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BAKU: APS Review Downstream Trends

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  • BAKU: APS Review Downstream Trends


    APS Review
    Downstream Trends
    July 12, 2004
    v62, i2, p0

    Azerbaijan is positioning itself to become a major
    player in the energy world during this century. In the
    early 1990s the country emerged from the Soviet era
    with a teetering economy, a shrinking energy base,
    environmental degradation and a conflict with
    neighbouring Armenia. The recession ended in late
    1995, but it was only in 1999 that economic recovery
    began to accelerate.

    Azerbaijan is rich in natural resources. It has a wide
    range of minerals, including iron, aluminium, zinc,
    copper, arsenic, molybdenum, marble and fire clay.
    Scanty reserves of gold in the Armenian-occupied
    Kelbajar region has been extracted by Armenians. Azeri
    reserves of oil and gas are more than enough to meet
    domestic demand in the long-term (see OMT & Gas Market
    Trends of this week). The country is rich in gas
    hydrates, which will eventually become a clean source
    of energy and an alternative to hydrocarbons.

    The economy faced a negative fallout resulting from
    the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, when
    Azerbaijan proclaimed independence. In the subsequent
    years there was severe internal turmoil as pro- and
    anti-Moscow groups fought for power in the country,
    while a war was going on for control of the
    predominantly Armenian enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh.
    The situation began to stabilise after President
    Gaidar Aliyev assumed power in June 1993.
    Hyper-inflation has since been brought under control.
    The Azeri currency, called manat, is relatively stable
    and the country's GDP has been rising since 1996 after
    falling by two-thirds since 1989.

    APS Review Downstream Trends, July 12, 2004 v62 i2 p0
    AZERBAIJAN - The Local Market.
    Full Text: COPYRIGHT 2004 Input Solutions

    The energy base of Azerbaijan has been shrinking
    steadily since 1990. In each of 1989 and 1990, the
    country's energy consumption used to average 22.9
    million tons/year of oil equivalent. This has dropped
    to 19.1m t/yoe in 1992 and to 11.2m t/yoe in 2002. In
    2004 consumption is expected to be higher but still
    way below the 1992 figure.

    Azerbaijan's energy consumption mix comprises oil,
    natural gas and hydro-power. Theoretically, it is one
    of the most gasified countries in the FSU, as a result
    of heavy investment during the Soviet era. Its gas
    transmission and distribution network has the capacity
    to cover 80% of the population of more than 8m, of
    which 2.5m are in the capital Baku.

    However, the country has suffered from gas shortages
    which hit after the collapse of the Soviet Union. This
    year, as in 2003, it is importing 4.5 BCM of gas under
    contracts with Gazprom, Itera, and TransNafta. With
    Azerbaijan producing 5.2-5.7 BCM/year, the bulk from
    Socar's fields, the country's gas consumption in 2004
    is expected to amount to 9.9-10 BCM. This compares
    with 9.2 BCM in 2003, 7.9 BCM in 2002, 7.8 BCM in
    2001, 5.4 BCM in 2000, 15.1 BCM in 1991 and 15.8 BCM
    in 1990.

    Oil consumption in Azerbaijan reached a low point of
    73,000 b/d in 2002, compared to a peak of 171,000 b/d
    in 1990. It fell gradually in the subsequent years to
    reach 140,000 b/d in 1995, 124,000 b/d in 2000 and
    about 74,000 b/d in 2001. The country has two oil
    refineries in Baku with a combined capacity of 442,000
    b/d. Until a few years ago, Azerbaijan used to be the
    only net exporter of refined products in the Central
    Asian region.

    The oil retail business is controlled by the state
    company Azpetrol, which was established in 1997. Its
    network of filling stations, built in 1997-99, cover
    the whole country and are located 50 km away from one
    another. Each filling station offers fast food and
    beverages, spare parts and auto-care products as well
    as auto-repair services.

    Azpetrol's auto-service stations, which are fairly
    well equipped, are open 24 hours a day. Apart from
    mogas produced by the local refineries, Azpetrol is
    the distributor of Shell's oil products, Goodyear
    tires and Champion auto-parts and accessories. It has
    a fleet of delivery vehicles. The company is also
    involved in exporting oil products. It has built a
    terminal for reloading of raw oil from sea tankers to
    railroad containers.

    APS Review Downstream Trends, July 12, 2004 v62 i2 p0
    AZERBAIJAN - The Gas Market.
    Full Text: COPYRIGHT 2004 Input Solutions

    The local market needs more than 15 BCM/year of
    natural gas. The Baku government has prepared a
    long-term plan for gas production and domestic use and
    for the modernisation of the existing gas distribution
    system. A part of the plan's cost has been covered by
    a grant of $425,000 received in the autumn of 1999
    from the US Trade and Development Agency. This has
    also covered a study on the construction of new gas
    processing facilities in the country and on exporting
    gas by pipeline to Turkey and European markets.

    Statoil of Norway, a partner in major E&P ventures in
    Azerbaijan, is operating Azerbaijan Gas Supply Co.
    (AGSC). Formed in early 2003, AGSC manages gas sales,
    contract administration and business development
    matters. In addition, Statoil will be the commercial
    operator for business development and administration
    of the South Caucasus Pipeline Co. (SCPC), which will
    be operated by BP. BP leads the Shah Deniz consortium
    and operates development of the offshore Shah Deniz
    gas/condensate field, the first phase of which will be
    on stream in the first quarter of 2006.

    SCPC will be supplying 1.5 BCF/day of Shah Deniz gas
    to the domestic market, Georgia and Turkey. The
    pipeline will be expanded to 3 BCF/day in 2007 (see
    Gas Market Trends).

    Azerbaijan's marketed production of natural gas used
    to average 14 BCM per annum during the Soviet era. Of
    this, the country used to consume 11 BCM/year and 3
    BCM/year used to be supplied to Armenia. The current
    development of the Shah Deniz field, together with
    other gas fields to be developed, would raise the
    country's marketed production of natural gas to more
    than 30 BCM/year by 2010/15, with 50-60% of this to be
    exported to Turkey and other markets.

