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Armenia's Speaker Hopes For Dialogue With Opposition by Late Summer

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  • Armenia's Speaker Hopes For Dialogue With Opposition by Late Summer


    Aravot, Yerevan
    14 Jul 04

    Armenian parliament chairman Artur Bagdasaryan has said the
    authorities should resume dialogue with the opposition by the end of
    the summer. He said that every effort would be made to persuade the
    opposition deputies to end their boycott of parliament. Asked about
    problems in the governing coalition, Bagdasaryan said that a split
    could not be ruled out, although there were no serious disagreements
    at present. The following is the text of Margarit Yesayan's report in
    Armenian newspaper Aravot on 14 July headlined "Coalition split not
    ruled out"; subheadings inserted editorially:

    An interview with the chairman of the National Assembly, Artur

    Dialogue with opposition

    (Aravot correspondent) How do you assess the domestic political
    situation in Armenia? Do you think the current stage of relations
    between the opposition and authorities is normal?

    (Artur Bagdasaryan) I think that the domestic political situation is
    calm. We shall restart dialogue with the opposition by the end of the
    summer. There have already been conversations with several opposition
    figures. We should work together to try to ensure that all 131
    deputies play a full part in the National Assembly's legislative work
    from September. Of course, there will be people who will not want to
    return to this work, but we shall try do everything possible for their
    return. The policy of declaring war is unacceptable. We should find
    mutually acceptable solutions. Even world wars end by means of
    dialogue. The conflict between the opposition and authorities should
    also end by means of dialogue. I should say that the people are not
    inspired by this boycott. During my travels in the regions people
    demand that all the deputies of the National Assembly should work. The
    leaders of the opposition should accept and understand that parliament
    is a place for making laws and they can greatly help this structure to
    work properly. I want to ask them, would an election code adopted
    without the opposition really be better than one passed with its
    involvement? I am someone who is sure that the participation of the
    opposition in legislative work will promote the passing of better

    (Correspondent) There are rumours that by the end of August or at the
    beginning of September radical changes will take place in the
    government. Do you think it possible?

    (Bagdasaryan) We should accept the reality that nobody will remain in
    his post forever and staff changes are always possible, stemming from
    the situation in one sphere or another. Such rumours are often
    artificial, they are directed against individual officials and I do
    not think it is right.

    OSCE criticism does not mean end of European integration

    (Correspondent) The president of the republic backed the statement of
    other CIS presidents on the activity of the OSCE, which was assessed
    as a demarche against Europe. As for you, you say everywhere that all
    roads lead to Europe. What has brought about this contradiction?

    (Bagdasaryan) There is no contradiction. Armenia has adopted the path
    of European integration. Certainly there are numerous obstacles and
    difficulties on this path. And we should overcome this. As for the
    statement you mentioned, the point is not about Armenia's cooperation
    with the OSCE. The point is about some disagreements on some
    problems. Naturally, every country should submit its own viewpoint,
    because we are a nation, we have statehood, we are an independent
    state and we should be able to express our positions strictly on
    existing problems.

    (Correspondent) The president's audit service is going to supervise
    the entrance exams to higher education institutions, as it did the
    final exams for top students. Is the Audit Chamber of the National
    Assembly not going to come forward with the same initiative?

    (Bagdasaryan) The Law-Governed Country Party (Orinats Yerkir) will do
    everything possible to end the "entrance exam" concept in Armenia. We
    need just a year to achieve this. We have said and continue to say
    that we need to get rid of the state order system in our higher
    education institutions. Only clever children should study for free and
    not the children of rich or influential people. The fuss surrounding
    entrance exams is the result of two factors - the state order and
    military service. In September-October we shall adopt a law "On
    university and post-university education" which will get rid of the
    state order concept.

    Coalition split cannot be ruled out

    (Correspondent) Is it possible that some problems will merge and cause
    a split in the coalition?

    (Bagdasaryan) The rumours about a coalition split are exaggerated, but
    it cannot be ruled out, if there are strict disagreements of principle
    for the parties. Nobody is stuck to his post. At present there are no
    serious disagreements. There are serious problems, serious
    displeasure, but all of them may be overcome and today we have been
    able to overcome them by means of discussions.