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Study Shows Impressive Progress in Developing Independent Media in

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  • Study Shows Impressive Progress in Developing Independent Media in

    Study Shows Impressive Progress in Developing Independent Media in
    Southeast Europe But Continuing Obstacles for Central Asia's Media

    WASHINGTON, July 6 /PRNewswire/ -- In the newly released Media
    Sustainability Index (MSI) 2003, IREX documents dramatic improvement
    for the media environments in the countries of Southeast Europe during
    the last year. In Central Asia, however, independent media continued
    to face serious obstacles to development. The study also shows the
    Caucasus region has witnessed gradual progress while, on average,
    independent media development stagnated in Russia and the Western
    Eurasian countries.

    The MSI indicates:

    * Croatia is the closest to independent media sustainability for 2003,
    with the highest average score of any country reviewed.

    * Uzbekistan has the lowest average rating of all 20 countries, and

    Central Asia on average is the least hospitable region for independent

    * Armenia shows slowly but steadily improving scores, mirroring gradual
    improvement in Azerbaijan and Georgia.

    * Belarus' ranking dropped below its starting point in 2001.

    The Media Sustainability Index is the only study that looks at the
    entire media system in each of 20 countries in Southeast Europe and
    Eurasia. The MSI analyzes freedom of speech, plurality of media
    available to citizens, professional journalism standards, business
    sustainability of media, and the efficacy of institutions that support
    independent media. The MSI features country-by-country rankings using
    a proven methodology and detailed input from media professionals in
    the 20 countries. The study also offers a comparison of trends from
    2001 to 2003 in order to show which countries have improved, where
    backsliding has occurred, and what can be expected going forward.

    The MSI, funded by USAID, offers a valuable tool for media development
    practitioners, public officials, scholars and others concerned about
    the region's media. The new MSI 2003 can be found at

    IREX (the International Research & Exchanges Board) is an
    international nonprofit organization specializing in education,
    independent media, Internet development, and civil society programs.
    Through training, partnerships, education, research, and grant
    programs, IREX develops the capacity of individuals and institutions
    to contribute to their societies.

    SOURCE International Research & Exchanges Board
    CO: International Research & Exchanges Board; IREX
    ST: District of Columbia, Russia
    Web site:
    07/06/2004 11:42 EDT