    Only Baku, Sumgait and some other parts of Azerbaijan
    are consuming gas at present. These areas have often
    encountered shortages, due to local supply disruptions
    since the early 1990s. Among new projects to import
    natural gas for the local market is a relatively short
    pipeline to be built for Itera from Turkmenistan to
    the Azeri border which is proposed to pass via Iran.

    Before the Khomeini revolution of late 1978/early
    1979, Iran used to export natural gas to Azerbaijan
    through the IGAT-1 pipeline to Astara. Iranian
    supplies were resumed later and in 1990, but for very
    short periods. Now IGAT-1 is only being used to supply
    Iran's domestic market. Gas supplies by pipeline from
    Turkmenistan to Azerbaijan and Armenia during the
    Soviet era ended after the war over Nagorno-Karabakh
    erupted in the late 1980s between the Azeris and the
    Armenians. Azerbaijan stopped exporting its own gas to
    Armenia after the war was escalated and the Soviet
    Union collapsed in late 1991. Azerbaijan declared its
    independence in 1991. It joined the Russian-led
    Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) after
    President Aliyev assumed power in June 1993.

    The existing Azeri gas network, built during the
    Soviet era, comprises about 4,500 km of high pressure
    transmission lines, seven compressor stations and more
    than 31,000 km of medium and low pressure distribution
    lines. This system is low-tech by Western standards
    and has been in poor condition, with many commercial
    and industrial consumers having no gas meters. Meters
    installed during the Soviet era were not accurate.
    Metering of household gas use has been non-existent.

    To ease the problem of shortages, the state gas
    utility Azerigaz has been slowly implementing a "gas
    system rehabilitation project" financed 82% by the
    International Development Association of the World
    Bank under a $20.2m loan. The $24.6m project, approved
    in 1996, was also to improve delivery and boost user
    efficiency. Azerigaz has provided $4.4m of the

    The four components of the project are metering,
    cathodic protection (CP) system rehabilitation,
    analytical equipment, and corporatisation support.
    Restoration of CP systems has reduced the need for
    spending on pipeline replacement. The CP part of the
    project has concentrated on the Absheron peninsula,
    where most of the gas is transported and used. About
    2,700 km of pipelines serve the area, which has the
    highest population density in the country.

    The Power Sector: Azerbaijan's total installed
    capacity for power generation is about 5 gigawatts
    (GW), consisting of eight thermal plants which supply
    about 85% of the electricity, and five hydro-electric
    stations. The thermal plants are based mostly on heavy
    fuel oil, and natural gas is only used as a secondary
    source for some plants. But the actual generating
    capacity now is less than 4.5 GW, because of obsolete
    facilities and lack of proper maintenance, and more
    than 30% of the power produced is lost due to a bad
    transmission system and some theft. If the maintenance
    system is not improved, the usable capacity would drop
    further, while domestic demand for power has been
    rising rapidly since 1996.

    There is an exchange of power supplies between
    Azerbaijan and each of Russia, Georgia, Iran and
    Turkey. Since 1994, imports from these countries have
    overtaken exports by far. Azerbaijan still depends
    heavily on the import of power plant equipment and
    spare parts from Russia and Ukraine, as a result of
    full integration with them during the Soviet era.

    The efficiency and profitability of the state's power
    utility, AzerEnerji, have to be improved. The utility
    is to be partly privatised along with Azerigaz. This
    is under a plan adopted in 2000, after a series of
    major power cuts, which called for three basic
    changes: (1) new incentives and a campaign to attract
    foreign investment into this sector, (2) creation of
    an independent power regulator, and (3) privatising
    the regional power networks.

    The power sector has received priority in the
    country's development plan. Among projects now being
    implemented in the sector is a gas-based Combined
    Cycle Power Plant-II being built at Severnaya on the
    outskirts of Baku. With a capacity of 400 MW, this is
    the country's first gas-fired CC plant. It will
    replace Severnaya's 150 MW oil-fired station and is
    aimed to ensure stable power supply in the
    metropolitan area, cut air pollution and curb emission
    of toxic gases. The project has been financed partly
    by a loan of Y18,332m ($172m) from Japan Bank for
    International Cooperation (JBIC), granted at the "most
    concessionary" interest rate of 0.75% for a 40-year
    repayment period including a 10-year grace period. The
    oil-fired plant has been upgraded and mostly rebuilt
    by Mitsui and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) under
    a contract with AzerEnerji.

    The Baku Thermal Power Plant has been revamped and
    expanded by ABB and Alstom under turnkey contracts
    signed in early 1999 and late 2000, respectively. This
    now has two new gas turbine cogeneration units with a
    combined capacity of 110 MW and 400 tons per hour of
    steam. Completed in 2001, it supplies heat and power
    to the Baku refineries, other industrial customers and
    households in the capital.

    Hydro-power generating capacity available in
    Azerbaijan now is limited to about 500,000 tons/year
    of oil equivalent, compared to 400,000 t/yoe in

    AzerEnerji has received two sovereign loans from the
    European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
    (EBRD) worth $60m for two projects: (1) to help
    complete the Yenikend hydro-power plant on the Kura
    River, which will enable Baku to raise fuel oil
    exports and reduce the amount of gas needed for this
    sector; and (2) to develop the legal and regulatory
    frameworks for the sector, raise hydro-power
    generating capacity and improve Azerenerji's
    management and monitoring systems.

    The EBRD loans and aid from other multilateral
    agencies, including the Islamic Development Bank, were
    to help Azerenerji acquire computers, modern
    communications equipment, electric metres and spare
    parts. They were also to help replace three generators
    at the Mingechaur hydro-power plant on the Kura River
    to reduce pollution in that area. Sumitomo Corp. is
    installing a wind-power plant for Azerenergy on the
    Absheron Peninsula where supply of wind is abundant.

