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11 People Die in Blast at Samara Market

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  • 11 People Die in Blast at Samara Market

    Current Digest of the Post-Soviet Press
    July 7, 2004

    'THIS MARKET RECENTLY CHANGED HANDS.' -- 11 People Die in Blast at
    Samara Market. By Vladimir Perekrest. Izvestia, June 5, 2004, p. 1.
    Condensed text:

    . . . The Kirov Merchandise Market is Samara's largest. On Friday
    [June 4], an explosion rang out at exactly 1 p.m. local time (12 noon
    Moscow time) near the entrance to the market from the direction of
    the Pyatiletka railroad platform. That area is always bustling, since
    many province residents come to the market by electric train. Near
    the entrance are several freight containers from which vendors sell
    goods, as well as stalls selling shish kebab, shawarma and other

    "On weekends the place is jam-packed," Daniyar Saifiyev, the main
    spokesman at the Samara Province chief administrator's press office,
    told Izvestia. "If the blast had occurred on Saturday or Sunday, the
    number of victims could have been far greater."

    But there were quite a few people at the market on Friday afternoon
    as well. So in the wake of the explosion the area near the market
    entrance was one big bloody jumble.

    The force of the blast was so great that several sections of the
    concrete wall surrounding the market were smashed to pieces and
    strewn about by the shock wave. A large fragment of a concrete slab
    landed on the railroad bed and damaged two of the five sets of tracks
    that run through the Pyatiletka platform. The explosion overturned
    about 10 freight containers and food stalls. A Vietnamese father,
    mother and daughter who operated one of the stalls were killed on the
    spot. A booth belonging to a family of Armenians was also destroyed,
    and the owner's wife and brother were killed. Some bodies were torn
    to pieces by the blast, and the shock wave hurled one female
    market-goer over the concrete wall.

    Blood-soaked people were running back and forth between the market
    and the railroad platform. Someone called the ambulance service and
    the police. . . . All told, 27 ambulances came to help those injured
    by the blast. . . .

    One person died on the way to the hospital, and three others
    succumbed in the intensive care unit.

    The Ministry for Emergency Situations' Samara division initially
    reported that the tragedy had been caused by the explosion of some
    gas cylinders in a vending stall near the market entrance. Such
    things have happened in Samara before. . . .

    But what blew up in Samara this time was not gas, according to
    Samara Province Prosecutor Aleksandr Yefremov, who went to the scene
    of the tragedy. He reported that a one-kilogram charge of plastic
    explosive had been planted between the concrete wall and a vending
    booth, at a height of 1.2 meters.

    The main shock wave was directed toward the railroad platform,
    where there were about 20 people at the time of the explosion.
    According to the prosecutor, they were saved purely by chance. A
    freight train had pulled up a few minutes before the blast, and one
    of its tank cars absorbed the blow. . . . Explosives experts were
    able to determine that the bomb had been detonated by a safety fuse,
    the prosecutor said. There were also indications that the device had
    been packed with ball bearings and pieces of scrap metal.

    A criminal investigation has been opened in connection with the
    blast, under Art. 205 and Art. 105, part 2, of the Russian Criminal
    Code ("Terrorism" and "Intentional Homicide of Two or More Persons,"

    "It's hard to say at this point whether there is any Chechen
    connection," a source in the Samara Province law-enforcement
    community told Izvestia. "The market recently changed hands. It's
    possible that the bombing had something to do with that. The market
    is a choice morsel, and it has been the focus of criminal turf wars

    As this issue was going to press, the death toll had reached 11.
    Some of the dead have not yet been identified. Thirty-three of the
    injured are hospitalized, six of them in intensive care. The Samara
    Province Disaster Medicine Center reports that doctors are seriously
    concerned about the condition of several of their injured patients. .
    . .