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BAKU: Karabakh set to print own money - Azeri paper

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  • BAKU: Karabakh set to print own money - Azeri paper

    Karabakh set to print own money - Azeri paper

    Ekho, Baku
    10 Jul 04

    The Azerbaijani newspaper Ekho has announced alleged plans by
    Azerbaijan's breakaway region of Nagornyy Karabakh to print its own
    money. It says that the US-based Educational Coin Company is offering
    NKR banknotes to international collectors. Ekho quotes an Azerbaijani
    pundit as saying that by printing its own money the NKR is seeking
    material evidence to flesh out "the myth of the NKR". The manat
    remains the only legal tender on Azerbaijani territory, including
    Nagornyy Karabakh, says the governor of the National Bank of
    Azerbaijan. Subsequent to this, a report from the Armenian news
    agency Arminfo said that the head of the NKR government press service,
    David Mikaelyan, had described Ekho's report as "extremely
    frivolous". He said that the NKR was in a common economic zone with
    Armenia and has a common currency with it - the dram. The following is
    the text of N. Aliyev and N. Quliyeva's report by Azerbaijani
    newspaper Ekho on 10 July headlined "Separatists are minting their own
    money". Subheadings have been inserted editorially; all quotation
    marks and ellipses as published:

    Karabakh plans separate currency

    Separatists in [Azerbaijan's breakaway region] Karabakh are preparing
    to circulate their own currency with the same name as the Armenian
    dram. Thus,the NRK [Nagornyy Karabakh Republic] may be the first
    unrecognized entity on CIS territory to get its own money. Nothing of
    this kind has been seen in the Dniester region, Abkhazia or South
    Ossetia. The money is available in printed form. The Ekho editorial
    board has pictures of two denominations, two drams and 10 drams,
    available and has sent them to the National Bank of Azerbaijan
    [NBA]. The paper money was printed for the NKR this year. There is no
    reliable information about the company which assumed the
    responsibility to issue cash for separatists. Nonetheless, Ekho has
    found out that the Educational Coin Company based in New York is
    currently promoting the new "currency" among collectors of paper
    money. In all likelihood, this particular firm is directly connected
    with the printing of "Karabakh money". At the same time, Armenia
    itself has its money printed in Europe. Probably, Xankandi
    [Stepanakert] decided not to "fail" official Yerevan and refused to
    use the services of Armenia's European partner.

    In a profile of its activity, the US-based Educational Coin Company
    says it has 40 years of experience in supplying inexpensive world
    coins and banknotes to be used as articles for resale, awards and as
    "educational decorative components". In any event, this or any other
    company had no legal right to take on an order from separatists. Ekho
    has learned that there are no uniform regulations for printing paper
    money or minting coins.

    Decision said "political manoeuvre"

    Every state is entitled to set up such a mechanism on their own based
    on their legislation. In Azerbaijan, for instance, the mechanism is
    determinedby the law "On the National Bank". It reads: "ęPaper
    currency of the Azerbaijani Republic is an obligation of the National
    Bank and is guaranteed with all of its assets. The National Bank has
    the exclusive right to issue banknotes and coins that are legal tender
    on the territory of the Azerbaijani Republic, to organize their
    circulation and withdrawal from circulation." There is another nuance
    of importance. The printing of money is a pretty costly pleasure
    forany state. For example, it was announced earlier that Azerbaijan is
    planning tospend 75bn manats (15m dollars) in 2004 on the renovation
    of old notes. The printing of new ones might cost the state several
    times more. To what extent is the separatist regime capable of bearing
    such expenses? It is known that the "budget" of the "NKR" totals only
    about several million dollars. By all accounts, the attempt to
    circulate its "own currency" looks more like a political
    manoeuvre. The unambiguous design of the notes supports the
    idea. Thus, forinstance, the separatist money bears the "official
    name" of the unrecognized entity: the Nagornyy Karabakh Republic. The
    emblem contains the word Artsakh [the Armenian name for Karabakh]. The
    name of the "owner and customer" of the currency is also identified at
    the bottom of the note: the Ministry of Economy and Finance. This
    particular structure placed the order, as the NKR has no central bank.
    Instead, it has Artsakhbank, a bank registered in Yerevan. It has for
    a long time described itself as the NKR central bank. When most of its
    partners broke off under pressure from Azerbaijan, Artsakhbank was
    forced to declare itself an Armenian bank with branches in Karabakh.

