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Birthright Armenia Kicks Off Its First Summer in Armenia

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  • Birthright Armenia Kicks Off Its First Summer in Armenia

    Contact: Linda Yepoyan
    Email: [email protected]

    July 8, 2004


    Yerevan, Armenia - Young diasporans venturing out on journeys of
    self-discovery are multiplying in the homeland. They are here in
    Armenia to participate in a multitude of volunteer, cultural and
    internship programs, representing many of the existing organizations
    within our diasporan communities. In addition to their ethnicity, a
    group of 40 such youth from different walks of life have one additional
    thing in common with each other. They are all participants of
    Birthright Armenia/Depi Hayk, a new initiative experiencing its first
    year of operations in Armenia this summer.

    Birthright Armenia was established to strengthen ties between diasporan
    and homeland youth by creating the right conditions for young adults to
    best connect with their collective past and commit themselves to our
    nation's future. This new organization is building on the initiatives
    of established diasporan institutions that offer youth programs in
    Armenia, to make the homeland experience all that it can be. The four
    parameters that define each participant's requirements for qualification
    under the Birthright Armenia program's acronym QUEST include: public
    service, language training, leadership development, and continuing

    The 40 Birthright Armenia/Depi Hayk 2004 summer participants are
    representatives of seven organizations: Armenian Christian Youth
    Organization of America (ACYOA), Armenian Youth Federation (AYF),
    Armenian Volunteer Corps (AVC), Armenian Assembly of America (AAA),
    Armenian Medical Association (AMA), Armenian Students' Association-NY
    (ASA), and the Land and Culture Organization (LCO).

    As part of their QUEST, (qualified experiences in service and training),
    each participant is fulfilling 30-40 hours per week of rewarding
    community service through internships or volunteerism, all the while
    garnering valuable work experience that will enhance their future career
    tracks. Volunteer placements this summer include exciting opportunities
    within the private and public sectors, as well as various government
    offices, some of which include: Nork Marash Hospital, Ministries of
    Foreign Affairs and Health, Zadik Orphanage, Vem radio station, Council
    of Europe, Armenian Medical Association, Armenian Tree Project,
    Zangagadoon NGO in Vanadzor, Youth Christian Movement, Spendarian House
    Museum, Ameria Consulting, and the Armenian Tourism Development Agency.

    In addition to providing travel fellowships that cover the roundtrip
    airfare of each participant, their QUESTS continue with Birthright
    Armenia/Depi Hayk supplementing the community service aspect of their
    experience with an action-packed line-up of activities including a
    thorough in-country orientation, one-on-one Eastern Armenian language
    instruction, weekly `havaks' and excursions, and a forum series. These
    support services provided by Birthright Armenia are designed to provide
    a more in-depth immersion experience for those who are interested in
    gaining an understanding of our current homeland's situation, people,
    history, and opportunities for involvement - all contributing to a more
    meaningful, life-changing journey of self-discovery of what it means to
    be a diasporan at this point and time in our history.

    `Each of the participants is building a base of new relationships
    through their work environment, host families, and interactions with
    local counterparts, and trying to process how they will bridge these
    newfound relationships with their lives back in their local communities.
    We can see the wheels turning in each of their minds, and find the
    amount of energy, emotion, and identity seeking within them refreshing',
    says Linda Yepoyan, U.S. based executive director for Birthright
    Armenia/Depi Hayk. `I believe that the words of one of our participants,
    Sonia Shahrigian from CA, who is an AVC volunteer, encapsulates the
    experience better than I ever could':

    `Before I arrived in Armenia, I tried not to get my hopes up. I had
    wanted to come to Armenia for years, and finally, the time was ripe! 
    After talking about Hayasdan, the "homeland," my whole life, sometimes
    placing it upon a pedestal, I tried not to have high expectations before
    my departure from the U.S. Although I've been here for a short time,
    and although my stay will last only 2 months, I can confidently say that
    I've never felt more at home anywhere else. Everything feels so natural,
    despite my slowly progressing Armenian skills. Since my arrival, I've
    met so many wonderful, kind people who are often as excited about me
    being here as I am.  Now, I know why some Armenians are afraid to come
    here; they are afraid that they might never want to leave, and might
    have trouble picking up the roots they have planted elsewhere. But the
    deepest, strongest root is deeply buried in Armenian soil, which is why
    so many of us feel like we are coming "back" when we come to Armenia,
    even if we've never physically been here before'.

    `This, our first year of providing services in Armenia, is the pilot
    test for much larger numbers of volunteers to sponsor in the near
    future. Next year we are counting on over 100 participants, and then
    doubling that number every consecutive year to truly increase the number
    of youths connecting with the homeland in meaningful ways,' Yepoyan

    For those who are interested in learning more about Birthright
    Armenia/Depi Hayk, please visit the Web site at

    Birthright Armenia's mission is to strengthen ties between the homeland
    and diasporan youth by affording them an opportunity to be a part of
    Armenia's daily life and to contribute to Armenia's development through
    work, study and volunteer experiences, while developing a renewed sense
    of Armenian identity. This is accomplished by supporting and
    complementing the initiatives of existing diasporan organizations that
    offer youth programs in Armenia, and encouraging them to expand their
    offerings in depth and breath. Birthright Armenia assists with travel
    fellowships, language instruction, in-country seminars, orientation and
    excursions in exchange for community service in Armenia.