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07-08-2004: BISNIS Computers - Eurasian Standards in IT Program

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  • 07-08-2004: BISNIS Computers - Eurasian Standards in IT Program

    BISNIS Computers - Eurasian Standards in IT Program, 08/21 - 09/18, 2004

    July 8, 2004


    Dear Colleague,

    The Special American Business Internship Training (SABIT), Program at
    the U.S. Department of Commerce in Washington DC, is currently seeking
    U.S. Companies and Organizations interested in hosting site visits for
    an upcoming SABIT Standards in Information Technology program - August
    21 through September 18, 2004.

    The SABIT Standards Program provides in-depth training opportunities
    for groups of standards and conformity assessment experts from Eurasia
    in an effort to foster understanding of U.S. standards and inspire
    confidence in U.S. products and services.

    The Standards in IT Program will provide 18 information technology
    specialists from Eurasia one month of intensive exposure to
    U.S. practices in standards development and product certification, and
    offer site visits and direct interaction with U.S. computer hardware
    and software manufacturers, industry associations, testing labs, as
    well as local, state, and federal government agencies.

    The delegation members represent national regulatory bodies, testing
    laboratories, and universities as well as private IT companies from
    nine countries in Eurasia. All delegates have been carefully screened
    by the U.S. Department of Commerce.

    SABIT is currently seeking U.S. hosts across the United States to
    provide training for half- and full-day sessions in topics including
    standards development, product manufacturing, software and hardware
    testing, and quality control. SABIT invites all interested parties to
    inquire about hosting opportunities. U.S. companies are welcome to
    develop a training event or site visit that suits each host's
    needs. Suggested models include:

    ·Speakers/presentations at your facility (SABIT can help arrange sites
    for presentations if your facility is unavailable)
    ·Manufacturing/testing tours
    ·Interactive discussion sessions with the delegates

    SABIT will cover the majority of program costs for all delegates,
    including round-trip airfare to the United States, all domestic
    U.S. transportation, housing, insurance, per diem for meals and
    incidentals, and interpreters to travel with the group. In turn,
    U.S. host organizations are asked to cover all costs of the training
    they provide. Delegate bios and suggested program topics are attached
    to this e-mail.

    Participation in SABIT offers a unique opportunity for both
    U.S. companies and Eurasian delegates. Site visits offer solid,
    practical experience for the Eurasian standards experts and give
    U.S. businesses and organizations an unparalleled opportunity to
    establish firsthand contacts for working in the markets of Eurasia.

    *** This IT program will be SABIT's final Standards Program***

    To learn about the program and hosting opportunities, contact SABIT
    directly - Standards Program Coordinator Melissa Jordan (Tel:
    202-482-2086; E-mail: [email protected]; Web:


    AUGUST 21, 2004 - SEPTEMBER 18, 2004


    1. Levon Aslanyan, Head of Discrete Molding Department
    Institute for Informatics and Automation Problems
    Armenian National Academy of Sciences
    Yerevan, Armenia

    Education: PhD in computer science and IT, MSc in mathematical
    cybernetics and technical certification in computer hardware design.
    Background: Department head at institute for more than 30 years. Also
    executive director of IT Development Foundation of Armenia since
    1999. For seven years, has served as chairman of the Information
    Technologies Technical Committee for the Armenian State Department for
    Standardization, Certification, and Metrology, representing Armenia
    with ISO TC46 and similar bodies.
    Interests: Development of partnerships with U.S. IT companies, testing
    labs, and standards organizations. Localization of IT standards for
    English Language Skills: Good

    2. Sofa Khanjyan, Lead Specialist
    National Institute of Standards and Quality
    Yerevan, Armenia

    Education: Economist with certification in standardization, metrology
    and conformity assessment from the SARM Training Center, Yerevan.
    Background: Standards developer for the Armenian government since
    2001, with a private sector background in economics and investment
    prior to government service. Also teaches seminars on standards issues
    at the Yerevan Institute of Economics.
    Interests: System of standards in the United States. Application of
    standards to the IT industry.
    English Language Skills: Fair

    3. Tigran Potikyan, Chief Specialist
    National Standards Fund Management and Information Service
    National Institute of Standards and Quality
    Yerevan, Armenia

    Education: Lawyer with technical certification in conformity
    assessment and quality systems from the SARM Training Center in
    Yerevan. Currently completing additional degree in Information
    Technology at Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics, and
    Information Science.
    Background: Formerly an attorney for the Armenian Consumer Rights
    Protection Union. Since 2001, chief specialist for the National
    Institute of Standards and Quality in Yerevan.
    Interests: U.S. standards system and U.S. experience in standards and
    certification for IT products. English Language Skills: Fair
    ========================================== II. AZERBAIJAN

    Igor Zhitsky, E-Commerce Manager AZEL (Azerbaijan Electronics) Baku,

    Education: Degree in management information systems for software and
    hardware. Additional training in business management and systems
    Background: With AZEL since 1996. Started as computer service
    engineer, moved to deputy head of sales, and now serves as E-commerce
    manager for Azel, the leading IT company in Azerbaijan.
    Interests: Expanded knowledge of U.S. IT and telecom standards. Wants
    to understand business practices of successful U.S. IT
    companies. Hopes to build business contacts and establish
    relationships with IT manufacturers and distributors.
    English Language Skills: Good
    Siarhei Sazanovich, Project Manager
    Software Development Division
    Grodno, Belarus

