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Congressman Arrested Protesting Sudan Regime's Actions in Darfur

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  • Congressman Arrested Protesting Sudan Regime's Actions in Darfur, Germany
    July 14 2004

    Congressman Arrested Protesting Sudan Regime's Actions in Darfur

    Jul 14, 2004 Washington
    Representative Charles Rangel (Democrat of New York) was arrested
    Tuesday as he blocked the entrance to the Sudanese Embassy to protest
    the Khartoum government's support for militia groups that have killed
    between 15,000 and 30,000 people in Sudan's Darfur region while
    making a mockery of international efforts to stop what the lawmaker
    termed "genocide."

    Standing with crossed arms in front of the embassy's door on
    Washington's Massachusetts Avenue at high noon, Rangel and a band of
    about 50 protesters sang the defiant civil rights anthem "We Shall
    Overcome," evoking similar protests against racism in America during
    the 1960s and against apartheid in South Africa in the 1980s.

    The protesters, joined by Armenian-Americans who claim their people
    suffered a similar genocide under the Turks last century, also
    unfurled a large banner that proclaimed: "Slavery & Genocide = Sudan"
    while they chanted: "Stop the Genocide. Free Darfur Now" and "Every
    Life Is Precious. Stop the Genocide in Sudan."

    Rangel told the crowd: "I am protesting today to urge the United
    States government and the United Nations to take immediate action to
    stop the genocide in the Darfur region of Sudan."

    Showing impatience at recent efforts by the United Nations and a
    "troika" of nations including the United States, the United Kingdom
    and Russia to rein in the Khartoum regime's support for the Jingaweit
    militias, Rangel said, "While I applaud Secretary [of State Colin]
    Powell for his efforts, I am worried that our government is not
    constructively engaging a government who has, by almost all accounts,
    been the primary sponsor of genocide in Sudan."

    According to the influential lawmaker: "The situation in Sudan has
    clearly reached the level of a genocide. U.S. Agency for
    International Development Administrator Andrew Natsios has declared
    that at least 300,000 people will be dead by year's end in the
    best-case scenario, and over a million will perish if things continue
    on their present course. We must take immediate actions to condemn
    the government of Sudan for their complicity and save the lives of
    these innocent people."

    Rangel warned: "We acted too late to save million of Jews during
    World War II. We didn't act at all when hundreds of thousands of
    innocents were slaughtered in Rwanda. We have the opportunity now to
    stop a genocide and we must act."
    After being asked several times by uniformed members of the Secret
    Service to step aside, Rangel declined to do so and was handcuffed
    and carried away in a police van.

    It was almost 20 years ago to the day that the congressman was
    arrested down the street at the South African Embassy while
    protesting against the apartheid regime.
    The Reverend Walter Fauntroy, who marched with Dr. Martin Luther King
    Jr. during the civil rights movement of the 1960s, vowed to continue
    the protests, with more arrests of prominent African-Americans in the
    offing. "We will prick the conscience of the American people and
    their elected officials to declare it what it is and then go in to
    stop the genocide," he declared.

    Fellow protester, radio talk show host and social activist Joe
    Madison said he would begin a hunger strike that would not end until
    the Sudanese government stops its obstruction of humanitarian aid to
    the stricken Darfur region.

    The crisis in Sudan has become a hot foreign policy issue in a humid
    and steamy Washington. While Rangel was being arrested on Embassy
    Row, across town on Capitol Hill Senator Sam Brownback (Republican of
    Kansas) told a news conference that Congress would introduce
    resolutions that day declaring the Khartoum government's actions in
    Darfur to be genocide.

    Meanwhile, at a White House ceremony in which he signed the latest
    African Growth and Opportunity Act earlier in the day as Congressman
    Rangel looked on, President Bush said: "I'm deeply concerned about
    the humanitarian and human rights crisis in Darfur, Sudan. For the
    sake of peace and basic humanity, I echo the sentiments of the
    secretary of state. I call upon the government of Sudan to stop the
    Jingaweit violence."

    The president added: "I call on all parties of the conflict to
    respect the cease-fire, to respect human rights, and to allow for the
    free movement of humanitarian workers and aid. The United States and
    the United Nations and the leadership of the African Union are
    working to bring relief to the suffering people of that region.
    America will continue to strongly support these efforts for peace."