    The NKR leadership chose religious themes for the design of its
    money. The two dram note depicts the Gandzasar Monastery and the St
    Hovanes Mkrtich [John the Baptist] Cathedral. The other side shows
    John the Baptist baptizing Jesus Christ. The 10 dram note features the
    Dadivank Monastery. The other side shows patterns of a Karabakh
    carpet, bunches of grapes and the Xudafarin bridge over the River

    Azeri National Bank probes report

    The latter circumstance is especially curious. The bridge is located
    in Azerbaijan's Cabrayil District which is occupied by Armenia. It is
    outside the geographical limits of the former Nagornyy Karabakh
    Autonomous Region. Thismeans that the separatists have no plans to
    return Cabrayil. It should be pointed out here that Armenia's national
    emblem features Mount Ararat which is located in Turkey. Armenian
    drams have circulated in Karabakh until now. By issuing their own
    "currency", the separatists probably decided to additionally reduce
    its exchange rate to the dollar. Currently, one dollar sells for about
    540 drams in Yerevan. So the real value of two and 10 dram notes is
    not high in Armenia. NKR separatists hope that their "own currency"
    will get stronger as it comes into circulation.

    "The introduction of an internal currency in the separatist NKR is the
    funniest Armenian joke I've ever heard," a well-known political
    analyst, Eldar Namazov, commented on the situation for Ekho. He sees a
    possible explanation for the separatists' actions in a "pathological
    ambition of Armenians to attach material evidence to the myth of NKR".

    As regards official reaction from the Azerbaijani regulator of money
    printing, the National Bank of Azerbaijan, it was predictably
    sharp. Ekho has learned that the National Bank of Azerbaijan had been
    advised on the separatists' plans to print their own money, but the
    bank did not believe it was a serious project. Nonetheless they
    launched a probe. "We have been receiving some data that need
    verification. I've seen sketches that you provided and ordered that
    the inscriptions on the notes be translated from Armenian," Elman
    Rustamov, the head of the National Bank of Azerbaijan, has told
    Ekho. In his view, this might be just another separatist
    provocation. Rustamov is not sure such currency might come into
    circulation. "The Karabakh economy now totally depends on Armenia; the
    separatists would not benefit from circulating their own moneyunder
    such conditions," Rustamov said.

    Azeris unhappy with currency plans

    In any event, it is against the law to print "Karabakh" money because
    under the constitution, it [Karabakh] is Azerbaijani land where the
    manat is the only legal tender. "It's an outrage on justice," Rustamov
    said in conclusion. The design of most national banknotes of
    Azerbaijan was drawn up in early in 1990s, at the beginning of
    Azerbaijan's independence. Later on, they underwent changes and larger
    denominations were issued. Under current law, the par value, size,
    weight, composition and other features of notes and coins which are
    legal tender in Azerbaijan, shall also be subject to the regulatory
    documents of the National Bank. It is the NBA board again that shall
    decide on circulating new notes and coins or withdrawing old ones from
    circulation and approve the patterns of new paper currency. According
    to the law, a resolution to this effect is to be published in the mass
    media, relevant decisions shall specify the time frame to replace
    notes and coins and the credit organizations in charge of the
    process. It is known that old notes are replaced with new ones every
    four years, the last such replacement took place in 2000. The NBA has
    long been placing its orders to print the manat with the UK company De
    La Rue Int.

    Experts have explained to Ekho that, prior to taking an order to print
    paper currency, any company is obliged to make sure that the customer
    has the legal right to make such an order. "For example, no autonomy
    within the limits ofa state has the right to issue its own currency
    without the permission of its central authorities. This is a grave
    abuse of international law and no serious company would ever assume
    this kind of responsibility," a banking expert has told Ekho.

    International organizations and the world community regard Nagornyy
    Karabakh as part of Azerbaijan, he recalled. Therefore, any monetary
    and financial transactions should be done here on the basis of
    Azerbaijani legislation, he said. "Given the conflict situation on
    this territory, all serious international companies and firms refrain
    from any cooperation with Karabakh. No company that respects itself
    will allow itself to have ties with separatists," the expert said.