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BAKU: Azerbaijan should step up democratic reforms, EU envoy says

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  • BAKU: Azerbaijan should step up democratic reforms, EU envoy says

    Azerbaijan should step up democratic reforms, EU envoy says

    Turan news agency
    7 Jul 04


    Janez Potocnik, commissioner in charge of the EU's European
    Neighbourhood Policy, held a news conference today to sum up the
    results of his two-day visit to Azerbaijan. The aim of his trip to the
    South Caucasus was to discuss with the country's leaders the European
    Neighbourhood Policy and further steps which have to be
    taken. Potocnik's mission aims at encouraging conflict resolution and
    strengthening regional cooperation. Reports on every country will be
    submitted to the EU following the visit.

    The situation will be analysed in autumn and the European Neighborhood
    Policy plan will be worked out in spring 2005.

    In Baku Potocnik held meetings with the president, parliament speaker,
    prime minister, foreign minister and opposition party leaders.

    He said that democratic development, human rights, freedom of press,
    struggle against corruption and a settlement of the Karabakh conflict
    were discussed at the meetings. In his opinion, the development of
    democratic principles, the implementation of energy projects and the
    anti-poverty programme, and the settlement of the Karabakh conflict
    will draw Azerbaijan closer to the EU.

    Azerbaijan has a great development potential, he said. "A civil
    society is developing but the process should be more rapid. Reforms in
    the political and economic spheres will draw Azerbaijan closer to
    Europe," he said.

    He added that the EU intends to allocate Azerbaijan 30m euros every
    year under TACIS programme.

    As for Karabakh, Potocnik said that the peaceful solution to the
    problem is the "only acceptable one".