaster.

    The Assyrian Christian population is estimated at some 10,000. They
    have one seat in the parliament.

    Iran is also home to a small number of Catholics and a small but
    growing number of Protestants.

    A relatively new phenomenon is the rising number of Muslim-born
    Iranians who convert to Christianity.

    Issa Dibaj is the son of reverend Hassan Dibaj, a Christian convert
    who was jailed and later found murdered in 1994. Issa Dibaj left Iran
    five years ago and now lives in the U.K.

    "There is another Christian minority that people know little about,
    these are Iranians who are born as Muslims and then later become
    Christians," Dibaj said. "Their number is growing day by day. [There]
    may be around 100,000 [of them], but no one really knows the exact

    Such Christians run a potentially dangerous risk. Under Islamic law
    as practiced in Iran, a Muslim who converts to another faith can face
    the death penalty.

    The government has refrained from executing people for this in recent
    years, nevertheless it has taken measure to curb proselytizing by

    Some churches have been closed and reports say the authorities are
    putting pressure on evangelicals not to recruit Muslims or to allow
    them to attend services.

    In September, 85 member of the Assemblies of God church were arrested
    during a conference in Iran. One remains in jail.

    Dibaj said in spite of the restrictions, he sees a growing interest
    in Christianity: "[Iranians] see that the establishment which came in
    the name of Islam has brought them only war, rancor, hatred, and
    killings. At the same time, they see the message of Jesus, which is
    love. It attracts them through programs they see on satellite or
    through their Christian friends."

    He added: "People are very curious, very interested. Iranians [are]
    open and they like to know more about different cultures, ideas, and
    religions. I had friends who had been prisoners of war in Iraq, at
    the university they were my best friends, they were very interested
    [about my faith], and I gave some of them the Bible."

    Iranian Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus pretty much like
    other Christians around the world. They decorate Christmas trees,
    exchange gifts, and attend services. Depending on the calendar,
    Armenians and Assyrians celebrate Christmas on 6 January. Others
    celebrate usually on 24 December.

    According to some reports Persia may even be the land of origin of
    the "Three Wise Men" who -- according to the Bible -- arrived bearing
    gifts for the birth of Christ. Some say they were Persian "Magi" --
    members of priestly caste at the time.