    In addition, EBRD is helping in a programme to
    privatise Bages, the major power distributor, and the
    distribution network of the Baku Power Co.

    However, both Azerigas and AzerEnergi are heavily
    indebted to their fuel suppliers including Socar. The
    two companies are also owed considerable amounts by
    domestic and industrial customers.

    Coal consumption in Azerbaijan between 1987 and 1991
    amounted to about 100,000 t/yoe. But coal consumption
    was stopped completely after the collapse of the
    Soviet Union at the end of 1991. Unlike several other
    former Soviet states, including Armenia, Azerbaijan
    has no nuclear power generating capacity.

    APS Review Downstream Trends, July 12, 2004 v62 i2 p0
    AZERBAIJAN - Refining & Petrochemicals.
    Full Text: COPYRIGHT 2004 Input Solutions

    Azerbaijan has a diversified downstream sector. It
    includes two refineries with a total capacity of
    442,000 b/d and 25 petrochemical plants, all built
    during the Soviet era. Both refineries are located in
    Baku. One is the Baku refinery, with a capacity of
    230,000 b/d. The second is the Novo-Baku plant, with a
    capacity of 212,000 b/d. The latter has a catalytic
    cracker with a capacity of 34,400 b/d. The refineries
    process a mix of Azeri, Russian and Kazakh crude oils;
    but they are now operating at about 40% of their
    capacity. Exports of diesel and jet fuel go to Iran.
    Baku exports fuel oil and gasoil to Mediterranean
    markets through the Black Sea.

    The petrochemical sector is concentrated in the area
    around Sumgait, close to Baku. There are also plants
    in the capital, and in Neftechala south of Baku. All
    the plants are based on Soviet technology, apart from
    a polyethylene unit. This sector depends heavily on
    feedstock imported from elsewhere in the FSU. The
    functioning of plants was badly affected during the
    early 1990s when most countries of Central Asia were
    going through a tough political and economic
    transition. One project that was launched during the
    Gorbachev era in the 1980s, a polypropylene plant for
    which the contract was awarded to Tecnimont of Italy,
    was stalled for years because of financing

    The plants are owned by AzeriChimia. They include a
    300,000 t/y ethylene complex. This complex has
    producing polyethylene, synthetic rubbers, latex,
    propylene glycol, pyrolysis benzene and fractions of
    butene, butylene and isobutylene. There is also an old
    and heavily-polluted chlorine complex based on mercury
    cells. Epichlorhydrin is produced at this site as

    APS Review Downstream Trends, July 12, 2004 v62 i2 p0
    AZERBAIJAN - The Economic Base.
    Full Text: COPYRIGHT 2004 Input Solutions

    Azerbaijan has a strategic location in the Caucasus, a
    well educated and inexpensive workforce, a
    dictatorship with a corrupt government, an inefficient
    agricultural sector, and a vast base of natural
    resources. Well aware of the country's potential, the
    government says its aim is to use oil and gas
    development as a foundation from which to build up
    Azerbaijan's economic strengths.

    After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, the
    Azeri economy was in a disastrous condition. The war
    with Armenia and internal instability had made the
    situation worse. Between 1991 and 1993, there was no
    stable government. The assumption of power by
    President Aliyev in June 1993 was the first step
    towards political and economic stabilisation. But it
    was not immediately possible for Aliyev's leadership
    to get the situation under control. Hyper-inflation
    had reached 1,800% in 1994, for example.

    The government then took the critical step in March
    1995, with a decree by Aliyev to create a currency
    market. Reform and aid deals were concluded with the
    IMF, the World Bank, EBRD and other institutions. The
    turning point for the Azeri economy in the post-cold
    war era was in 1996.

    GDP which had slumped by two-thirds from $21.8 bn
    between 1989 and 1995, began to grow again.
    Hyper-inflation was tamed to about 6.7%. In 1995
    industrial production declined 21.4%, but in 1996 the
    fall was brought down to 6.7%. The agricultural sector
    showed a positive trend for the first time: production
    declined 7% in 1995 but grew 3% in 1996. Foreign
    capital began flowing into the country, mostly for oil
    and gas projects, but also for smaller scale consumer
    businesses in and around Baku. Since then, the GDP has
    been growing by about 5% per annum. Inflation has come
    down to 5% as well. For the first time since
    Azerbaijan became independent, industrial production
    has risen marginally in recent years. Due to inflows
    of foreign capital, the currency has appreciated
    against the US dollar.

    However, Azerbaijan has proved to be a minefield for
    many foreign firms trying to establish operations in
    the country. A combination of a lack of transparency,
    an inconsistent legal system and widespread corruption
    have produced what one Westerner says is "an extremely
    hostile place to invest". Centralisation of real power
    in the presidency - even relatively minor matters can
    filter up to Aliyev - has led to avoidance of decision
    making at lower governmental levels. Aliyev died in
    December 2003, but he had been succeeded by his son
    Ilham in October, when he was elected president (see
    who's who is DT & Gas Market Trends No. 3).

    APS Review Gas Market Trends, July 12, 2004 v62 i2 p0
    AZERBAIJAN - Socar's Gas Production.
    Full Text: COPYRIGHT 2004 Input Solutions

    Marketed production of natural gas in Azerbaijan this
    year is expected to be between 5.2-5.7 BCM, and this
    is consumed locally. In addition, Azerbaijan is
    importing this year 4.5 BCM from Gazprom, Itera and
    TransNafta (see DT No. 1).

    Marketed gas production has declined steadily in
    recent years, from 8 BCM per annum in 1991, 7.4 BCM in
    1992, 6.2 BCM in 1995, 5.2 BCM in 1998, 5.2 BCM in
    2001, and 4.8 BCM in 2002. Socar produces the bulk,
    about 5 BCM/year mostly from offshore fields, and the
    rest is produced by AIOC.

