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AAA: Armenia This Week - 07/12/2004

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  • AAA: Armenia This Week - 07/12/2004

    Monday, July 12, 2004

    Georgians and Ossetians were shooting at each again last week, following
    twelve years of relative peace in the breakaway province of South Ossetia.
    The province lies in direct proximity to the Russia to Georgia gas pipeline
    and highway, both of key economic significance to Armenia. Foreign Minister
    Vartan Oskanian noted that any tension in Georgia is of concern to Armenia
    and expressed hope for a peaceful resolution of the conflict.

    Georgia's President Mikhail Saakashvili claimed this Monday that a new
    conflict "has been averted" this week due to diplomatic efforts involving
    Russia and the United States. But media reports suggest both sides are being
    reinforced with personnel and equipment. The fighting came amid
    Saakashvili's effort to regain control over parts of the country that had
    effectively broken away in the early 1990s and comes on the heel of
    Saakashvili's success in re-imposing Tbilisi's authority in Ajaria. But
    unlike Ajarians, who are ethnically Georgian and whose long-time leader
    Aslan Abashidze never sought secession from Georgia, Ossetians are a
    separate ethnic group, who speak a language related to Persian, and are
    seeking to become part of Russia.

    South Ossetia was an autonomous province within Soviet Georgia and as of
    1989 had a largely ethnic Ossetian population of 90,000 people. A larger
    North Ossetia autonomous republic just to the north was and is to this day
    part of the Russian Federation. As the Soviet Union disintegrated, the new
    post-Soviet Georgian government of nationalist President Zviad Gamsakhurdia
    stripped South Ossetia of autonomy in an effort to reassert control.
    Following bitter fighting in and around the provincial capital of
    Tskhinvali, Ossetians ousted the Georgian forces and by 1992 the two sides
    negotiated a cease-fire agreement brokered and policed by Russia and
    endorsed by the OSCE.

    Despite the war, there has been considerably less ethnic tension between
    Georgians and Ossetians than in other Caucasus conflicts. Although Tbilisi
    has lost control of the province, economic ties remained and there are still
    Georgians living in South Ossetia and Ossetians in the rest of Georgia.
    Saakashvili has made an effort to woo in the Ossetians by launching
    Ossetian-language TV broadcasts and distributing "humanitarian aid" to the
    province. While stating that Georgians and Ossetians are "brothers,"
    Saakashvili assailed South Ossetia's elected leader Eduard Kokoiti and
    unnamed "imperialistic" forces in Russia for driving a wedge between the two
    nations. Saakashvili has said that he is committed to a peaceful settlement
    of the conflict.

    But in a simultaneous show of force, Georgia sent additional security forces
    to the area, which the Russian peacekeepers said was in violation of the
    1992 cease-fire. Also, some 1,000 volunteers from Russia, particularly from
    North Ossetia, and Georgia's other breakaway province, Abkhazia, reportedly
    arrived in Tskhinvali following Kokoiti's call to join in defense of South
    Ossetia. In a weekend speech, Saakashvili, in apparent reference to these
    volunteers, said, "their blood... will flow. We will kill them off without
    mercy." Saakashvili, who has committed to regain control over South Ossetia
    "within a year," is currently in London to drum up Western support.
    (Sources: Armenia This Week 6-7; Arminfo 6-8, 7-8; RFE/RL 7-8, 9, 12; 7-10, 12; 7-12)

    Members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) pledged renewed
    attention to the "strategically important regions of the Caucasus and
    Central Asia." The commitment came in a joint communiqué issued at the
    conclusion of the alliance summit held in Istanbul, Turkey. Foreign Minister
    Vartan Oskanian led the Armenian delegation to the event.

    NATO will now assign a special representative and two liaison officers to
    the regions. The Caucasus countries cooperate with the alliance through
    NATO's Partnership for Peace (PfP) program. So far only Georgia has publicly
    opted to join NATO, but both Armenia and Azerbaijan desire closer links with
    the alliance. Georgia's President Mikhail Saakashvili said that he expects
    NATO to officially designate his country as a candidate in 2006 with formal
    accession in 2008. But in its statement, NATO identified only three
    countries, Albania, Croatia and Macedonia as possible future candidates.

    While in Istanbul Oskanian held talks with his Turkish counterpart Abdullah
    Gul and, briefly, with Prime Minister Recep Tayyib Erdogan. Oskanian said
    the talks "confirmed his impression... that the Turkish government really
    has a sincere desire to achieve progress in relations with Armenia."
    However, following several years of meetings, no such progress has been
    achieved yet. (Sources: NATO 6-28; RFE/RL Armenia Report 6-30; RFE/RL
    Caucasus Report 7-2)

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