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AAA: Assembly, Activists Discuss Community Issues at Annual Picnic

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  • AAA: Assembly, Activists Discuss Community Issues at Annual Picnic

    Armenian Assembly of America
    122 C Street, NW, Suite 350
    Washington, DC 20001
    Phone: 202-393-3434
    Fax: 202-638-4904
    Email: [email protected]

    July 16, 2004
    CONTACT: Christine Kojoian
    E-mail: [email protected]

    Detroit Area Event Welcomes More Than 100 Supporters

    Farmington Hills, MI - The Armenian Assembly's annual summer picnic in
    Michigan July 11 brought together more than 100 area supporters, eager to
    address the critical issues facing the community through increasing their
    political activism at state and federal levels.

    Assembly Congressional Relations Director Rob Mosher, in a Washington
    update, addressed several pending issues including the recent vote by the
    House Appropriations Committee to reinstate U.S. policy to maintain security
    parity between Armenia and Azerbaijan. Mosher said activists were
    particularly pleased to learn that legislators agreed to allocate $5 million
    in military financing to both countries, thereby breaking from the Bush
    Administration request to seek a $6 million increase for Baku over Yerevan.

    Fellow Trustee Edgar Hagopian, who as Regional Director of the Great Lakes
    Council helped organize the event in Farmington Hills, added that
    Congressman Joe Knollenberg (R-MI) was instrumental in reinstating balance
    which is fundamental to the Nagorno Karabakh peace process.

    Mosher also discussed a crucial trade bill that would strengthen the
    U.S.-Armenia trade relationship. Known as "permanent normal trade
    relations" (PNTR), the legislation would remove a provision governing
    Armenia's continued access to low tariffs. Some activists inquired about
    the additional benefits attached to PNTR status. Mosher said that the bill,
    if enacted, would signal an upgrade to Armenia's status as a trading partner
    and could open the door to additional bilateral trade agreements.

    Event participants also embraced the recent decision by Congressmen
    Knollenberg and Frank Pallone Jr., (D-NJ), as Co-Chairs of the Congressional
    Caucus on Armenian Issues, to head a series of pan-Armenian events to
    commemorate the 90th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide next year in
    Washington. The Assembly, Mosher said, has already pledged its full
    cooperation and is welcoming the opportunity to join with the
    Armenian-American community to honor this occasion.

    Hagopian closed the event by thanking supporters for their participation and
    interest in the Assembly and commended fellow Council members, including
    Board of Directors Member and Associate Trustee Daniel Ajamian, Fellow
    Trustees Bob and Margaret Benian, Affiliate Member Paul Kulhanjian,
    Affiliate Member Shirley Sarkissian, Fellow Trustees Bob and Madeline
    Thomasian and Affiliate Member David Terzibashian for contributing to the
    success of the yearly picnic.

    The Armenian Assembly of America is the largest Washington-based nationwide
    organization promoting public understanding and awareness of Armenian
    issues. It is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt membership organization.

    Photographs available on the Assembly's Web site at the following link:

    Caption: Left to Right: Armenian Assembly Great Lakes Regional Council
    Members Bob and Madeline Thomasian, David Terzibashian, Shirley Sarkissian,
    Edgar Hagopian and Paul Kulhanjian during the annual picnic at Heritage
    Park. Not pictured: Daniel Ajamian and Bob and Margaret Benian.

    Caption: More than 100 Detroit-area supporters attended a briefing by
    Armenian Assembly Congressional Relations Director Rob Mosher at Heritage
    Park on July 11.