    The country's demand for natural gas exceeds 15
    BCM/year and the government can only import part of
    the shortfall from neighbouring gas producing
    countries (see Part 3 in next week's Review).

    Local demand for gas is expected to exceed 20 BCM per
    annum in a few years. With a BP-led consortium
    developing the giant Shah Deniz gas field for export
    to Turkey and other European markets, gas production
    in Azerbaijan is expected to exceed 30 BCM/year by
    2010-15 and 50 BCM/year by 2020-25.

    In most the PSAs signed since September 1994,
    non-associated gas found by the foreign operators
    belongs to Socar. One exception is the Shah Deniz PSA,
    which has given the partners the right to all gas
    found in that block.

    BP, the operator, has found about 31 TCF of
    recoverable gas and 1.7 bn barrels of condensate in
    Shah Deniz. The costs of this field's development and
    related pipelines for export and the domestic market
    will total about $3.2 bn, up from an earlier estimate
    of $2.6 bn, with first gas for the local market and
    exports now scheduled for the first quarter of 2006
    (see below).

    In the offshore Karabakh field, Pennzoil has found gas
    instead of oil in the two wells it has drilled. But
    the gas reserves discovered were not large enough to
    justify the massive investment usually required,
    because the area is far from existing infrastructure.
    The negative result of the second well was reported in
    early July 1998. Subsequently Pennzoil and its
    partners abandoned the Karabakh venture (see Gas
    Market Trends No. 1).

    Socar is to develop non-associated gas reserves found
    in early 1997 in a deep formation beneath an oil
    reservoir on the north-western flank of the Azeri
    field, which is operated by the BP-led AIOC. This was
    discovered with AIOC's delineation well at a depth of
    3,450 metres. Socar has the right to all
    non-associated gas in AIOC's Guneshli, Chirag and
    Azeri field areas.

    In January 1998, Socar and Conoco (now ConocoPhillips)
    signed a MoU for joint exploration of Azeri gas
    resources, both onshore and offshore, and for other
    gas projects. These include a $150m project to expand
    Azerigaz's 4.5 BCM/year gas processing plant of
    Garadagskovo, south-west of Baku, and the production
    of compressed gas (CNG).

    In early 1998, Socar and Exxon (now ExxonMobil) agreed
    to begin a joint study of the country's gas resources,
    of the local energy market and of the potential for
    gas exports. An agreement for a similar study was
    signed by Socar and Shell in March 1998. In July 1997,
    Exxon and Socar had signed a PSA for the offshore
    Nakhchivan block and later the US major got Blocks
    D-3, D-9 and D-38 in the Baku archipelago adjacent to
    Shah Deniz.

    Azerigaz, a unit of Socar, is a monopoly in charge of
    the country's gas processing, transport, distribution
    and storage. With 99 subsidiaries, it has an extensive
    pipeline system. The group is being overhauled and
    modernised with the help of Sofregaz, a unit of Gaz de
    France, under a contract mostly financed by the World
    Bank and a loan from the Japanese government. The
    number of Azerigaz subsidiaries will be cut to 15 or

    Azerigaz is among state companies that would be
    privatised and for this the World Bank would provide
    $150m to help boost the group's profitability.

    Azerigaz has been hit financially due to low gas
    selling prices and large payment arrears. It is trying
    to restore and use some 4,000 km of idle gas
    pipelines. These were laid decades ago by the Soviets
    to carry Russian, Iranian and Turkmen gas to Armenia
    and Georgia.

    A joint venture was established with a Turkish
    company, Global Trade, to revive the idle lines. The
    aim is to restore the lines to withstand a pressure of
    55 atmospheres. The JV would use most of the lines
    eventually, and would rent a part to receive $1.5 to
    $2.5 per MCM for gas pumped through.

    APS Review Gas Market Trends, July 12, 2004 v62 i2 p0
    AZERBAIJAN - Azerbaijan International Operating Co.
    Full Text: COPYRIGHT 2004 Input Solutions

    AIOC, in which BP is the operator and consortium
    leader, is currently producing around 155,000 b/d
    offshore, up from 50,000 b/d in mid-1998. This should
    reach 420,000 b/d or more in 2005.

    AIOC this year is spending $2.45 bn on Phases 1 and 2
    of the full-scale development of the
    Azeri-Chiraq-Guneshli (ACG) complex on fields. Of
    this, the capital expenditure amounts to $2.36 bn. The
    remaining $9m covers operational expenses. In 2003 the
    consortium spent $2.19 bn on the same development

    AIOC had spent about $1 bn on an initial phase of its
    programme, involving the Chirag field and its first
    platform with a capacity of 130,000 b/d and related
    facilities. The initial wells on this platform began
    to flow crude oil on Nov. 7, 1997. The fourth
    production well went on stream on May 25, 1998. Later
    AIOC spent another $1 bn on further development work
    and an export pipeline wich cost $590m. The pipeline
    runs 917 km from Baku's terminal and storage farm of
    Sangachal (40 km south of Baku) to the Georgian Black
    Sea port of Supsa and has a capacity of 100,000 b/d.
    It has been on stream since April 1999.

    Phase 1 of the full development for the main
    production stream from Chirag, Azeri and the deep
    formations of Guneshli fields will be ready in the
    first quarter of 2005 to raise production to 420,000
    b/d. This involves a permanent drilling platform to
    handle 48 wells and a separate gas compressing
    platform being built at the Azeri field. The new
    platform will be linked to the onshore Sangachal
    terminal by a new 30-inch marine oil pipeline.

    Contracts worth $483m were awarded in December 2001 to
    McDermott Caspian Contractors and Bouygues Offshore
    for Phase 1. Saipem has installed a 12-slot main
    drilling template on the seabed at the location where
    the main drilling and living quarters platform will be
    functioning. BP's drilling of a first development well
    at the same location was completed in May 2002 by the
    semi-submersible rig Dede Gorgud. Another eight wells
    are being drilled through the template, of which one
    will be a water injector.

    Under a $320m contract, McDermott is fabricating
    platform topsides and installing marine pipelines for
    the Azeri field. Bouygues got a $163m contract to
    produce and load two platform jackets for the main
    first phase production, drilling and living quarters
    and for a new gas compression platform. Associated
    piles for both structures, with a total of 45,000
    tons, are also being built by Bouygues. The structures
    are being built at the Baku fabrication yard of Socar
    unit Shelfprojectstroy (SPS). BOS Shelf, a 50-50 JV of
    SPC and Bouygues, operates the yard which has been
    refurbished. Once built, the new facilities will be
    installed by Bouygues on the Azeri field, 120 km
    south-east of Baku. Entrepose is building new storage
    tanks at Sangachal which will expand the terminal's
    capacity by 1m barrels.

    Other components of the programme for Phase 1 awarded
    in late 2002 and early 2003 include a 28-inch marine
    gas pipeline, one for the topsides of a gas and water
    injection platform, and one for the terminal main
    tankage and dewpoint gas plant. In 2001 BP awarded
    eight main contracts for offshore construction and
    expansion of the Sangachal terminal.

    The increase in crude oil production to more than
    420,000 b/d in the first quarter of 2005 will coincide
    with the coming on stream of the Baku-Ceyhan (BTC)
    export pipeline. Phase 2, sanctioned in late 2002,
    should raise oil production to more than 800,000 b/d
    by 2007.

    Another $3 bn will be spent on Phase 3. This should
    raise AIOC's crude oil production to more than 1m b/d
    by 2009/2010.

    New drilling also aims to double gas production at the
    shallow Guneshli field to 400-500 MCM/year by 2006/07.
    Total investment by AIOC could eventually reach $10

    In June 2004 Aker Kvaerner's unit Maritime Hydraulics
    AS (MH) in Kristiansand, Norway, signed a MoU with
    AIOC to deliver by the third quarter of 2005 complete
    drilling installations for Phase 3. MH will also
    provide training and long term operational support in

    MH's supply will consist of a complete package
    including pipe-handling equipment and drilling
    machinery, as well as an advanced computerised control
    system. The drilling facility will be fully automated
    with the most advanced control system available in the
    market today. It will meet the most demanding
    requirements for safety, efficiency and working
    environment, according to a company statement.

    MH will be responsible for project supervision and
    expertise for testing and start-up of the drilling
    facilities. Project implementation and engineering
    will start in October 2004 and will be carried out in
    Kristiansand. (MH had previously signed major
    contracts with BP for such projects as the ACG Central
    Azeri, ACG West Azeri and ACG East Azeri systems, as
    well as the Valhall project in the North Sea and the
    Thunder Horse in the Gulf of Mexico).

    AIOC's aim is to recover a total of 5.4 bn barrels of
    oil reserves at the ACG complex through the 30-year
    life of its PSA with the Azeri government.

    Work on the final 1m b/d pipeline to Ceyhan, Turkey's
    oil terminal on the Mediterranean, is progressing on
    schedule and should be completed in early 2005 (see
    Part 3 in next week's Review).

    AIOC sells its cost-recovery crude and most of equity
    crude through the terminal of Supsa, in Georgia.
    AIOC's remaining share and Socar's crudes are exported
    through an old pipeline running north to Russia's
    Black Sea port of Novorossyisk. The crude from Chirag,
    Azeri Blend, is a medium gravity sweet grade - 34.6o
    API, with 0.15% sulphur and pour point of minus 3oC.

    AIOC signed what was termed "the contract of the
    century" with the Baku government in September 1994 to
    develop the three fields under a $10 bn programme. The
    30-year PSA was to prove and develop up to 5.4 bn
    barrels of oil reserves.

    BP, by far the biggest investor in Azerbaijan, leads
    in five PSA ventures which are committed to spend a
    total of up to $29 bn to find and develop up to 11.4
    bn barrels of oil, 31 TCF of natural gas and 1.7 bn
    barrels of condensate: AIOC's, Shah Deniz, North
    Absheron, Inam and Alov (see Gas Market Trends No. 1).

    At first, BP's work in Azerbaijan concentrated on
    subsea inspection of an existing jacket on Chirag and
    a feasibility study on early production from the
    field. This was followed by an upgrade of an existing
    rig. A 3D seismic work and site survey were done
    together with an environmental study and preparations
    for a logistics and supply base. By October 1995, the
    old Chirag-1 platform was dismantled into nine modular
    units and transported to the Shelfprojectstroy for
    refurbishment 20 days ahead of schedule. The upgraded
    platform was put in place by the autumn of 1996.
    Drilling of three appraisal wells began in September
    1996. In October of that year Saipem was contracted to
    build a 182 km crude oil pipeline from Chirag-1 to the
    Sangachal terminal and a 47 km gas line to link the
    three fields. Work was completed in 1997. Start up of
    production was delayed, however, mainly because of
    problems with the section of the northern export
    pipeline passing through Chechnya. Production
    increased to the current 155,000 b/d level after the
    coming on stream of the new export pipeline to Supsa.

    Socar President Natig Aliyev has said AIOC's annual
    profits from the three fields would grow from $100m in
    1999 to $2 bn in 2005 and $5 bn in 2007. AIOC has
    benefited the Azeri economy considerably and has
    sub-contracted work to over 90 local companies.

    AIOC shares are held as follows: BP (34.14%), Unocal
    (10.5%), Inpex (10% bought in 2003 from LUKoil), Socar
    (10%), Statoil (8.56%), ExxonMobil (8%), TPAO (6.75%),
    Pennzoil (4.82%), Itochu (3.92%), DeltaHess ACG
    (2.08%), and DeltaHess Khazar (1.68%). DeltaHess, a
    partnership between Amerada Hess and the Saudi oil
    firm Delta, bought the 2.08% equity from Ramco Energy
    of the UK in 2000.

    LUKoil's sale of its 10% equity to Inpex of Japan in
    2003 has since become the subject of a tax dispute
    between the Russian company and the Azeri government.
    In March 2004, President Ilham Aliyev also weighed
    into this by saying international experts should rule
    whether LUKoil has to pay additional taxes resulting
    from the equity sale. The Azeri Tax Ministry claims
    LUKoil still owes as much as $200m in taxes resulting
    from the sale. LUKoil sold its stake for about $1.35

    President Aliyev was quoted as saying: "There is a
    provision on the first production-sharing agreement
    (PSA) signed in 1994 about assignment of the share
    from one owner to a new owner. The way that it is put
    in the contract is the peculiar way. You can treat it
    as you like, therefore international expertise is
    needed to clarify it".

    APS Review Gas Market Trends, July 12, 2004 v62 i2 p0
    AZERBAIJAN - The Shah Deniz Project.
    Full Text: COPYRIGHT 2004 Input Solutions

    By mid-2002, BP's estimate of the cost of developing
    the offshore Shah Deniz gas/condensate field and
    building related pipelines for the domestic market and
    for export had risen by $600m to $3.2 bn. This was an
    example of problems being faced in exploiting gas
    fields in virgin territory. The project had to be
    delayed for years because of a lack of firm export
    markets as Turkey had a severe economic crisis. The
    Shah Deniz consortium had to proceed slowly until the
    Turkish market became ready for the gas. As a result,
    costs increased. But BP, the operator and consortium
    leader for Shah Deniz, says the project is still
    economically viable.

    The field's proven reserves are 31 TCF of natural gas
    and 1.7 bn barrels of condensate. The Shah Deniz
    partners sanctioned the project in late 2002. The
    contract for Phase 1 development's design,
    engineering, procurement, assembly, installation, hook
    up and project management assistance for a TPG 500
    drilling and production platform - worth $300m - was
    awarded in June 2003 to Technip of France. The
    35,000-ton operating weight of the TPG 500 platform
    which forms the centrepiece of the development will be
    installed in a water depth of 345 feet (105m) and will
    produce up to 900 MCF/day of gas and about 58,300 b/d
    of condensate. It will be on stream in the third
    quarter of 2006.

    Keppel Fels of Singapore is fabricating the hull and
    topsides. Kellogg Brown & Root (KBR) has the contract
    for the design and procurement of the onshore
    facilities to be built in the Sangachal terminal and
    for the design of the offshore gas and condensate
    pipelines to Sangachal. First gas deliveries to the
    local market and for exports from Shah Deniz are
    expected in the third quarter of 2006.

    The shareholders in the Shah Deniz consortium are: BP
    (25.5%), Statoil (25.5%), Total (10%), LukAgip (10%),
    Socar (10%), NaftIran or Nico (10%) and TPAO (9%).
    Nico acquired the 10% equity from OEIC, an affiliate
    of state-owned National Iranian Oil Co. (NIOC).

    APS Review Oil Market Trends, July 12, 2004 v63 i2 p0
    AZERBAIJAN - Part 2 - Rising Oil Production.
    Full Text: COPYRIGHT 2004 Input Solutions

    Baku, "the world's oil capital" at the start of the
    past century, hopes that its oil production will
    exceed 1m b/d by 2010 and reach 2m b/d within the next
    decade, compared to the current level of 350,000 b/d
    which has risen by 170,000 b/d since 1997.

    The country's marketed production of natural gas will
    rise considerably from 2006. It could reach 30
    BCM/year by 2010/15 and probably 50 BCM/year by
    2020/25, with Azerbaijan to become a major exporter of
    natural gas.

    Azerbaijan's main challenge has been the securing of
    export routes for oil and gas to help guarantee its
    independence. Construction of a 1m b/d crude oil
    pipeline from Baku to the Turkish terminal of Ceyhan
    has progressed and the system should be on stream in
    2005. A parallel pipeline is being built for the
    export of Azeri natural gas to Georgia, Turkey, Greece
    and other European markets (see Part 3 in next week's

    This country has the biggest number of international
    consortia in the Caspian region to develop its main
    oil and gas areas in the south. The first and largest
    consortium, Azerbaijan International Operating Co.
    (AIOC), is producing 155,000 b/d, up from 50,000 b/d
    in mid-1998.

    AIOC is aiming to raise its output to more than
    400,000 b/d in 2005. This should reach 1m b/d or more
    by 2010. The other main consortia are each aiming for
    a large oil production system, with the Shah Deniz
    group to become the biggest producer of natural in
    Azerbaijan. (See the profiles of AIOC and the Shah
    Deniz group in Gas Market Trends).

    APS Review Oil Market Trends, July 12, 2004 v63 i2 p0
    AZERBAIJAN - Socar & Production Background.
    Full Text: COPYRIGHT 2004 Input Solutions

    The oldest oil producing region in the world,
    Azerbaijan had an oil boom at the beginning of the
    20th century and later served as a major refining
    centre for the Soviet Union.

    Oil production in Azerbaijan peaked at about 500,000
    b/d during World War II. It fell significantly after
    the 1950s as the Soviet Union redirected resources
    elsewhere. All production used to come from onshore

    Offshore exploration only started in the 1940s, when
    the world's first offshore well was drilled in the
    Azeri part of the Caspian. The world's first onshore
    oil discovery was made in Azerbaijan in the 19th

    The country's oil industry suffers from outdated
    technology and poor planning, which have resulted in
    under-production, waste and severe environmental
    degradation. Due to shortages of funds, particularly
    for drill pipe, exploration and development drilling
    declined in the past three decades.

    In September 1992, the state's two companies,
    Azerineft and Azneftkimiya, were merged to form the
    State Oil Co of Azerbaijan Republic (Socar). Socar is
    a huge, overstaffed company with more than 75,000
    employees and with a long list of subsidiaries.

    Socar produces oil and gas, runs the country's two oil
    refineries through a subsidiary, operates the pipeline
    systems, and is in charge of oil exports and imports.
    The energy ministry now handles the E&P deals with
    foreign companies. The State Fuel and Energy Committee
    controls local distribution of oil products and gas.

    In early 2003, following a decree issued by then
    President Geydar (or Heidar) Aliyev (who died last
    December but was succeeded by his son Ilham who was
    elected president in October), a programme to
    restructure Socar was launched. One aim was to merge
    Socar's onshore and offshore production units. Under a
    new charter for Socar, the company owns the oil it

    Previously ownership was relinquished once the oil had
    been transported on to processing facilities.

    The restructuring has also seen three service
    departments transferred to the Ministry for Economic
    Development for further privatisation. By early
    February 2003, 68 of Socar's non-oil producing
    businesses had been transferred to this ministry for

    The political leadership decided not to privatise
    Socar's upstream business. This has annoyed potential
    foreign investors, including one investment group
    called Minaret. Headed by Czech businessman Viktor
    Kozheni, Minaret has even accused Baku of deliberate

    Socar has 78 fields in production. Of these, 17
    offshore fields account for over 80% of its total
    output. Total production by Socar and by
    Socar-controlled JVs now average about 195,000 b/d.

    Socar still lacks modern equipment and spare parts,
    despite the fact that in Soviet days Azerbaijan used
    to be the centre for the production of rigs and
    various other field equipment. Socar's production
    system is grossly inefficient. It is said that crude
    oil costs Socar between $15-17/barrel to produce

    There are almost 35 fields in offshore Azerbaijan. Of
    these, 33 had been found by Soviet geologists since
    the 1940s. More than 30 fields lie in the southern
    region, mostly in waters of less than 200 metres.

    The shallower formations of one field, Guneshli
    located about 100 kilometres off the Azeri coast,
    account for almost half of Socar's oil production.
    Guneshli is a giant. In the early 1990s, it was
    producing about 125,000 b/d. Its deeper formations,
    containing far more oil, are being developed by AIOC,
    the main consortium led by BP.

    Work on a joint venture to develop the shallow part of
    Guneshli, to involve Total, has been delayed because
    the French major has not accepted Socar's PSA terms.
    This project, called shallow-water Guneshli (SWG), had
    previously been negotiated with Ramco of the UK and
    Conoco (now ConocoPhillips) of the US.

    Socar, which has devised a $1.7-1.9 bn programme for
    SWG, insists that the PSA will only cover crude oil to
    be produced on top of the company's current average
    output of almost 100,000 b/d, with this going to the
    local refineries for the domestic market. Socar has
    said SWG contained almost 1 bn barrels of oil.

    Total was worried that SWG's oil was migrating to the
    deeper part of Guneshli which is being developed by
    AIOC. Socar admits the PSA terms on offer for SWG are
    not acceptable to foreign firms.

    The SWG programme covers construction of a new
    production platform in the northern part of the field,
    where 12 existing rigs already operate, and
    installation of a pumping station to prevent the
    shallow oil reserves from moving down to AIOC's

    The oldest set of Socar's offshore fields is in a
    complex called Neft Dashlary (Oily Rocks). More than
    170m tons of crude oil have been pumped from ND since
    production began in 1948. Output peaked at about
    170,000 b/d in the 1960s. It has since dropped to less
    than 13,000 b/d. The complex's importance has fallen

    Built in the middle of the Caspian Sea, Oily Rocks is
    called "the eighth wonder of the world". A "city" on
    stilts, this has 150 kilometres of inter-linking
    causeways built on pilings covering 40 sq km, of which
    only a third is usable. It is 50 km from the nearest

    Oily Rocks boasts its own police force, dormitories,
    hospital, gas-turbine power station and bakery. From
    the air, the causeways seem to stretch to infinity,
    but large chunks are falling off into the water, and
    others are becoming submerged.

    Socar executives hope a medium-sized Western oil
    company will become interested in rehabilitating Oily
    Rocks. While such company can extract oil to the last
    drop, Socar would be spared the trouble of deciding
    what to do with this inefficient complex.

    The complex was offered to Western companies along
    with four other offshore fields in its first
    rehabilitation tender in June 1998. At the time, Socar
    was hoping to attract $1.5-2 bn in total investments
    for the five projects. But so far there have been no
    takers. The Oily Rocks complex alone employs about
    5,000 people.

    All the big oil companies working in Azerbaijan looked
    it over at one time or another. No one came close to
    making an offer. Privately, Socar executives admit
    that the complex - some of the pilings holding up the
    roads should have fallen in the water 12 to 17 years
    ago - may not last long enough to extract all the oil.

    Most of the southern offshore fields are small and lie
    at depths of 3-4 km below the water. The bigger ones
    there lie at depths of 5 kilometres or more.

    Exploration since independence in the complex geology
    of the southern Caspian has suggested that major oil
    and natural gas deposits lie at depths of between 6-8

    It is estimated that more than 935 wells have been
    drilled in the southern Caspian, including 180 at a
    depth of 5 kilometres.

    Of the many onshore oilfields, ten account for the
    bulk of onshore production. But total onshore output
    is averaging less than 30,000 b/d.

    There are about 9,000 wells onshore and almost half of
    them are idle. Many of the producing wells need

    Some of the onshore fields are more than 120 years
    old. Socar is still producing oil from Balakhany and
    Sabunchy, which were discovered in 1871 less than 10
    km north of Baku. They used to be the country's giants
    and have since yielded more than 330m tons of oil. Now
    they are producing at the combined rate of 750,000

    Developing the onshore Kemalettin field is a JV
    between Socar and Petoil of Turkey. The venture is
    called PetZer. Its oil production fluctuates between
    1,500-2,500 b/d. The field's recoverable reserves in
    recent years were estimated at about 50m barrels.