    Education: Advanced degrees in physics and teaching. Currently getting
    additional degree in English.
    Background: With private firm Algorithm since 1993 as project manager,
    handling server and network programs, security and localization
    issues, and client consultations. Algorithm is a developer and
    manufacturer of computer software. The firm also wholesales, services,
    and repairs computer hardware.
    Interests: Needs to understand U.S. and international standards for
    developing/manufacturing software and hardware. Wants to establish
    business contacts to expand U.S. products into Belarus. English
    Language Skills: Good ==========================================

    Malika Mazhrenova, Certification Group Specialist & Expert Auditor
    Otan-Security, Ltd. Almaty, Kazakhstan

    Education: Degree in business information systems. Extensive
    certification in software, security and network administration from
    Kazakh IT Academy and expert status in certification of radio
    equipment, communications facilities, and information commodities.
    Background: Has worked for Otan-Security as an IT standards and
    certification specialist since 2000. Specialist in both hardware and
    software standards and testing.
    Interests: Legal aspects of certification in the United
    States. Testing laboratories and testing procedures. English Language
    Skills: Poor ========================================== V. RUSSIA

    1. Aleksey Agapov, Chief Technical Officer NTR Lab Inc. Moscow,

    Education: Masters Degree in computers and metallurgy. Background:
    Chief technical officer of NTR Lab Inc. since 2000. Also acts as
    volunteer advisor to FOSTAS (System Engineering Standardization and
    Management Support Fund.) Prior experience as QA manager and systems
    engineer for commercial bank and other private sector entities.
    Interests: Certification and conformity assessment procedures, U.S. IT
    standards and how they are applied in real world situations. Wants to
    expand U.S. business contacts.
    English Language Skills: Good

    2. Marina Anshina, Vice Chairman
    FOSTAS Foundation
    Moscow, Russia

    Education: Degree in mathematics. Extensive coursework and
    certification in computer systems engineering and administration, from
    1978 to present day. Currently completing "mini MBA."
    Background: Seasoned IT professional with solid engineering experience
    - including one year at Union Carbide in Columbus, Ohio - and current
    dual roles at CTO for Bridge Holding and Vice Chairman of the FOSTAS
    Foundation in Moscow. FOSTAS is a non-profit focused on the research,
    development, and maintenance of modern IT standards, methods and
    Interests: Fostering partnerships with colleague organizations in the
    United States, expanding working knowledge of U.S. standards and
    establishing projects or partnerships with key U.S. IT entities.
    English Language Skills: Excellent

    3. Irina Fomicheva, Head Engineer
    All Russian Scientific and Research Institute for Standardization and
    Certification in Mechanical Engineering (VNIINMASH)
    Gosstandart of Russia
    Moscow, Russia

    Education: Multiple degrees in mechanical engineering and expert
    training in certification of information technology.
    Background: At VNIINMASH and Gosstandart for nearly 30 years. Since
    1991, focused on IT standards development and IT product certification
    and inspection.
    Interests: The American experience in IT standards and
    certification. Wants to establish business ties with
    U.S. organizations in IT standards and testing.
    English Language Skills: Poor

    4. Aleksey Mishin, Director
    Ulan Ude, Buryatia, Russia

    Education: Degrees in engineering and computer programming, as well as
    professional training in marketing and management.
    Background: Engineer-programmer with solid private- and public-sector
    business management experience. Started "M-city" in 2002 as a
    consulting and service company for the IT and management needs of
    SMEs. Partners with the Buryat Centre of Certification and also
    assists city government in preparation of plans for regional IT
    Interests: Quality management systems and U.S. IT standards. Network
    design and installation. Wants to build a joint venture for the
    training of quality management experts in Buryatia. Hopes to establish
    business contacts with IT manufacturers and distributors.
    English Language Skills: Good

    5. Sergey Muravyev, Department Head
    Department of Computer-Aided Measurement Systems & Metrology
    Tomsk Polytechnic University
    Tomsk, Russia

    Education: PhD in electrical measurement and software technology. MA
    in computer engineering.
    Background: More than 25 years experience. Along with running a
    university department, teaches courses in qualimetry and measurement
    information systems, and developed specialized bachelors and masters
    programs in metrology, standardization, and certification.
    Interests: Activities of U.S. IT manufacturers, test laboratories, and
    certification centers. Wants to establish joint scientific/education
    projects with U.S. partners in IT standards, certification, and
    quality management and build business contacts. Looking for partners
    in measurement, data acquisition, instrumentation, software
    engineering, and artificial intelligence.
    English Language Skills: Excellent

    6. Lyudmila Peretyagina, Head of IT Department
    Novgorod Standards, Metrology and Certification Centre
    Velikiy Novgorod, Russia

    Education: Degree in mathematics and teaching. Management certificate
    in standards, metrology, and certification.
    Background: Runs IT department for Novgorod Standards, Metrology and
    Certification Centre, as well as lectures on the mathematics faculty
    at Novgorod State University.
    Interests: U.S. IT standards, exposure to new technologies.
    English Language Skills: Poor

    Eshmahmad Kurbanov, Manager, Metrology & Standards Sector
    Ministry of Industry of the Republic of Tajikistan
    Dushanbe, Tajikistan

    Education: Degree in mechanical engineering.
    Background: With Ministry of Industry since 2000, handling metrology
    and certification issues. Previous private sector experience as
    mechanical engineer and safety & quality assurance specialist. Member
    of Tajik government strategy group for IT standardization issues
    related to Tajikistan's entry into the WTO. Sole specialist at
    Ministry of Industry focused on IT standards.
    Interests: Exposure to international and U.S. IT
    standards. Familiarization with U.S. IT companies with aim to
    encourage investment and business in Tajikistan.
    English Language Skills: Poor

    Meretmamed Shirdatov, Chief of Standardization Department
    Ashgabat, Turkmenistan

    Education: Degrees in petroleum mechanics, engineering, and social
    Background: Chief standards expert at Turkmen national standards
    agency since 1999. Responsible for all questions related to
    standardization in Turkmenistan, as well as international
    harmonization for CIS and European standards. Represents Turkmenistan
    in international standards organizations.
    Interests: In-depth knowledge of U.S. IT industry - hardware and
    software. U.S. IT standards. Hopes to open relationships with U.S. IT
    manufacturers and build contacts with ASTM and other standards and
    testing agencies.
    English Language Skills: Fair

    1. Anatoly Gladun, Chief of Telecommunications Department
    International Research and Training Center of Information Technologies
    and Systems
    National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine & Ministry of Education and
    Sciences of Ukraine
    Kiev, Ukraine

    Education: PhD in computer science (elements and devices of computer
    and control systems.)
    Background: More than 20 years experience in IT research and
    development. Since 1997, involved in development and harmonization of
    telecommunications and IT standards in Ukraine. Chairman of SC-6
    subcommittee of Ukrainian technical committee on standardization
    Interests: New software and network equipment, methods and equipment
    for testing and certification. Wants to develop contacts with ANSI and
    other standards agencies.
    English Language Skills: Good

    2. Oleh Velychko, Director
    Scientific and Production Institute of Measurement Assurance of
    Electrical & Magnetic Values
    All-Ukrainian State Scientific & Production Centre for Standardization,
    Metrology, Certification & Consumer Protection (Ukrmetrteststandard)
    Kiev, Ukraine

    Education: PhD in technology (measurement of electrical and magnetic
    value) and undergraduate degree in radio engineering.
    Background: Director of metrological institute. Nearly 25 years
    experience in metrology. Involved in IT issues since 1992.
    Interests: Metrology and international standards harmonization, new
    computer technologies, and precision measurement systems and
    English Language Skills: Good

    1. Alisher Khadjaev, Deputy General Director
    Communications and Information Agency of Uzbekistan
    Tashkent, Uzbekistan

    Education: PhD in physics and mathematics.
    Background: Ten years experience in management and R&D. Deputy general
    director of Uzbek national communications and information agency since
    2002. Previously worked on Uzbek president's staff. In current role,
    recommends national legislation related to IT certification,
    licensing, and security.
    Interests: How American standards are created and enforced. Wants to
    meet growing IT and telecom firms interested in the Uzbek
    market. Needs to establish relationships with research and testing
    English Language Skills: Poor

    2. Abdurakhman Khundibaev, Director
    "Computer-Asia" Scientific-Technology Park
    Tashkent, Uzbekistan

    Education: PhD in technical sciences (automatic systems of control.)
    Degree in economics and mathematics.
    Background: Director of IT firm "Computer-Asia." Nine years with firm,
    and nearly 15 years in IT standards issues. Firm handles software
    projects for government and private sector clients and is working on
    localization issues and standards for Uzbek language projects.
    Interests: Methods of IT standardization in the United States. Wants
    to work with standards developers to create IT standards for
    Uzbekistan. Hopes to start joint ventures with U.S. firms to bring
    American computer technology to the Uzbek market.
    English Language Skills: Fair
    For nearly ten years, SABIT has been hosting the Standards Program in
    partnership with NIST. The Standards in IT program will be SABIT's
    final Standards Program session. SABIT's other programs will
    continue, but this will be our last opportunity to focus on the
    serious market access issues of standards, certification/testing, and
    conformity assessment. It has been SABIT's pleasure to be able share
    knowledge and build partnerships between U.S. and Eurasian businesses,
    standards organizations, and testing laboratories. SABIT looks forward
    to hearing from you and partnering with you on this important training

    =====Sent by=========Chris D. Christov, International Trade Specialist for IT
    Irina Mitchell, International Trade Specialist for Certification and
    BISNIS/USA Trade Center,
    U.S. Department of Commerce
    Tel: (202) 482 - 4655
    Fax: (202) 482 - 2293
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