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Armenian NPP to shut down for overhaul on July 23

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  • Armenian NPP to shut down for overhaul on July 23

    July 8 2004

    Armenian NPP to shut down for overhaul on July 23

    Yerevan. (Interfax) - The Armenian nuclear power plant, operated by
    ZAO Inter UES of Russia, will shut down for an overhaul and refueling
    on July 23 and not, as planned, on July 15, Armenian State Atomic
    Energy Oversight head Ashot Martirosian told Interfax.
    The decision was made because the plant is currently low on fuel.

    The plant was originally scheduled to shut down on July 15, "but the
    plant reduced capacity because of high waters from the spring
    flooding and the diversion of water resources to generate
    electricity," Martirosian said.

    The work will last 65 days, during which, after the nuclear fuel is
    loaded, an overhaul is planned for the reactor and two operating
    turbines of the second generating unit. One-third of the new fuel
    consignment, some 100 cassettes, will be loaded and paid for by
    Russia. This should be sufficient for the plant to work until summer
    2005, Martirosian said.

    The Armenian NPP generated 1.9 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity
    in 2003, 36% of total electricity generation in Armenia.

    ZAO Inter UES of Russia, which exports and imports electricity to
    Russia and other countries, took over management of the plant in
    September 2003. Inter UES is a subsidiary of Unified Energy System
    (UES) of Russia, with 60% of the shares, and state-run enterprise
    Rosenergoatom, with 40%.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress