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Elie Wiesel's Strange Parade

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  • Elie Wiesel's Strange Parade

    July 7 2004

    Elie Wiesel's Strange Parade
    Madman or Commissar?
    By MICKEY Z.

    Parade Magazine took full advantage of Independence (sic) Day falling
    on a Sunday by hiring none other than Elie Wiesel to pen a little
    something called "The America I Love" for their patriotic cover
    story. Over a two-page spread, the "Nobel Laureate" explained how
    America "for two centuries, has stood as a living symbol of all that
    is charitable and decent to victims of injustice everywhere...where
    those who have are taught to give back." The perpetually disheveled
    Wiesel explained that in the U.S., "compassion for the refugee and
    respect for the other still have biblical connotations."

    Those same thoughts coming from a housewife in Peoria or truck driver
    in Boise are typically chalked up to ignorance so, perhaps Elie
    Wiesel is just an idiot...too simple-minded to discern reality from
    fantasy. But we can't let him off the hook so easily when, after
    reminding us-yet again-of his Holocaust experiences, the winner of
    the Presidential Medal of Freedom admits, "U.S. history has gone
    through severe trials" (apparently this is how Nobel Peace Prize
    winners think: it's "history" that undergoes trials). Ever careful to
    point out his bearing witness to the civil rights movement (and
    equally careful to avoid explaining what that means), Wiesel calls
    anti-black racism "scandalous and depressing." But, take heart, black
    America, because dear Elie adds "racism as such has vanished from,
    the American scene."

    Roll over, Mumia...and tell Leonard Peltier the news.

    Wiesel deigns to mention a few more of America's indiscretions but is
    at the ready to explain: "No nation is composed of saints alone. None
    is sheltered from mistakes and misdeeds" (more scholarly talk:
    "mistakes," not "policy"). "America is always ready to learn from its
    mishaps," he writes. "Self-criticism remains its second nature."

    This is the territory of madmen and commissars. Who else speaks such
    words...and is convinced they speak the truth? Precisely what kind of
    man is this professional sufferer, Elie Wiesel? Here are two peeks
    behind the myth:

    While Wiesel's documentation of the Nazi Holocaust has earned him
    international acclamation and a Nobel Peace Prize, he is not always
    predisposed to yield the genocide victim's spotlight. In 1982, for
    example, a conference on genocide was held in Israel with Wiesel
    scheduled to be honorary chairman, but the situation became
    complicated when the Armenians wanted in. Here's how Noam Chomsky
    described the incident: "The Israeli government put pressure upon
    [Wiesel] to drop the Armenian genocide. They allowed the others, but
    not the Armenian one. He was pressured by the government to withdraw,
    and being a loyal commissar as he is, he withdrew...because the
    Israeli government had said they didn't want Armenian genocide
    brought up." Wiesel went even further, calling up noted Israeli
    Holocaust historian, Yehuda Bauer, and pleading with him to also
    boycott the conference. "That gives an indication of the extent to
    which people like Elie Wiesel were carrying out their usual function
    of serving Israeli state interests," Chomsky explains, "even to the
    extent of denying a holocaust, which he regularly does." Why not
    welcome the Armenians, you wonder? Chalk it up to two conspicuous
    factors: the need to monopolize the Holocaust(tm) image and the
    geopolitical reality that Turkey (the nation responsible for the
    Armenian genocide) is a rare and much-needed Muslim ally for Israel.

    In Parade, Wiesel also speaks of brave American soldiers bringing
    "rays of hope" to the people of Iraq. However, such rays were not
    welcome in Central and South America when Israel served as a U.S.
    proxy for proving arms to murderous regimes like that of Guatemala.
    In 1981, shortly after Israel agreed to provide military aid to this
    oppressive regime, a Guatemalan officer had a feature article
    published in the army's Staff College review. In that article, the
    officer praised Adolf Hitler, National Socialism, and the Final
    Solution-quoting extensively from Mein Kampf and chalking up Hitler's
    anti-Semitism to the "discovery" that communism was part of a "Jewish
    conspiracy." Despite such seemingly incompatible ideology, Israel's
    estimated military assistance to Guatemala in 1982 was $90 million.
    What type of policies did the Guatemalan government pursue with the
    help they received from a nation populated with thousands of
    Holocaust survivors? Consider the words of Gabriel, one of the
    Guatemalan freedom fighters interviewed in 1994 by Jennifer Harbury:
    "In my country, child malnutrition is close to 85 percent. Ten
    percent of all children will be dead before the age of five, and this
    is only the number actually reported to government agencies. Close to
    70 percent of our people are functionally illiterate. There is almost
    no industry in our country-you need land to survive. Less than 3
    percent of our landowners own over 65 percent of our lands. In the
    last fifteen years or so, there have been over 150,000 political
    murders and disappearances. Don't talk to me about Gandhi; he
    wouldn't have survived a week here."

    Similar stories can be culled from countries throughout the region,
    but apparently have had no effect on the rulers of the Jewish state.
    For example, when Israel faced an international arms embargo after
    the 1967 war, a plan to divert Belgian and Swiss arms to the Holy
    Land was implemented. These weapons were supposedly destined for
    Bolivia to be transported by a company managed by Klaus
    in "The Butcher of Lyon."

    One Jewish figure that might be expected to find fault with such
    policy is, of course, Parade cover boy Elie Wiesel. Here is an
    episode from mid-1985, documented by Yoav Karni in Ha'aretz, which
    should put to rest any exalted expectations of the revered moralist:
    When Wiesel received a letter from a Nobel Prize laureate documenting
    Israel's contributions to the atrocities in Guatemala, suggesting
    that he use his considerable influence to put a stop to Israel's
    practice of arming neo-Nazis, Wiesel "sighed" and admitted to Karni
    that he did not reply to that particular letter. "I usually answer at
    once," he explained, "but what can I answer to him?"

    One is left to only wonder how Wiesel's silent sigh might have been
    received if it was in response to a letter not about Jewish
    complicity in the murder of Guatemalans but instead about the
    function of Auschwitz in 1943.

    In Parade, Elie Wiesel claims he discovered in America "the strength
    to overcome cynicism and despair." It sounds like what he's actually
    overcome is honesty and compassion.

    Mickey Z. is the author of two brand new books: "The Seven Deadly
    Spins: Exposing the Lies Behind War Propaganda" (Common Courage
    Press) and "A Gigantic Mistake: Articles and Essays for Your
    Intellectual Self-Defense" (Library Empyreal/Wildside Press). For
    more information, please visit: