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Armenian Speaker, Egyptian official discuss expanding cooperation

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  • Armenian Speaker, Egyptian official discuss expanding cooperation

    Armenian Speaker, Egyptian official discuss expanding cooperation

    Noyan Tapan news agency
    8 Jul 04


    Armenian Prime Minister Andranik Markaryan received Muhammad Sha'ban,
    assistant minister of the Egyptian Foreign Ministry, on 7 July. The
    sides expressed satisfaction with political relations between Armenia
    and Egypt, as well as with the current level of cooperation in
    international organizations. Noting the similarity of the viewpoints
    of Armenia and Egypt in relation to regional problems, they expressed
    the unanimous opinion that peace and stability in the region are an
    important condition for the development of economic relations between
    the two countries.

    According to the participants in the meeting, Armenian-Egyptian
    trade-economic relations are lagging behind bilateral political
    relations, and the existing opportunities in this sphere are not being
    used yet. The prime minister expressed his satisfaction with the
    establishment of the first joint enterprise in the health sphere and
    expressed his gratitude to the Egyptian Foreign Ministry for arranging
    courses conducted by the fund of technical cooperation with the CIS
    countries, which were attended by 215 Armenian specialists in 2003.

    The sides noted the importance of holding the fourth session of the
    Armenian-Egyptian intergovernmental commission which is planned to be
    held in Cairo in autumn. As for the problems in various spheres, the
    sides in particular touched upon the problem of stepping up
    cooperation in the sphere of tourism.

    The possibilities of establishing cooperation between the universities
    of Yerevan and Cairo and also between the medical faculty of Cairo
    Medical University and Yerevan Medical University were also discussed
    during the meeting.