    It was agreed between Petoil and Socar that, once the
    field's cumulative production reached 20,000 tons, the
    crude oil would be transported to Turkey for refining.
    This was to involve a complicated route using trucks
    to Baku, a tanker sailing from the Caspian port to the
    Volga-Don canal, and then to the Black Sea.

    An alternative overland route the JV considered was to
    be through Iran and then on to the refinery of Batman,
    in south-eastern Turkey. Another alternative was to
    truck the crude to Baku's refinery and sell its yields
    of oil products to Iran, Georgia and the Ukraine.

    The largest onshore field is Muradhanly, having an
    area of 3,100 sq km close to the Iranian border. But
    it is only producing 3,500 tons/month. The field has
    reserves estimated by Socar at between 6m and 18m
    tons. The field was partly developed by the Soviets in
    the 1960s.

    Ramco Energy of Scotland in June 2001 pulled out of a
    JV which was to rehabilitate and modernise the
    developed section of the field. Ramco was also to
    develop the other sections and undertake exploration
    of deeper horizons. But it only drilled one well which
    proved disappointing.

    Muradhanly was later negotiated between Socar and
    China's state-owned company CNPC. Socar estimates the
    field needs about $1 bn of investment.

    The onshore fields of Kyursangy and Karabaghli, in the
    Lower Kura Basin on the Absheron peninsula and 100 km
    west of Baku, are being re-developed by the Salyan Oil
    consortium consisting of Socar (50%) and CNPC (50%).
    CNPC has bought the 20% stake of the US-Saudi
    partnership of Amerada Hell and Delta (DeltaHess) and
    taken over the operatorship from the latter.

    Before selling its stake to CNPC, DeltaHess was is
    producing about 6,100 b/d from the fields. Under the
    original E&P deal for the Salyan project, it was
    planned that a further development of the fields would
    require about $900m. Socar then estimated the fields'
    recoverable oil reserves at 100m tons (730m barrels).

    CNPC joined the Salyan consortium in early 2002, when
    it bought a 30% equity from the London-based European
    Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD). The
    EBRD had inherited this from Frontera Resources of the
    US in August 2001, after the latter was unable to
    repay a $60m EBRD loan.

    The Chinese company decided to buy the DeltaHess stake
    in late 2002 after it became convinced that the Salyan
    prospects were good. Socar then upgraded its estimate
    of the recoverable oil reserves to more than 1 billion

    The Salyan group hopes to recover at least 25m tonnes
    of crude oil in the initial phase of the development.
    The fields were discovered in the early 1960s by the
    Soviets. Some 600 wells have been drilled in two of
    the fields (see background of this venture and its
    output in Gas Market Trends No. 1).

    Near these fields, Socar in early April 1999
    discovered a gas-rich structure called Vandavan. Three
    wells drilled into the structure tested between
    500,000 and 1 MCM/day. After additional wells were
    drilled through to end-1999, Socar geologists said the
    field's recoverable gas reserves were about 25 BCM.
    They said there would be additional gas reservoirs in
    that area.

    On Feb. 1, 2002 Socar began a five-well delineation
    programme to confirm oil and gas reserves at the
    onshore Zira field, which was discovered in 1955 by
    the Soviets. The field began producing oil in 1956 but
    the output fell in the subsequent years and the
    Soviets abandoned the structure. Socar on Feb. 1, 2002
    spudded the first well.

    Zira has two main reservoirs, the Kala and Podkirmaku.
    Socar has said that each of these formations can
    produce 400-600 b/d of 32o API oil, and that the
    field's remaining recoverable reserves were 7.5m
    barrels of oil, about 35 BCF of gas and 100,000
    barrels of condensate.

    The onshore South-west Gobustan oilfields are being
    developed by a JV of Socar (holding 20%) and the
    British-Canadian Commonwealth Oil Refining (80%). The
    PSA for this was signed on June 2, 1998 and under the
    project Commonwealth Oil was to spend between
    $700-800m. The fields' reserves were estimated at 750m
    barrels of oil and 900 BCF of gas.

    On June 2, 1998, Socar signed with Agip a $2.5 bn PSA
    for the Kurdashi offshore block with estimated
    reserves of 100m tons. Agip holds 25% and is the
    operator. Socar holds 50%, Japan's Mitsui holds 15%,
    and Turkish Petroleum (TPAO) has 5%. Repsol holds the
    remaining 5%. Among several other onshore fields to be
    rehabilitated in partnership with foreign companies
    are Bibi Eybat and Buzovny-Mashtaga, which have been
    on offer since 1997.

    US explorer Moncrief in July 2000 began work on the
    onshore Padar-Harami block in the Kura Valley, where
    oil reserves have been estimated at 1 bn barrels.
    Holding 80% under a PSA signed in 1999, with Socar
    having 20%, Moncrief's local unit Kura Valley
    Development Co. has since evaluated the available

    Its programme called for three exploration wells to
    indicate whether additional seismic is required. At
    the exploration stage, investment was set at $50m. If
    all goes well investment may reach $2 bn.

    APS Review Oil Market Trends, July 12, 2004 v63 i2 p0
    AZERBAIJAN - Socar Improving Services.
    Full Text: COPYRIGHT 2004 Input Solutions

    Socar is developing its petroleum equipment and oil
    service industries with the help of western companies.
    It has a JV with McDermott of the US, MacShelf, which
    builds deep-water platforms.

    In May 2000 Socar signed a ten-year co-operation
    agreement with PetroAlliance of the US for exploration
    and development services both onshore and offshore.
    Socar has since signed co-operation agreements with
    several service companies specialised in a range of
    upstream operations.

    Socar has since since the early 1990s it wanted
    co-operation agreements and JVs with foreign companies
    to cover the widest range of upstream equipment and
    services possible. Other projects include construction
    of underwater pipelines and the reconstruction and
    retrofitting of ships for use in drilling and laying
    of marine pipelines.