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FM Comments on NATO Summit, OSCE Mediation and Army Bases

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  • FM Comments on NATO Summit, OSCE Mediation and Army Bases


    Golos Armenii, Yerevan
    8 Jul 04

    Foreign Minister Vardan Oskanyan has said that Armenia is guided "by a
    principle of complementarity" in its foreign policy and its
    cooperation with NATO is not in conflict with its membership of the
    CIS Collective Security Treaty. In a wide-ranging interview with an
    Armenian newspaper carried by De-Facto news agency on 8 July, he
    commented on the recent Istanbul-hosted NATO summit and hailed NATO
    for its statement describing the South Caucasus as "a zone of its
    special attention". The following is the text of report by Armenian
    newspaper Golos Armenii on 8 July entitled "The co-chairmen will come
    to learn approaches of the parties" as published by De-Facto agency;
    subheadings have been inserted editorially:

    (De Facto correspondent) You headed the Armenian delegation at the
    Istanbul NATO summit. What did Yerevan expect from the summit? To what
    extent was this expectation justified? In this sense, what was of most
    significance to you? Did you discuss any important issues?

    (Vardan Oskanyan) Usually no documents or programmes are discussed at
    the summits of the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council (EAPC). The
    documents submitted for approval from the country leaders are
    discussed beforehand and are agreed at monthly meetings of the EAPC.

    The agenda was also known beforehand; therefore nothing special was
    expected from the EAPC session. The same can be said about NATO, that
    is, we did not expect anything unusual. NATO's statement that the
    South Caucasus is a zone of its special attention was the most
    significant one as far as were concerned. It may be said that there is
    a certain displacement in NATO's priorities as regards our region. But
    we were aware of this six months ago when the problem was discussed
    within the EAPC framework.

    In the course of the summit Armenia was not going to raise any special
    problems. At the same time we officially announced that we were going
    to deepen cooperation with NATO.

    CIS versus NATO ties

    (Correspondent) In view of Armenia's membership of the CIS Collective
    Security Treaty (CST), how expedient is its cooperation with NATO?
    What does NATO mean to Armenia?

    (Oskanyan) I see no contradiction here. We are not alone in this
    matter. Other member states of the CST, Russia, Kazakhstan and
    Kyrgyzstan, are also actively developing their cooperation with
    NATO. In particular, Russia is actively implementing this by means of
    the NATO-Russia council.

    As is known, in its foreign policy Armenia is guided by a principle of
    complementarity. Stemming from this, we aspire to establish relations
    at the necessary level with all the main centres that are interested
    in our region and have a certain effect on the processes taking place
    in the South Caucasus. For this reason we are aspiring to be involved
    in all the processes, programmes and projects in the region.

    Russian bases and Georgian scenario

    (Correspondent) Some experts think that after the withdrawal of
    Russian bases from Georgia, the problem of the expediency of the
    Russian military presence in Armenia will arise. Do you see this

    (Oskanyan) In terms of politics the matter of the Russian military
    deployment in Armenia is not directly linked with the preservation or
    withdrawal of similar bases from the territory of Georgia. We have a
    long-term agreement with Russia, I see no reason for annulling it in
    the near future.

    (Correspondent) Do you notice new tendencies in the process of the
    Karabakh settlement in connection with the stepped up efforts of the
    European structures in this process?

    (Oskanyan) The OSCE Minsk Group is still dealing with the Karabakh
    issue settlement. The Minsk Group cochairmen have recently initiated
    meetings of the foreign ministers of Armenia and Azerbaijan. The
    cochairmen are expected to pay a regular visit to the region in
    July. They will discuss the current approaches of the parties to the

    On the other hand, Armenia has a positive attitude towards the
    initiatives of the European Union (EU) and Council of Europe (CE),
    expressed during regular visits of the EU special envoy for the South
    Caucasus, Heike Talvitie, and the CE rapporteur on Nagornyy Karabakh,
    Terry Devis, who has recently been elected as secretary-general of the

    We think that active efforts and initiatives of such authoritative
    European structures may supplement but not substitute the efforts of
    the Minsk Group cochairmen on the conflict settlement.

    OSCE Minsk Group

    (Correspondent) As a rule Azerbaijan blames the OSCE Minsk Group
    cochairmen from Russia, the USA, France for failing to settle the
    Karabakh conflict. How qualified are this kind of charges?

    (Oskanyan) Really the Azeri party sometimes accuses the OSCE Minsk
    Group and says that the conflict is not settled because of the
    cochairmen's inaction. The Azeris can only see and estimate only what
    is advantageous to them this very minute. Whereas over the past few
    years the mediators put forward several proposals. The last two were
    accepted by Armenia and Nagornyy Karabakh but rejected by
    Azerbaijan. At high-level meetings the cochairmen are now discussing
    outlines of and prospects for a settlement on the basis of which it
    will be possible to work out new suggestions which would become the
    basis of the settlement negotiations.

    US envoy

    (Correspondent) The US ambassador to Armenia, John Ordway, expressed
    the hope that the conflict will be settled within the next couple of
    years. Some experts think that it would take next 20 to 25 years to
    reach a settlement. Which of these two views is more realistic?

    (Oskanyan) The Armenian-Azeri negotiations conducted at the initiative
    of the OSCE Minsk Group cochairmen are aimed at working out an
    agreement as soon as possible and bringing the positions of the two
    parties on the Karabakh conflict settlement closer. Certainly we would
    have preferred the US ambassador's optimistic approach to come
    true. It will enable all the regional countries to engage in
    comprehensive cooperation.

    (Correspondent) The mediators often reiterate that the settlement
    fully depends on the political will and desire of the sides. Do you
    think that Russia, the USA and France will accept any option of the
    conflict settlement on which the parties agree?

    (Oskanyan) I have already mentioned that the cochairmen make efforts
    to organize meetings between the parties to the conflict, in the
    course of which it would be possible to find general approaches and
    outlines of a settlement. I think that in this context any suggestion
    acceptable for the conflict parties, will be acceptable for the
    mediators as well.

    (Correspondent) The Azerbaijani leaders have started to add the phrase
    "Nagornyy Karabakh" to the "Armenian-Azeri conflict" term which they
    use. We did not notice this at first. How can you explain that?

    (Oskanyan) We have said many times that the conflict is between
    Azerbaijan and Nagornyy Karabakh. I think that the Azeri wording aims
    at presenting the conflict in an advantageous light for Azerbaijan. I
    would like to remind you that international organizations, in
    particular the OSCE Minsk Group, use the expression "Nagornyy Karabakh